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Posts posted by Roxyy

  1. Turkey looks amazing :shock:

    Why did you go so long without fixing the stator though? Didn't you order (or accept?) the bits quite a while before it finally gave up?


    I had a stator and rectifier sent to me to Kyrgyzstan, but I had to leave for China (as I had to enter China on a specific date - organised crossing with a group and a guide, not allowed to cross that region on my own) and I missed the package by 2 days. The person who sent them to me wouldn't accept any money from me, not even for the postage. But then I had to get it shipped from Kyrgyzstan to Pakistan somehow (Pakistan was after China) and there didn't seem to be any direct postage link. In the end postage cost me some $207 if I remember right plus around $70 import tax, when I was tracking it it went back to Europe through at least 3 or 4 different countries before it was eventually shipped to Pakistan, and it took 3 weeks.

  2. What a great trip! 8-) I'd love to know how you figured out what route to take?


    Before the trip I needed to get an idea what countries I want to go through as some countries require you to get a visa in your home country (Pakistan and China) and I had to organise crossing through China with a guide in a group - not allowed to cross Xinjiang region on your own with your own vehicle.

    Apart from that most other visas are possible to get online (evisa) or at the border. I'm trying to just "wing it" as much as I can. So I didn't have any specific route in advance. There were countries/places I really wanted to see (Pamir Highway, northern Pakistan - KKH, Himalayas, Nepal, south east Asia) and before I set off I scribbled some random route on the map that would include these places.

    Most the time I don't know much about the countries that I enter and only start researching places to visit and routes to take as I enter each country, otherwise I would have to spend years just planning the route if I wanted to do it in advance. When I hear about some place that I think I may want to see I add a marker on Google maps (currently got 263 places marked as "want to see").

  3. Hello!

    I'm Roxy, 24 years old girl. I moved to Scotland (from Poland) in 2011. When I was 19 I wanted to go and visit my family. I had my A2 licence by then and didn't want to leave my bike behind, so I decided to ride. 1200 miles each way, no problems at all.

    After that I wanted more and over the following 3 years I got my full cat A licence and rode to almost every European country on my bikes (2 trips on GSX 650f and 3 trips on 98 Fireblade 900rr).

    Eventually I started running out of countries to go in Europe... Where do I go next? Himalayas maybe?

    If I'm going to go that far, I may as well ride all the way around the world.

    But to save up, it would take me 3 maybe 5 years. I didn't want to wait that long.

    I found a job closer to home (saves money on commute) and a bit better paid. But one job wasn't enough. On top of my full-time job as software developer I started doing fast-food deliveries in the evenings and at the weekends, working every spare minute of my time. I sold my old bikes (not really worth much but always something), and after 8 months I had enough to start my round the world trip.

    My previous bike was 1998 Fireblade (also had 2008 1000cc Fireblade but that just wasn't comfortable for this kind of trip). 900RR was comfortable for me, and cheap - so if something goes seriously wrong it's not a lot of money to waste. Plus it's simple to work on, I can strip it all down to the engine on the side of the road.

    I found 1999 Fireblade for £1300 which I bought for my trip (I abused my previous one A LOT, so it was better so sell it and buy another one in better state).

    In July 2019 I was ready to set off.

    I rode through Europe, Asia (Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, China, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia) and to Australia.




    Through the deserts, mountains, through some of the highest roads in the world, by the ocean, on tarmac, on gravel, sand, mud, knee deep river crossings, in -17 temperatures to some 43 plus.

    In 10 months I covered 30,000 miles.

    When I got to Australia, my trip was paused by Covid19 and I decided to fly back to Scotland and go back to work for few months.

    Planning to resume my trip early next year, continue riding around Australia, then South and North America (from Ushuaia to Alaska or other way round), maybe Africa too. I also want to ride across Russia to Mongolia and Japan.

    While I'm home I'm trying to catch up on my YouTube channel.

    Below is my latest video from one of the most dangerous roads in the world - Shimshal Valley in Pakistan. Rough roads, gravel, loose rocks, knee deep river crossing. Add dead battery, fried stator and burnt clutch plates. Luckily this time I wasn't alone (it was supposed to be a solo trip, but in the end I ended up meeting so many people along the way!).


  4. That is epic.

    Could I ask - as a single young woman travelling like this do you get a lot of hassle? I'd expect scandinavia to be OK but lots of other places less so?


    Thanks, nah I didn't really have any hassle. Only one night I stopped at camp site late was nearly 10 when I was putting my tent up. That campsite was close to the road, there was a bus stop and a lay bay. There was one caravan parked in that lay bay and a car and one men was standing there, walked a bit towards me but not too close and started talking to me, I said I don't speak norwegian so he tried to say something in english but couldn't understand much. He stood there for another minute or two and drove away, then a while later he stopped at that lay bay again but never came towards me again, drove away and didn't come back. That creeped me out a bit and stayed more alert that night but apart from that didn't have any hassle.

  5. Hi all,

    Few months ago I added a post about my trip to Pyrenees and Alps, like I said I was thinking about doing another trip, and.. I did it so I thought I would share it on here as well...

    First I know I will probably get comments like why do I do such a big mileage in such a short time why do I not do less miles instead and stop in places longer and enjoy the places etc well I don't feel a need to stop long especially when I'm on my own, maybe it would be different if I was with someone, I don't know. I enjoyed it anyway and if I had more time then yeah I would do it over longer period of time but I only had 2 weeks and wanted to do it anyway.

    So, in summary:

    1 bike - Suzuki GSX650F (current mileage: 57k, bought it 2 years and 2 months ago with 7.5k miles on the clock...)

    1 female rider (me)

    7000 miles

    12 countries

    14 days (stayed in Poland for 4 days though and only did 200 miles over these 4 days so 11 days of riding)

    So here's the story..

    I didn't know what day I was going to leave until last minute. It could have been Friday, at some point during the weekend or Monday. Finished work on Friday at 5pm and on the way home I decided ok, I will get home get packed and leave. So got home, got packed and left Glasgow at 7pm. Rode to Dover, got ferry about 3:20am to France and rode for the rest of the night and day through France, Belgium, Netherlands and Germany and got to Poland in the evening (1200 miles, 24 hours) and stayed there for 4 days.

    It was north west part of Poland where I was, so next couple days I spent heading to the east then Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. When I got to the east of Poland I noticed a problem my chain, quite a bad problem, broken chain link... But decided to take a risk and keep going, and if it gets really bad then find bike garage and get it replaced.

    So then took the ferry from Tallinn to Helsinki, spent next couple days riding in Finland Savonlinna castle, Oulu, Rovaniemi, Santa Claus village, start of Arctic circle and few other places on the way. Then went to Norway and decided to go to Nordkapp, the furthest north point in Europe. From the start I wasn''t sure if I will make it to Nordkapp as it's a long way, so it was a place I really wanted to go but it was just a big 'maybe'. Anyway I made it. Met two other bikers there, they did almost the same route as me from Poland, only with a difference of few hours. They even took ferry the same day as me to Finland just couple hours later. And they were planning of doing similar route as I was planning to do next, so I spent the rest of that day and following day riding with them.

    When we got to Tromso, I decided to take a bit different way. So left Tromso on my own.. About 30 miles later I noticed a biker in my mirrors getting closer so I though 'ok, let's race!' what a silly mistake!! As I accelerated a bit more, he put his blue flashing lights on.. 1.5k pounds speeding fine, was a bit painful... Worse part was that it happened at 3pm, I had to go back to Tromso and stay there for the rest of the day and half of next day and go to pay this fine the following day at 1pm... By the time I got it sorted it was 3, so wasted a lot of time which means I had to start heading back down south the quickest way, not the way I wanted.

    But still the same day, I got a lot further than I thought, got to Lulea in Sweden that night so I made up a bit. So I decided to go back to Norway and make the Atlantic Road and Trollstigen. Next day early evening I stopped at the petrol station near Trondheim, there was a group of bikers. At first I wasn't going to talk to them as I didn't have much time, but they approached me and asked if i have a problem with a chain (noise was actually bad and it was getting worse). They said they have a clubhouse 5 minutes down the road and they have a spare chain and that they can replace it for me! So went with them, they replaced the chain, they didn't even want any money for it... Amazing group of guys! And the bikes that they had, mostly custom Harleys but also some cafe racers and one with the side car, was so cool! Just shows how amazing bikers community is, always help each other no matter where on the world you are.

    So next day I did the Altantic Road and Trollstigen and then just started heading back towards Oslo, down South of Sweden, through the bridge to Denmark which was amazing! It was like 3 miles long and then down into tunnel. And then just back through Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, France, ferry to Dover and back to Glasgow.

    Well that's it. Now just need to wait till April/May when I can go for my next trip.


    Here's just a short video of the whole trip, will upload longer videos in next few weeks. Quality is bad at the end cause accidentally changed quality setting in my cam.. :


  6. Just curious, how much did you budget for it?

    Fuel spend?



    Ended up spending a lot more than I originally thought, but also didn't think I would go as far as Stelvio, I thought I would probably get no further than French Alps.

    So ended up spending at least £1000 all together, don't know how much exactly, I would say something between £1000 - 1300.

    Bought 500 euros before I set off but was using my card a lot too, was paying for petrol in the UK with a card and when booking hotels and bnbs online was using card mostly too.

    Can't tell how much I spent on fuel alone as at first I was paying for everything I could with cash and couldn't be bothered writing it down how much I was spending for what, and kept loosing the receipts lol.

    Hotels and bnbs were usually around £30-35 a night, the cheapest one was £20 which was 4 star hotel, the rest was closer to £35.

    Motorway tolls in France between 100 and 150 euros (did a lot of miles in France), Vignette in Switzerland around 40 euros.

    Tried to save on food so was mostly eating supermarket food apart from one night where there was a nice restaurant with a hotel and couldn't resist ordering the dinner there.

    Then spent about 70 euros in bike garage as had to get more chain lube and chain cleaner and get coolant refilled.

    Also european breakdown cover which was around £40 or 50

    Ferry from Dover to Calais around £30 as booked a night before, on the way back I booked it few hours before I got on the ferry so that was about £45.

    There were a lot small things that all added together ended up costing me quite a lot but ah well was worth it in the end and can't wait to go for another trip.

  7. Hello!

    I'm not long back from my solo european trip to Pyrenees and Alps so I thought I'd share it on here...

    In summary:

    - route: Glasgow - Dover - Calais - Pyrenees - a little bit of Spain - south of France - Alps (French and Swiss) - got as far as Stelvio - from Switzerland back to Calais - Dover - Glasgow

    - 4350 miles in total

    - 1 bike (GSX650F restricted as I'm still on A2 licence!)

    - 1 rider

    At first I was planning of going about a month and half earlier. A night before the morning I was planning to set off I couldn't find my passport at first, found it after an hour (my sister had it...) then as she was handing me it she said 'By the way, your passport expired' !!! So cancelled my holidays at work and took them after I got new one.

    When setting off I didn't have any plan, routes, didn't know where exactly I was going - my whole plan was Pyrenees and maybe a bit of Alps, just had some ideas of places worth going to. Booked the ferry from Dover to Calais an evening before setting off.

    Set off in the morning, had a long boring way to go, all the way from Glasgow to Dover. Got to Calais late evening. Still had loads of motorway miles to go, all the way from Calais to Pyrenees, so decided to not sleep first night and just keep going to get as close to Pyrenees as possible. Next day was just riding in Pyrenees, got as far as Andorra. Following day also riding in Pyrenees, took a route from Andorra to Tarragona, went to Barcelona then it started raining so decided to move on and follow the sun. So then went to Bridge in the sky and started heading towards Alps, did Verdon Gorge and French and Swiss Alps. Detailed route and map below.

    Once I got closer to Alps I started planning a bit more. Got to Alps earlier than I thought (it was Monday I think) - at first when I was setting off I didn't think I'd get as far as Stelvio on this trip, but I still had full week off so at that point I knew I could get as far as Stelvio and head back on Thursday, get home Friday.. only problem was that the forecast for the next couple days wasn't so good - Tuesday rain in most places where I was thinking of going, Wednesday the same. On Tuesday I did Nufenen, Grimsel and Furka passes - all were amazing but cause it was cloudy and raining every now and then, once I got higher up all I could see were clouds and could only see like couple meters in front of me. So at that point I started thinking if it's worth spending next few days riding in similar conditions or head back... Decided to keep going and it was totally worth it, on Tuesday weather got better later on and Wednesday was amazing, there was not a single cloud on the sky and dry everywhere. Started heading back on Thursday. It was 35 degrees all the way through France so decided to take jacket off... still peeling sunburn off my arms...

    Was sleeping in hotels or bnbs, every afternoon/evening was trying to google the cheapest place in the area to stay. Funnily enough the cheapest one was a 4 star hotel in Andorra (they had some deal on). The nicest once was a bnb in Amden, Switzerland - had to ride up the hill for about 5 miles to get there, then there was a view onto mountains and a lake, was amazing.

    On the way back set off from Amden in the morning and rode all the way back to Glasgow on one go (for some reason I don't like stopping on the way) so did about 1100 miles and got home around 5am.

    I wasn't sure how my bike will do, so bought european breakdown cover just in case. Did the service and got new tyres just before I left. Bike did fine, only apart from when I was in Nice and was stopping on the traffic lights a lot in temperature almost 30 degrees, it started overheating and pissing the coolant. Luckily enough I was on my way to bike garage in Nice anyway as I was running out of chain lube and cleaner, and it started pissing the coolant only when I was about one mile away from the garage. Got chain lube and cleaner and coolant refilled and was good to go.

    Can't believe my bike has almost 50k miles on the clock now, when I passed my A2 test nearly 2 years ago (1 month to go till 2 years are over) that bike only had 7.5k miles on the clock...

    I have put together a short video of best moments of each part of the trip below (don't know how I managed to squeeze 128 gb of videos in 4 and half minutes... will upload full videos of each part of the trip later)


    Full route:

    Glasgow - Dover - Calais - Paris - Pau - Gavarnie - Col des Tentes - Vielha - Sort - Andorra - Tarragona - Barcelona - Girona - Beziers - Bridge in the Sky (Viaduc de Millau) - Verdon Gorge - Cagnes-sur-Mer - Nice - Col de Turini - Col de la Bonette - Col du Mont-Cenis - Bourg-Saint-Maurice - Little Saint Bernard Pass- Mont Blanc and the tunnel - Nufenen pass - Grimsel pass - Furka pass - Oberalp pass - Malvaglia - San Bernardino pass - Bernina pass - Gavia pass - Stelvio pass - Umbrail pass - Fuorn pass - Fluela pass - Amden - Calais - Dover - Glasgow

    map: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1SVEyaNnY6UYwsDjYOvtrUQ9448U&usp=sharing

    that's about it :D

  8. So I'm thinking of doing at least 2 trips this spring/summer... Not planning anything but I want to make a list of places worth seeing. One trip to France and Spain (Pyrenees) but don't want to stay in France too long, and Spain depends if there are some interesting places to go on the bike? So far the only reason I want to go there are Pyrenees which I could do in one day, and then either stay in Spain or go to south coast of France to Italy. Not sure whether to do Italy in first trip (with Spain) or second trip with Austria and Switzerland but that will depend on number of places I want to see in each of the countries and just see where I end up. So has anyone been to any of these countries on the bike and could recommend some places to go?

    So far on my very short list of places worth seeing:

    - Pyrenees

    - Switzerland - Four Pass route (Innertkirchen – Grimsel – Ulrichen – Nufenen – Airolo – Gotthard – Andermatt – Wassen – Susten – Innertkirchen) - 103 miles

    - Furka Pass (add this to route above)

    - Italy - Stelvio Pass

    - Austria - Tyrol

    Thanks in advance ;)

    Edit: My list is not limited to these 4 countries only, could also include countries such as Slovenia, Hungary, Croatia or other countries, I never know where I end up so it will be handy to have a list of places worth seeing wherever I end up!

  9. Doune castle

    http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/16/01/18/68c004962a28be901bf9d8b453e27215.jpg http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/16/01/18/ee682fc0d8a97a2fcceeb3aa627444e8.jpg

    Alloa tower


    Linlithgow palace


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