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How to keep my visor safe?

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Hi all,

I'm a relatively new rider - a month or so on the road - and I'm riding a (ex-)shiny CBF125 2009.

My problem is, I can never see ANYTHING during bad weather - last night I was out riding with my mate when it started hammering it down. With my visor up rain was lashing into my eyes and I couldn't see a thing, but with my visor down, the rain splayed all over my visor and distorted my vision so I could barely see other traffic, nevermind corners, pathments or pedestrians. I ended up variating between the two to give my eyes a rest every once in a while, which resulted in me skidding across the tarmac on my left side when I hit a large metal grid that I couldn't even see. Luckily I was wearing full gear, so I came out with just a bump on the shoulder and a smashed fairing on my bike.

I'm using a £115 KBC helmet, and I've already bought some water-repellent spray for £9.99 which I must say is totally sodding useless!

Are there any tips for how to prevent this from happening again, or any products I can buy to make the unpredictable english weather more bearable? My poor bike, and my bruised shoulder will thank you!


EDIT: And on a related note, anyone know anywhere I can get a new fairing online? My local Honda dealer can probably get me one, but to be honest, he's a right tight-fisted sod. Charged my mate nearly £50 for a drive-belt (for his scooter) which he could have got for £15 online. I can't really see anywhere online that does spares for the CBF125 :(


Hi mate

Welcome to the forum. Drop into newbies and introduce yourself. :D

Unfortunately the rain on a visor is a big problem. Most people find if they turn their head to one side all the rain gets blown off that way, then turn your head the other way for the same result on the other side. You have to do it constantly, but it's possible to see..


Make sure your visor is as clean as possible before leaving for the ride. The more crap and dead flies on there the more the rain will stick around.

I'm using this stuff on a Caberg V2R.


Don't even need to turn my head :)

Paid a tenner for mine tho :evil: never thought of checking amazon.

i use pledge, and tilt my head slightly, passing air moves the water.. try focusing on something else rather than the droplets, something in the distance..

if its too bad then a quick wipe with a gloved hand works, but not too often,


im with frankie, i use pledge too and it works for a while but you still have to turn your head from side to side to get the worst of the water off.


I have read that using furniture cleaner can cause the plastic to go more brittle over time, making it potentially dangerous in an accident.

Do you guys change your visors every year, or have you noticed any side effects?

I have read that using furniture cleaner can cause the plastic to go more brittle over time, making it potentially dangerous in an accident.

Do you guys change your visors every year, or have you noticed any side effects?

i don't pledge after every ride. most of the time its a wet papertowel to get the flies off.. have better things to do than sit polishing my helmet...


My brother has just had to replace every fairing on his CBR, he found ebay the best place.

As for the rain I use the head tilt method, however might try pledge after reading this thread :cheers:


Hi all,

Wow, so many replies! Tilting my head works to a measure, and does seem to be the most effective method so far... as for water-repellent spray, this spray I have here seems to do absoloutely nothing except empty my bank account @ £10 a bottle for 30 sprays!

I'll have to give pledge a try, I think. I wear a pair of Weise light-weight gloves anyway (I really dislike bulky winter gloves, hate not being able to feel my controls), so wiping my gloves across my visor is useless anyway :P

As for the fairings, yeah I've tried pretty much everywhere - including eBay - but most sites don't even list the CBF125 :/ looks like I'll have to price some up from the Honda dealer.

Thanks for all the hints and tips guys :) nice to find such a helpful community!



When riding in the rain, I lift up my visor a bit so it doesn't fog up much.

My visor totally fogged up in the heavy rain once, and an on coming car's lights totally blinded me couldn't see a thing :shock: One of the scariest thing's that's happened to me

Guest akey

I use a couple of things (depending what I have around)

Hein Gericke do a visor spray which is very good, same sort of thing already mentioned.

The other alternative is any good car or bike wax (muc off miracle shine, auto glym etc), they work in the same way - make the water bead off. So if anyone around you has some good car polish use that on your visor I use auto glym when I dont have the visor stuff and its very good.

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