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Posts posted by Sizey1980

  1. At the moment I have £700 cash with access to a little more. Looking to get a bike for around this to get me about and get some experience on the road. Passed my test about a month ago and sold my 125. Seen bikes for about this price in good condition but they have been ridiculously far away!

    Around the Kent area preferably please. Must be MOTd!

    Thanks, and suggestions welcome!

    Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

  2. Done my CBT today with Phoenix in Maidstone. They were recommended to me by a friend of a friend.

    I was quite nervous after we done our theory bit on the way to the pad. Started off ok moving around on the bike and learning how too look after it (basics). Then although I done a bit on a free taster day a while ago, could I do a figure of 8 or u turn or basic clutch control, could I bollocks! So frustrated! And their lay the problem. Frustration is the worst way to be ive discovered.

    After a self kick up the arse and a few words I managed to get it done! BE CALM, TAKE A BREATH! :-)

    Next we had lunch, went through the essentials of turning in to main and major roads, roundabouts etc.

    Got out onto the road, and the weirdest thing happened. I seemed take to it like a duck to water! I loved it! More relaxed, and confident but not too much!

    My hands kept on going a bit numb, I think it was me being too tense maybe!

    In all, I done it and very pleased!

    Ben the instructor was very good, Lagunas I really like, and Phoenix have been really helpful!

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