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About fazerboy

  • Birthday 25/03/1969

Personal Information

  • Location
    castleford west yorks

Additional info

  • Interests
    mo bikes/mt biking/fishing/cooking

fazerboy's Achievements



  1. He da man allright
  2. Well got under the seat and cig lighter was in the air box appateur...moved it and low n behold woooosh off it went..so popped over too jordans and put it on the dyno...a healthy 118 bhp and 156 in fith...im happy. Cheers all....
  3. Much tidier than mine
  4. Well funny you should say that....i just disconnected the hardwire for a tomtom rider and removed some wires destined to be used on some heated grips...but ive attatched a cigarette lighter attatchment....would this have affected it?
  5. It happens at all gears at around 5/6000 revs it doesnt go to 7000 and come back down...i actually had it too 100 but I wound on a little bit more and wosh down it came again.ive not had it out much latley...im wounderin if I got a mouse in the airbox or something as ive had the seat off and left it
  6. Cheers....keep em coming please....
  7. enlighten me please mr bear...if fuels starvation,how come at the same revs all the time and not higher or lower or not totally cutting out?cheers
  8. my 1000 has started playing up...grr get to about 80 some times more sometimes less around 5000 6000 revs,its stuttering and sort of cuts out until at a lower speed and then picks up only to do the same thin again..off the france at end of month so need it sorting...any ideas?
  9. Ebay ebay ebay,but try the helmet first then sit in the coffee area and search ebay on the phone then ask em to match it,ive saved hundreds like that,i just got myself an arai condor helmet and a mirrored visor for £120 doing that
  10. I really dont like the intergrated taillight brakes tbh.just for saftey aspect,i like my brakes to be brakes and indicators to be seperate but great bike
  11. No probs if you fancy it just pm me and ill divulge the route and other interesting facts that mite help.
  12. What,the tour around the uk? Well digs were around 200 petrol was the most costly item at around 400 and add on food for two weeks at around 30 inc a few beers i would have sqid about £1000 in2007 maybe now around £1100 but best two weeks ive had on a bike,especially the coast of scotland.
  13. Me? Hmmmm defo scotland and northern france,and maybe northern spain too if funds allow :-)
  14. I do try to be as helpful as possible,and any other questions im most happy to answer
  15. He has a bbandit
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