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Everything posted by Foz

  1. i got the boots pictured!! bloody good they are too wore them all day everyday for over a week, really comfy! better than my normal shoes Foz
  2. he wont have to use any of his pocket money for that £10 a week! if only
  3. Foz

    Flooded Engine

    i had the same problem! would start after a while then would cut out if you didnt rev, but if you rev too much it would still cut out! turned out i had a rusty inside tank and all the shite was going through the engine
  4. Foz

    Do you nod?

    alot of people dont get a nod back form us cruiser riders!! i always nod and from cruiser riders i always get a nod or more often a wave back! might be because we're on similar bikes? i often find sports bikes riders wont nod back though! might becuase they're so shocked that a cruiser nodded at them either way i nod to every bugger on 2 wheels unless they a chav innit oh and good on ya mightycaz :wink:we'll change the cruiser stereotype
  5. Foz

    Do you nod?

    I was tempted to high 5 a woman who was trying to shout down a bus with her hand out. Thought it might be a bit dangerous so didn't. why not?? would have been sweet
  6. Foz

    Do you nod?

    and the reason behind it
  7. Foz

    Do you nod?

    anothing nodding cruiser rider! dont get a nod back from the sporties though its bike-ist i tell ya!!
  8. next job on the to do list is sprockets and chain! need new ones im ordering the parts soon my dilema is i cant get the bike to a mechanics (only spare time is sunday afternoon which of course is also mechanics time off so ive got to try fitting both the gearbox sprocket, rear sprocket and chain myself! ive been told i need a air powerd thingy to get the gearbox sprocket off and a torque wrench to put sprockets back on? it would also be handy to have some idea of what im doing...oh and a chain splitter? problem is i have none of those things!! is there such thing as a mobile mechanic? or a miracle? cos i think i need both! ...oh plus knowledge, air thingy, torque wrench, chain splitter any tips oh knowledgable ones? Foz
  9. sounds like a problem i had hows the inside of your tank? my bike wouldnt rev and kinda wanted to die lol turned out to have a rusty tank and the rustwas in the fuel so NOT GOOD!!!
  10. its a curse!! nothing rteally fits well and truly and the only riding position i feel relaxed and comfy in is that of a cruiser, even nakeds or road bikes feel far too odd it has its bonuses though
  11. i kinda skimmed the whole thread so might have missed something but this go slow idea sounds like alot of fun loads of bikers rumbling down the road showing our gentler side speed cameras round here were a once every few months jobby until august last year when suddenly we have copters and mobile cameras in and around town all bent on monitering speed etc this is a peaceful little riverside town have accident numbers declined over the 6 month period? no, there wasnt many to start with! have fines and number of arrests made gone up? no cos theres nothing to be found! i do wonder sometimes why but i guess as far as the police are concerned they just do as they're told! if it was me i wouldnt mind patrolling a quiet town! bit of an easy going bit of work that! i doubt they will be around long though if they continue to be of no real use
  12. ive got some unused universal fit footboards i never got round to fitting, unused condition you have a PM anyways
  13. im 6ft 2 and probably a 28" waist as i still need belts on 30" waist with new holes put half way round the belt just get out there and try loads on, ive got an RSR leather jacket which is fine but ive never seen em on the net or anything, bought it in southend essex in a shop that does motorcycle training just off victoria avenue
  14. that looks alright very nicely priced too concidering its armoured, would normally expect to pay over the ton know any decent and cheap priced leather trousers/jeans?
  15. bless! looks painful though
  16. i had a silver vt125, i used to wear (and still do) a black leather RSR jacket with a white stripe round the chest, suited quite well me thinks
  17. i agree i gots long ...hair! and wear a hood! for short distances that fine but for long distances its too tight! but the long hair helps
  18. there should not have been a yes option!!! its sooo tempting!! although untrue, not noobish atall
  19. theres a new cafe open on the A127 here in essex, near wickford, incase anyones interested http://www.127diner.co.uk
  20. i remember when i went to hein gericke they had big sizes! they had bigger ones than what i bought (size 12's) but they are or can be rather expensive
  21. i WANT one!! in all honesty i think the price is ok! not yet though...gotta wait for the wage packet after next will we be able to purchase through the site? any discount for being a member here? hey someone had to ask
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