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I know this is a bike forum but i imagine (hope) some of you know a bit about cars

Car has been running fine then got in the other day set off to work and front is vibrating and it isnt pulling thru the GEARS at all. Significant downturn in performance. Have to keep it down 1 gear than usual to keep speed up. I made a vid to try and show the noises the car is making. Im hoping its something simple that can easily be pointed out by some1 with some know how. Anyway have a look, any help would be awesome.


ps. sorry for crappy commentary haha

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overhead cam im trying to remember if the vw uses hydraulic tappets and a rocker arm that can break and this will result in a valve staying closed ..

that is nothing to do with exhaust

its either that or possibly dropped a valve or bent one in my opinion but it is hard to tell from a video

take rocker cover off and have a visual check ( the part where the oil cap is in) too see if all rocker arms look in order and then run it to see if it is all moving the same ..

to check see if its a dodgy plug/lead/cylinder with the engine running if you feel confident enough remove one plug lead at a time and see if there is any difference BUT beware it is possible to receive a shock from the leads (very high voltage but low amperage that just pulses you but beware of the pull back reaction ....) so if you got a good pair of insulated rubber gloves lol

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overhead cam im trying to remember if the vw uses hydraulic tappets and a rocker arm that can break and this will result in a valve staying closed ..

that is nothing to do with exhaust

its either that or possibly dropped a valve or bent one in my opinion but it is hard to tell from a video

take rocker cover off and have a visual check ( the part where the oil cap is in) too see if all rocker arms look in order and then run it to see if it is all moving the same ..

to check see if its a dodgy plug/lead/cylinder with the engine running if you feel confident enough remove one plug lead at a time and see if there is any difference BUT beware it is possible to receive a shock from the leads (very high voltage but low amperage that just pulses you but beware of the pull back reaction ....) so if you got a good pair of insulated rubber gloves lol


if i take the rocker cover off isnt that a 1 trick horse then it needs replacing or oil goes everywhere? or am i safe to take it off then just reattach?

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overhead cam im trying to remember if the vw uses hydraulic tappets and a rocker arm that can break and this will result in a valve staying closed ..

that is nothing to do with exhaust

its either that or possibly dropped a valve or bent one in my opinion but it is hard to tell from a video

take rocker cover off and have a visual check ( the part where the oil cap is in) too see if all rocker arms look in order and then run it to see if it is all moving the same ..

to check see if its a dodgy plug/lead/cylinder with the engine running if you feel confident enough remove one plug lead at a time and see if there is any difference BUT beware it is possible to receive a shock from the leads (very high voltage but low amperage that just pulses you but beware of the pull back reaction ....) so if you got a good pair of insulated rubber gloves lol


if i take the rocker cover off isnt that a 1 trick horse then it needs replacing or oil goes everywhere? or am i safe to take it off then just reattach?


there is a rocker cover gasket ( normally either a cork based one or a rubber based one ) its a bit hit and miss to say if it will not leak after removal 90% of time you can get away with ot but there is always that chance .....

when you take it off & run engine yes you will get a smallish amount of spray of oil but its a case of neccessity sometimes

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replaced all sprockets sounds better. one cylcinder was missing. replace all as god knows how long they bin there for. sounds good now but driving still runs as 3ish and tries to jerk to 4;s power but never does it. maybe the timings off. distributer cap off, play witht he rocker arm to get the timing rite? any1 know where i can get a service manual for free online?

ps.tell me if im talking crap. or some1 who knows how to alter the timing enlighten me :D

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I'm bit confused about replacing the sprokets ,but follow this. Take each lead off each spark plug in turn. Listening to the video i think you are definately only sparking on 3 cylinders. So you will be able to tell the bad cylinder by the change in noise. Don't worry about electricuting yourself as long as you hold the rubber. what will probably happen is that when you take the plug off the cylinder that is not working you wont here a different sound (it ain't working anyhow). Once you know where the problem is you can start chasing the problem back. 1st replace the plug or try one you know is working then chage leads etc, then change the HT lead. You have not specifide a year so I'm assuming electroinc ignition. If it gets back to the electronic ignition I think you will need proffesional advice unless you can give me some diagnostic codes.

On 3 cylidersI'd go for plugs, leads or timing after that take it to a garage ( don't go VW though0 ....too expensive

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nelly you couldnt be more rite. mate had a look and said its 'missing' straight away. so i let it run taking one out at a time, yup no change in sound when i took one out. changed that plug there was an improvement, more like it was trying to ge to 4 cylinders but still fallling short. anyway that was last night. ive got a sneaky suspicion its the timing, ill try the lead b4 i mess with that. replaced all the plugs as well. god knows how long they were in there!

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nelly you couldnt be more rite. mate had a look and said its 'missing' straight away. so i let it run taking one out at a time, yup no change in sound when i took one out. changed that plug there was an improvement, more like it was trying to ge to 4 cylinders but still fallling short. anyway that was last night. ive got a sneaky suspicion its the timing, ill try the lead b4 i mess with that. replaced all the plugs as well. god knows how long they were in there!

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