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  1. I think the thing do do is fit it, if successful take images then it may help someone else
  2. Hi All, A real long shot. But has anybody fitted a GIpro x gear indicator to a K5 Bandit 650. Would really appreciate any images showing the wiring etc, instructions come with it but not very clear as to the location of plugs etc. Just thought I'd ask Toby.
  3. For me Mod 1 was the easiest, you have time to consider every move. This luxury is not afforded to you when out with the rush hour nutters on Mod 2.
  4. Thanks for the Tips.
  5. Just introducing myself to the mysteries of countersteering. Can anyone explain the full process? Can anyone assure me at 50+mph I can knock the handlbar to tighten a turn by increasing lean, but not end up in the hedgerow? toby.
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