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Holey Exhaust, Batman!

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Guest Mr Miller

Bügger, bügger, bügger!

I have developed two small holes in my right hand side exhaust – where the two-into-one steel section joins the single pipe that heads towards the silencer!

As you may be aware, there is a little meet up this Sunday (the day after tomorrow!) and I intend to do the 100 miles each-way, as it’s for a damn good cause – I really don’t fancy doing all that journey with her sounding like she does now!

I’m hoping that the temperature will be low enough at the site of repair that will enable me to.......errmmmm.......*ahem*.........’borrow’ some of ‘our’ epoxy metal repair compound and that it’ll last until I get home and have it properly sorted.

As I’m a bit inexperienced in these matters, am I looking at being able to get the holes welded up or will I be looking at a more costly replace-the-section type of repair?

Unfortunately I can’t post a pic as I’m at work and have no camera – it’s a ’92 CB750 for all you techy-types.

Any help.....or pish-taking gratefully received!

Thanks in advance,

Mr. M.


there is a slim!, very slim!, possibility that it can be welded.

but realistically, you're looking at having to buy new parts.

Guest Mr Miller

Thanks for that Rennie!

Don't laugh......but why only a slim chance?


because if it's rotted enough for a hole to appear the whole area

will be rotten inside and you won't be able to find any good

metal to weld to.

This means that if/when you try to weld you will ,in fact,

end up making the hole bigger.

sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you'll be very lucky to get away

with it.

even if it can be welded it won't last long.

new, after market, stainless down pipes aren't really that expensive!

I think I paid about £200 for the blade.


get some metal tape and tape her up for the run,. then get it sorted next week.. (I'll bring some with me just in case..)

Jade Mongooses Bandit has been welded, but to right it needs the collector cutting off and a new piece of stainless welding on, had this done on my old bandit cost £150.. Bandits are known for steel on the collector instead of stainless, mr Suzi cutting costs again...

And everyone on here says Hondas are great compared to Suzi's....

Guest Mr Miller

Do these help any?.........



Can I get this magical Metal Tape from Halfords?

Guest Mr Miller
new, after market, stainless down pipes aren't really that expensive!

I think I paid about £200 for the blade.



The problem area is on the rhs, roughly opposite the side stand - there's a chromed plate that hides the steel bit where the holes are - it stops just about where the foot pegs are, I think you can just about make them out from this pic!

Having a closer look at the position of these holes, I'm unsure as to how I'd get the metal tape to wrap around & cover the holes!


If that was my exhaust and I just wanted to bodge it, then I'd get some rockwool, and some of those metal circlips that you can tighten with a screwdriver, pack it tight over the hole, use a bit of metal to help hold it there, and hold it all together with the clips.

Personally, I think the welding won't work.


Tape isnt going to work because of the undulations in the pipe, some gum gum paste might work, but only short term.. if you can get something to fill the void, and then tape it in place.. might get away with it for mikeys run.. i'll bring some stuff with me, just in case..


so the holes are around the join between the downpipes and the can?

The clip idea might work!

gumgum paste might even work temporarily!

if you've got a good welder, who's prepared to try he may

be able to codge a reasonable repair!

At the end of the day, be it now or in a few months,

it's time to get your wallet out! :lol:

Guest Mr Miller

Hmmmmmmm?...........I like the sound of this - it might be something that I could manage myself!

Where do I get my hands on some rockwool?

I'm sorry I sound like a right twit - but I have no idea about things like this but I am keen to learn how to look after my bike!

Thanks for the suggestion Vood's!


Guest Mr Miller

Who's gonna be first to tell him?...........................


Who's gonna be first to tell him?...........................


sorry rhs, pic shows lhs, easily confused..


motad do a replacement full system for £230.. pricey, but the cheap end of the market for a full system.. and it shouldn't rot in your ownership..

Guest Mr Miller
I have developed two small holes in my right hand side exhaust


The problem area is on the rhs, roughly opposite the side stand....


sorry rhs, pic shows lhs, easily confused..


Saucy bügger, Frankie!!! :wink:

I have it on good authority (a cracking bloke who works with me who used to have one of these machines...and used to be in the White Helmets!) told me that on many occasions our 2 component rapid curing epoxy metal repair compound should be good for a couple of weeks! I can shove it in my pocket for on-the-go repairs too!

That's not a bad price for the full system but I might be hard pressed to justify that expenditure to Mrs. Miller!

Thanks again though guys, for all your help!

Very much appreciated!



Where do I get my hands on some rockwool?


You could try your loft, but don't get it mixed up with fibreglass. Other than that B&Q might have some.


i have some spare exhaust packing but i dont think it will reach you in time :?

Guest Mr Miller

Cheers, Stu!

During my dinner break, I had a bash with our repair compound, I'll see how it fares on the way home...through the rain!

I'll see what pennies I can scrape together after Mikey's Run and see what I can afford in terms of fixing it or buying a new/2nd hand one!

Ah well, these things are sent to try us!

Safe riding, all you bikers-in-the-rain!


Guest Mr Miller
During my dinner break, I had a bash with our repair compound, I'll see how it fares on the way home...through the rain!


If anyone's interested, it fell out somewhere today!

I'll carry on bodging it until I get enough cash to reconsider that Motad jobby!

Thanks again guys!


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