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Just like JoshRS i failed on the uturn too.. although this examiner was grumpy and if was an other examiner i woulda passed...

... uturn:

checked both sides.. started to pull away did u turn, thought great.

go back in to the room after and he said i moved to far forward and shoulda done another life saver :(

Other than that was perfect :( gutted and now i gotta scrape cash togather to try again.. now i am gonna miss thing next month

oh well beter luck next time..

A very angry Josh



Sorry to hear that Josh, bit of a bummer to be sure :(

Mind you it's not all bad - atleast you got the hardest part spot on which was the control of the bike itself and didn't put a foot down! I'm sure you'll nail it next time fella, and when you do it'll be all the more sweeter (I failed my first test on the u-turn as well :wink: ). There'll always be more meets that you can go along to so don't worry about it.

Sorry to hear that Josh, bit of a bummer to be sure :(

Mind you it's not all bad - atleast you got the hardest part spot on which was the control of the bike itself and didn't put a foot down! I'm sure you'll nail it next time fella, and when you do it'll be all the more sweeter (I failed my first test on the u-turn as well :wink: ). There'll always be more meets that you can go along to so don't worry about it.


cheers mate, it was the ride home that was the killer

just couldnt conentrate..

and that wasnt a tear in my eye, it was a fly :roll:




I know the feeling. I had a bit of a w**ker of an instructor. The other lad passed when I failed and the instructor thought it'd help somehow by taking the piss, until I told him he was being rude and if he spoke to all his students like that he wouldn't be in business much longer!

Anyway, it's a killer and peed me off for a day or so. When I failed mine I 'got over it' by realising that I got to ride a bike again soon and do some more training (because I couldn't afford my own bike at the time)!!

One day it'll just be in the past and you'll think "that examiner was a bit of a tit, but I've passed now so it doesn't matter".


yeah .. but its £150 a try now :( thats fookin expensive is you ask me. thats why im p*ssed off soo much. lol

oh well i better passs next time :P im jst not gnna give up :D RWAR!




surely this is with bike hire and stuff? DSA aren't charing £150 for half a test are they?


lol yeah bike hire n all... the test its self is jst a tenner!




I remember being so pissed off about failing my first test that I beat the instructor back by a good 2 mins every time I saw him gaining I overtook some more cars.

Better luck next time!


surely this is with bike hire and stuff? DSA aren't charing £150 for half a test are they?


lol yeah bike hire n all... the test its self is jst a tenner!




Woah! Try borrowing a bike?

Sucks to hear that you had a tw*t of an examiner though. I know it doesn't help, as i too am a young poor person using every single penny i have to pay for petrol, but like its been said you have everything nailed, it just wasn't your day today. There's a reason for everything :) Good luck for next time dude!


Its so disappointing when you think you've done it OK to find out you failed

least you know what to expect next time round, best of luck with it


Sorry to hear that :(

It is very clear as to observations on U-Turns..........

Standstill U-Turn Mirrors, Lifesaver then Turn :D

Rolling U-Turn Mirrors, Lifesaver move forward then Mirrors another Lifesaver then Turn :D

Were you clear as to what the Examiner needs to see?

Like all Excersises on Module 1, you need to Imagine you are on the road, so simple things like moving from a standstill need effective observations, even on the site :D

£150 sounds expensive for a Re-Take Module 1? £140 for Bike Hire and Instructor? Is that a full day?

Sorry to hear that :(

It is very clear as to observations on U-Turns..........

Standstill U-Turn Mirrors, Lifesaver then Turn :D

Rolling U-Turn Mirrors, Lifesaver move forward then Mirrors another Lifesaver then Turn :D

Were you clear as to what the Examiner needs to see?

Like all Excersises on Module 1, you need to Imagine you are on the road, so simple things like moving from a standstill need effective observations, even on the site :D

£150 sounds expensive for a Re-Take Module 1? £140 for Bike Hire and Instructor? Is that a full day?


i even asked my instructor this mornin about it :( and i just forgot .. sucks man!

He said treat it as if its a public road , on my public road i was on a 2mile straight no car in sight, no turnings at all and i was in the middle.. there was no chance what so ever of a car coming :P lol..

my own fault and im pretty angry at myself but oh well one of those things.

yes its a full day.. practise, etc in the morning.. then ride up test and back ( ieven had to pay petrol lmao! )




You had to pay for fuel! Where you training with Motag as they do that!

I heard that was somthing only they did, they where also angry with me on my CBT.

I changed to a less comersial school and found it to be much better.



yes it is motag... but tbh £3 for 2 days im not complaining.. but the instructor i have couldnt be better.

ive learnt soo much over the last 2days, shame i failed :( (( my instrcutor has onl had 3failures since october, thats the old test and Mod2 lol.. mod1 dont count here))

iwont be movin schools thast for sure :)



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