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About Rosie

  • Birthday 20/09/1962

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  1. ok in the right place this time - will be at squires from about 5.00 traffic and gusty wind dependant on progress
  2. Will be at Squires on Wednesday evening. Will get there for about 5.30 ish earlier if I can. Will dig out the tin wolf hi Viz as it will be dark on the way home - oh must change visor!!!
  3. Not sure if there is an 'under 21' rule to do advanced training and the test, might be worth checking out? Having said that I could ask at Squires if you want? Not for RoSPA there isn't - well not for training as for being a trainer I think that may be different ?
  4. Fair comment as far as sticking to non urban speed limits goes but, believe me, there's nothing dull about the concentration you need to fettle everything and the bottom line is safety and position, you can use absolutely everything you learn at a slightly quicker pace (If you want to) than when you are being observed or tested. Totally agree. I also agree ( as I know you Colin) that experience does count for a lot. As for me in only my 5th summer riding - boy am I having fun and since undertaking advanced training I can ride my bike to both it's and my limit. Cornering is now smooth and fast, I use my gears wisely. I am far from perfect and also still have errors - I put that down to inexperience, being human, oh and being a hormonal woman lol If you are thinking about it, just try it. You will soon decide if it is not for you. There is stil an element of pipe and slipper brigade with their " I know better than you" attitude. I just take their knowledge and ignore the ego. If more "normal" bikers went into advanced training then they would soon be outnumbered anyway and the image would change. Ok I will shut up now
  5. I agree that any advanced training is good if that is what you want to do. I chose the RoSPA route. It hones your powers of observation and of risk/hazard perception. When I concentrate I can ride really smooth, progressively and well. When I daydream or have too much on my mind like what to cook for tea etc I am crap. I still have a panic attack every time I am near gravel (I just don't freeze and scream like I used to ) I still break out in a cold sweat if I have to move my bike when the engine is not running (or usually I ask some nice bloke to move it for me Kev/Keith) Oh and I still average one wobble and drop per year Other than that I have a great time
  6. was just reading through this thread for the first time - got to this post and have stopped as I totally agree with it. Up to 40/50 mph I piss off other road users by staying at the speed limit. NSL as the road and conditions dictate at that time. If it is dry and empty I will make progress. If it is wet and busy I will make much steadier progress. I ride quickly but defensively. I will slow down if I am unsure and I am not (too) bothered if anyone overtakes me I am also very aware that I have a clean licence and want to hold onto it in that condition. I would be devastated if I lost it. As always - time and place for everything, observation, observation, observation !!!.
  7. I will pop over on the Sat for the day. Mum's birthday on the sunday so as it may be one of her last (the old girl will be 92 bless her ) I really want to be there
  8. going out for a pootle in the morning aiming to get there about ten thirty ~ depending on route lol. Really, you can't miss me - big girl, big bike
  9. Rosie

    bust radiator

    http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Honda-NT650V-NT65 ... 1c1a0d3b5d This company is from Hull and I have used them before.
  10. goes off to google ........................................ Thanks Stu
  11. At the moment in the chilly weather I am having problems with my glasses misting up!! Annoying me no end!! Visor open / visor closed cough arrghhh visor open / visor closed *sigh* arrrghh visor open / visor closed
  12. think I will be back working mondays from next week, will know for deffo after tomorrow. Have fun and don't get black flagged
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