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Guest mrk123

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My instructor will go mad if he finds out I am asking on here. But just a quick recap (I have read a lot of pages in the MOD2 experience) and as well as paid plenty of attention on the training.

MOD 2 is coming up soon and I know it will all come to me on the day, just the fact that ANYTHING can happen on the day can't it, but best we can do is prepare for the worst and keep tuned into the road.

Main things I am particularly making sure I don't slip up on are:

Left and right shoulder checks before changes in the road

Left and right shoulder checks before setting off anywhere

indicators off once turned

mirror/signal/maneuvers correctly

Correct speeds in the various zones

Following instructions correctly ('follow signs for ***')

Hesitation (or the lack of it)

Few more buried deep in my sub-conscious.

Can anyone else suggest more to this list?

Just quick bullet points to watch out for.

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The following road signs and instructions don't worry too much about... If you miss the turning or take the wrong exit on a roundabout, just continue either around fully if safe to do, or until the the junction your in the lane to come off. Same with following road signs, continue on, until either safe to turn around/another sign or until the examiner says stop. I missed my junction off the roundabout and followed through to the junction off that the lane I was in allowed and passed fine :)

The most important things are the life savers and mirrors.

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don't panic. try to relax. have a good time! the chap speaking to you is your mate telling you where to go. Ride smoothly (speed comes in time) don't rush things. you won't fail for hesitation - it's a minor, so if you're not feeling the gap in the traffic, don't feel pressured to taking it.

if you're changing lanes, merging lanes, or in any situation which could put you in contention with other traffic, life saver. don't fall out of the habit of this once you pass - it's saved my skin a couple of times.

best of luck

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Just think 'lifesavers ' when changing road position, executing a manoeuvre.

More than one press to cancel indicators.

New road, new speed.

I set my mirrors so I had a good head movement.

When approaching lights, how long have they been on green?

I was talking to myself all the way round, must have sounded a right Looney but I think it helped, what did help was that the test centre was right next to the training school I used so the instructors knew all the routes. I cycled then and viewed all the routes on Google maps.

Good luck.

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Treat the instructions via the radio as satnav directions. If you miss the instruction just carry on safely and within the rules of the road. You won't be failed if you ride correctly but miss a specific junction. I took a wrong turn on return to the test centre (if I had of taken the correct turn I would have been back there!) but did it properly and passed. Added 3 more unnecessary turns to the test though. Good luck.

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Make sure you leave a big enough gap between traffic in front, even if you are stood still.

I also found out times bus lanes open and close around the test center, knew in advance then so wasn't worrying too much about missing a sign. This also means making sure you have a way to accurately check the time. I had a cheap watch on the outside of my glove.

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