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  1. Depends on the car and the damage, 500 notes for a brand new bumper fitted and sprayed on a modern car isn't excessive. However on a 15 year old car with a pattern or second hand bumper with a cheap blow over that is excessive. Body work thru a proper body shop can be expensive. If the damage is slight chances are the owner will pocket the cash and live with the damage. Best bet is to get your own quotes and pay for repairs if the owner will agree if the price is reasonable for you. Or take the insurance hit as a lesson learnt.
  2. And that makes you no better than twats who drive with no licence
  3. But a dealer should have some form of experience, and the bike should be pdi'd from a dealer, even without the shite quality parts a bike would be dangerous if not put together properly. I do understand type approval, but if it's not assembled to a set standard how can they justify saying it's safe for road use.
  4. I don't see how a self assembly bike can be fit for road use with out professional inspection first. Its the whole reason kit cars and the like have sva tests
  5. Remove caliper, clean pistons with brake cleaner and a stiff toothbrush (possibly wire wool) if they are not too corroded, an check to make sure the pistons move freely. If not it's overhaul time. also make sure the pads are free to move and contact areas (apart from pad face!) have had a touch of copper slip
  6. Also with the gloves give them a while to break in, I weren't too fond of either of my pairs at first but now they just feel natural and like a part of my hand when I'm riding
  7. All sounds fab stuff but tbh you don't have to spend no where near as much on your first gear. I think mine came to about 230 quid, and that's boots, leather biker trousers, jacket, gloves and helmet and after 2 years and 1 minor spill it's still great condition. I was told on my cbt to upgrade to better stuff as you go along, and it seems pretty sound advice. The only thing I've changed is my gloves (because I prefered the look of the new pair) and bought a pair of textile bottoms so I have an option of what to wear and I am quite happy come rain or shine.
  8. Probably not a common modification because most people who are licensed to ride will have a bigger bike and those with a cbt are stuck at 125cc's
  9. Well they're popular with the moped massive round here. That'd put me off straight away! (I have nothing against peds, just against most of the chavvy retarded dangerous morons that own them)
  10. Bit(ok, very....) short notice, there is a custom bike show at the lady of the lake pub, in oulton broad, Suffolk tomorrow (11/09/11) for charity, I am thinking of venturing down for a look, thought I'd spread the word for any other folks that want to make a visit.
  11. I've had a 1998 gs500 for 3 months and 2.5k miles and it's been faultless. All I've done is topped up the oil (twice) and adjusted the chain. Does sound like a pair of maracas tho when warm lol. I'd describe the engine as a bit agricultural but it's a workhorse and certainly does the job. I get about 70mpg and costs peanuts to insure (60 quid a year as my first big bike). I do want more, but I can't complain about mine, it's been great so far.
  12. And no L plates and carry a pillion! When I had no L's tho on a 50cc the police pulled me for 'looking suspicious'
  13. I'm confused on the actual question being asked because you have lessons for DAS you just do it on a 500cc + bike instead of a 125cc? Or do you mean an intensive course? I wouldn't really recommend one as if you fail the mod1 you will lose your test fee for mod 2 and it may be a bit rushed. As for DAS or standard test the test and training is the same. It depends if you are comfortable with riding a 'big bike' as the manual handling and height/weight can cause an issue for some, particularly the vertically challenged.
  14. To be honest you get a sports bike (albeit a 400) at a young age as a first bike you are asking to be bent over and have your pants pulled down with insurance. Same goes for cars as well, you want the look/performance/kudos you pay the price. Only you can decide if it's worth it.
  15. Try passion automotive they do a plastic polish that removes scratches etc called xerapol that I have heard it is ace, I intend to get some to sort my ford puma headlights out, although it does take some effort apparently
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