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howdy all......i am a very new bike owner...picked up a honda h100s 1986 for 50 quid.....she started and rode beautifully for six months....now playing silly buggers! i think the problem is the carb - she is overevving and wont throttle down - had the carb off and....the pin that holds the float mechanism had come adrift from its mountings.....so i tried to reassemble and put the carb back on - bike started but then fuel is flowing out of the carb drain......slider seems fine and put in the right way round! i am running out of patience! would it be better to just buy a new carb? anyone any idea where i can get one from?

as i say i am new to all this and my mechanical sense is limited! any advice gratefully recieved!!


sounds like you havent put all the parts back in the correct way round or reset float levels get hold of a haynes manual for the bike or a cheap 2nd hand carb,but even that would need stripping and cleaning before using


Defo a float problem. Sounds like they are sticking or that pin has gone adrift again.

Nice offer above though.


alan has carb stripped and cleaned - problem could be float bowl valve......more to follow when he has removed bowl and investigated further..!! good luck pal!!


Yep, stripped carb this morning, removed all jets and blew them through with carb cleaner. All except the float valve which is held in place by the float bowl pivot, which is held in by what may be two blobs of superglue!!! As you can see from the piccy, some cack handed soul has broken the tops off the pillars. I will attempt to remove it , but I ain't promising that it will go back OK. I blew carb cleaner from the fuel inlet into the float chamber via the float valve and it didn'y seem to make much difference with the float up or down, so I suspect that's where the problem is. Especially as Tim said that he had seen a lot of fuel coming out of the overflow!


Float bowl was a bit grubby, so I gave that a scrub!






As the flote pillers tops seem broken it would look from the photo to be clear on both sides of the pillers, you could make up two stainless hoops and pin/screw one side to the pillers to secure the flote pin in place,

just a thought, I would not glue them again.



Fairly sure that the pivot pin is also trapped by the float bowl going back on mate. I removed the brass pin, floats and float valve and found nothing wrong with the valve seat, the valve or the floats. I did however find that the tang for adjusting the float level was flat with the float bracket and was not closing the valve against the tiny, internal spring inside the valve. I bent the tang quite a bit and then attempted a rebuild. The brass pin would not stay in place, so I will try to make something to hold it until the float bowl is replaced. Fairly sure that the valve is closing and sealing now as when I hold the pivot pin in place, the floats are above their previous position! :mrgreen:


If you look at the float bracket on the right of the picture, the tang is flat with the bracket. I bent it down to ensure that the valve will shut. May need further adjustment for float height though.

Nice job so far Alan......good of you to help the OP out as well..... :cheers:


wait until he reveals his hourly rate :lol:


Oh yes Tiggie, forgot to mention that! Cheers Bob, he sounded at his wits end and sometimes another pair of eyes helps. Been a busy day , doing carb, parcelling up a Blade wheel for sale and trying to bolt down and level the lathe!!! :mrgreen:

Oh yes Tiggie, forgot to mention that! Cheers Bob, he sounded at his wits end and sometimes another pair of eyes helps. Been a busy day , doing carb, parcelling up a Blade wheel for sale and trying to bolt down and level the lathe!!! :mrgreen:

Hard work being retired then Alan.... :lol: :lol:


Never stop mate. Takes a while to unseize my old bones in the morning and then it's all action !!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


looking good Alan..! if any of you fellas are bored I would love to know exactly how the thing works....I have had the "Hog" for about 12 months - picked it up for 50 quid...a right bargain....my first ever bike! the wife is sick of the site of the haynes manual!!! btw - how can i upload photos into this message...i could show you the "fifty quid Hog" in all her glory..!!!


scroll down when you post a reply below the box you type in there is an attachment section so you can add pics :wink:


hope this works......The Hog...!!



£50 for 6 months riding is a bargain. I paid £75 for 10 months driving once. There wasn't enough fibreglass in the world to hold the boot off the ground :P


"C" reg...1986...i think!

the photo makes her look a bit better than she is...gonna have a real go this summer at various bits and bobs......bought off a bloke in a boozer who was leaving the area....paid 50 notes unseen....couldn't beleive condition when I went to pick her up.......now, the bad bits.....can you get wheels rechromed? or have to buy new? the "ring" (?) that holds the two bits of the exhaust together seems to "leak"...? the ignition barrel spins round when key turned - does it need replaced? bit of rust on front mudguard....again, need replaced? Headlamp is broken where it meets the bracket? as I said, I have very little mechanical knowledge and am just starting out.....any advice / help / encouragement gratefully recieved...! Oh, btw, the bloke threw in a helmet as well and then bought me a pint when I handed the 50 notes over........deal of the century!!! cheers all



Having spent time and money repainting a cg 125 fuel tank think it was '84. I really wouldn't worry about the rust on the chrome. Just make sure the forks are kept clean. You'll be kicking yourself wasting money on how it looks when the piston rings go and they will.

Duct tape the headlamp and make sure the aim is below your crotch.

Super glue the ignition barrel.

You have checked the engine and frame number match the v5. The pub storey is starting to sound suspect :P


all numbers / documents match - i knew the bloke, he ain't the robbing type! he just got sick of it and wanted rid asap.....he was gonna give it away before I made the offer!


Carb posted this morning Tim. Float height may be a bit low at first. If it is , just bend tang at float pivot slightly towards the flat position to give you a higher float level. :mrgreen:

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