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hey, i'm a newbie to biking, not even done my CBT yet! lol

what i wanna know is what are the best makes for clothing? build quality, comfort, protection, price etc

i need a helmet, and leathers/textiles (prefer leathers but is it true leathers r not waterproof? how wet do u get?) do i need gloves and boots? or anyother extra protective gear? like a back support?

i'm prob gunna be getting a 400cc-600cc sports cruiser. mayb a honda cbr 600.

hope ur feedback will help me choose the right clothing!


Leathers do leak , a lot. The other problem is that they also get a bit ruined if they get wet lots, and the stitching falls apart.

Until recently, I always swore by leathers, and a one piece waterproof, works well, keeps you safe and dry, but since I recently re-kitted with armoured, breathable textiles, Id say they are the future. I prefer em to leather, and you no longer need to carry waterproofs.

As for gloves, get leather/kevlar/carbon. Buy good ones, and helmets, Id say buy the best you can afford. Make sure its got the highest spec test/sticker on it, dont pay extra for pretty colours, pay extra for safety.


rollasuki summed it up quite well!! when shopping for this sort of thing, get the best you can afford, its wise not to try and save some money on a lower spec item! check the specs and get the best


Make sure the helmet fits properly. Different manufacturers/models have different shape fits, so they won't all feel the same.

If you don't know how it should fit then go to a shop where they can check it fits correctly.

A badly fitting helmet is pretty useless.

Good quality does not have to mean expensive....you will pay a premium price for some big names that are not neccessarily better than cheaper brands - this applies to all motorcycle gear, not just helmets.


as has been said get the best kit you can afford, but not at the cost of fit. Fit is far more important imo, a jacket/trousers with armor is useless if the armor spins on your arms in an accident, a top of the range lid is a waste of cash if you can wobble your head around inside or it has pressure points on your head.

Don't forget a back protector too, I broke my back wearing Arlen Ness top of the range leathers last year because I didn't have back protection, top of the range is good but you still need to cover all the bases.

I use a Forcefield back protector now and its awesome, and unlike some you can buy its re-usable if you happen to have an off!


Where Helmets are concerned you can save money without compromising on safety by not getting the newest model but buying the outgoing one,and thus buying a better make.


thanks for ur replys! i'll def be gettin a forcefield back protector! with the leathers or textiles... i prefer the look of leathers and it seems all the young kids on 50cc or 125cc bikes hav textiles! is there no way to stop leathers from leaking? can u coat them in stuff? or is it from the seams?

also what names are good for helmets and leathers etc based on price and quality! as i could pick up a crap brand helmet and think its good as i hav no idea!!


You could get leathers and then get an over suit, thats what I do, works for me but is a pain to have to carry them when on a long ride for just in case it rains.

Arai, Shoei, AGV etc are all good manufacturers.

Don't be fooled by thinking a lid coz its expensive is the best you can get tho. A way of saving money is get either last years paint schemes or go for a plain black/white lid as they are always cheaper than the same lid with the latest race rep paint.

If you look at an Arai for example, you can feel its quality then if you pick up a cheap lid like a Nitro (I have both; Arai for me GSX-R and Nitro for off road) you can instantly tell its sub-standard compared to the Arai. On the road you can't really go wrong by using the same lids the racers use on track. They fall off regularly at very fast speeds and wouldnt wear anything that wasn't up for the task!


I did that, got a plain red arai quantum. Cheaper than the race reps, and doesnt go out of style. A good point made is to make sure the gear fits well.

Helmets are a no brainer(get it), but clothing also is important. I initially bought Akito desert gear, and found the armour could easily slide round on me, so swapped it for FT kit which had straps to tighten the legs and arms to help locate the armour.

Im a funny shape, quite long arms and short legs, so maybe Thats why, but make sure the gear fits/suits you.


Might be repeating what others have said, but I love talking about Bike Clothing!!! :D

Helmet.... Make sure it fits. Should not wobble, should not move on your head at all. If you do the strap up and you can move it up and down, or side to side, then its wrong for you. Go to a place that wants to fit one for you, and not just sell you one.

Leathers or textiles.... I have leathers with waterproof over suit. The leathers are Alpinestars. Expensive, but seriously comfy!! Textiles are good as well though. I am treating myself to full waterproof textiles in the next few months. I have been recommended a few here viewtopic.php?t=14277 which I am looking into.

Back Protector.... Again important. I am buying a Knox one probably tomorrow which also has a chest protector. Make sure it's CE approved and ideally CE Level 2 approved which is better. Again, like the helmet it should fit very well. Knox, Alpinestar, Forcefield are all good makes!!

Gloves.... Again I have Alpinestars. Spent a lot of money on these. Worth it though. You do a lot with your hands and they take a beating. Loads of good ones besides Alpinestars though. Make sure they have good protection. In an off they are normally the first thing to start sliding down the road as you automatically put your hands down first.

Boots.... I have Oxtars (Now known as TCS). They only make footwear, so in my eyes know their stuff. Sidi's, Alpinestar's, and loads of other makes are good as well though. Again protection is important. If you don't get your leg out from under the bike before it falls you want your ankles and feet protected.

The tiny things you don't think about....

Helmet visor. You might want to have a darkened visor as well as the clear one you will normally get with the helmet. Also a Pinlock which stops your visor steaming up..... They come with a protective film on them you have to peel off you know!! :D

Balaclava. I have a summer one that soaks up sweat so my helmet does not stink and a winter one that does the same thing while at the same time protecting my neck from wind blast.

Under clothing. Some people wear these under their leathers. Personally I find my leathers so comfy I don't need them, but other people like them.

Ear plugs. They are important. Get some mate!! :lol: :lol:


Oh yeah

Forgot about that.

I used to take the pee out of Bulli for wearing running tights under his leathers(to be fair his ample-ness was his downfall lol) but after I tried it Id never go back to undies or commando under leathers.

I bought lycra running tights, I put em on, and admired my sleek black legs, then I put my gear on and went for a ride.

After the slight perverted fantasies had faded.... I realised they allowed you to move fully in your bike gear, they feel nice, sweat doesnt stick your leathers to your legs, and you dont try to tear out your linings when you take your gear off after a sweaty ride.

You can also wash em and keep your bike gear smelling fresh!!


Oh yeah

Forgot about that.

I used to take the pee out of Bulli for wearing running tights under his leathers(to be fair his ample-ness was his downfall lol) but after I tried it Id never go back to undies or commando under leathers.

I bought lycra running tights, I put em on, and admired my sleek black legs, then I put my gear on and went for a ride.

After the slight perverted fantasies had faded.... I realised they allowed you to move fully in your bike gear, they feel nice, sweat doesnt stick your leathers to your legs, and you dont try to tear out your linings when you take your gear off after a sweaty ride.

You can also wash em and keep your bike gear smelling fresh!!



There are so many disturbing comments in there I don't even know where to start!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Well remembered on the ear plugs.....

I really wish I'd taken more care of my hearing whilst on bikes earlier!

Am sure I've done permanent damage to my hearing from not wearing them when I was younger, wont go out on the road without them now!

  • 2 weeks later...

Yes lid needs to fit, it took me quite a while to find one but just got myself an Arai chaser in silver camo.

Very comfy and practical too.

Hein Gericke and infinity have them with 50 quid off at the mo too.

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