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Tiger troubles no more !!

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right then ...

Noticed on way to Ireland it wasn't charging fully, but operating fine.

Monday i conked out, bump started fine. Put it down to me running battery down and having no idea how old the battery is I replaced it.

Installed it at me mates gaff, stuck it on his wee trickle charger overnight, to be sure.

Anyhoo, i gets 17 odd mile and conk out, on the M2 at about 70mph too ... manage to freewheel down a slip road, thru some lights and into a Firestation....

Sooooo... Not charging?

I get recovered home. Oh joy. 21 hours of joy to be precise..

Anyways, i am tinkering in the garage, put me hand in to disconnect the RR and manage to break a fuelhose clip. Petrol pissing everywhere.

that aside, it needs replacing. So I pulls new battery out, and hello, thinks I, this is a bit light??

Boiled dry. FFS!!!

So ... evidence is still pointing at the RR ....

Other opinions gratefully received, even if you only wanna point and laugh ... I can take it :cry:

* Points and laughs *

I think it's the lunar cycle causing it mate.


Is that like a light cycle :? ( think Tron ),,,

I know going back to the year dot with Triumph, there used to be two wires you could swop round, that put the battery onto a higher charge rate while riding,, but this was on the old 6volt system,, don't even know if this option exists on modern day bikes, but I know after prolonged use it used to cook a battery the way you describe,


Shoulda stuck with the honda :mrgreen:

I have no idea tbh, so, im just going to shamefully point and laugh, then go and cry in my own corner at the fact my bike is still at the dealers :lol:

Now ima leave the building...

P.s. hope its nothing too serious :wink:


Ahh see... what you want it good old trusty italian electrics like in my Aprilia... none of this british rubbish :up:

Ahh see... what you want it good old trusty italian electrics like in my Aprilia... none of this british rubbish :up:


OOoops Sorry,,, Trusty,, I thought you said Rusty :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


sounds like the reg/rec is buggered to me too dan

over charging and boiling the battery dry!!


cheers Stu.

Got a new reg/rec ordered. and a new battery. and a new air filter and oilfilter whilst I'm at it.

sounds like the reg/rec is buggered to me too dan

over charging and boiling the battery dry!!


:stupid: i had this with my zzr600 it cook the battery and the fuel pump was cook along with it :evil:


Growl .... Purr....

She lives !!!

Needed a new rectifier/regulator AND a new stator. Getting a nice 13.8v across the terminals now!

Now... do i move the reg to somewhere cooler ...

Growl .... Purr....

Now... do i move the reg to somewhere cooler ...


what like onto a diferent bike :mrgreen:


PMSL :lol:

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