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Posts posted by paullofty

  1. are you living in the UK now?

    if so get a 125cc and ride it. I did this after my CBT. first I rode up and down the street, then around the block then further journeys. I felt nervous all along but the more you ride the better you get. Gear changes/braking/controls become second nature and then you have less to think about and it all becomes a bit more natural rather then so mechanical.

    As someone said the manoveres are there to test youre able to ride it slow moving traffic and weave around when you need to. If you've done these on the road loads there'll be a breeze in the paddock.

    I'm still a mod 2 pass away from a full license and have had a fair bit of tuition but I've learnt more riding on my own. there's no substitute for miles on the road. if you cant get out on your own your own then you may need more tuition then others might, but you'll get to a position where you feel comfortable. first time trying to do 60mph on a 600cc I shit myself, now I love it.

    I certainly wasn't a natural, being comfortable can take time for some of us.

  2. I have my retake Thursday and really keen to get it passed (its expensive and stressful).

    There's a lot to take in from lessons I've had (I've had two, soon to be 3 different instructors with different styles who have given me different, at times conflicting information). Could anyone confirm what they think the main things I need to think about are?

    I think they are:

    1. Speed (making sure I'm doing the right speed and speed is adequate for cornering etc.)

    2. Road positioning (for normal riding and making sure positioning is right for turning and on runabouts etc)

    3. Mirror checks/lifesavers (check mirrors before indicating and when slowing and speeding up, lifesaver any time I'm changing road position)

    4. Indicating (do this properly ands cancel quickly)

    5. Stopping and following distance ( making sure both are appropriate for the road and conditions).

    have I missed anything??? I just want to go in with the things I need in my head and ride well and basically pass!

  3. I failed my first attempt at mod 2 this week, I kinda knew I would as I get quite nervous under test conditions.

    my training school will want to charge me another £250 for the test day. £70ish for the test and the rest for bike hire, the trainers time etc....

    I feel that all I need is for them to get me to the test centre and the loan of the bike for the time and if I could get a 10-11 o'clock test we'd be all done by lunch time, so the £180 for their time seem a lot!

    Anyone know of a school that might do me a slightly better deal on a retest as I don't think I need any training on the day, apart from getting used to the bike and say an hours drive to the test centre????

    I'm in London btw so anywhere around that area would be best...

  4. Passed my Mod 1 a couple weeks back (have my Mod 2 this week) and wanted to share my experience.

    It was my second Mod 1, I had taken my first at a different test centre and a mixture of nerves and (I think) bad training led me to failing. I had changed training schools and the nearest test centre was different so the change was forced really.

    The first was in Enfield where the waiting room was really tense and busy and the second (the pass) was Uxbridge and just felt more relaxed when we arrived, which relaxed me. The examiners said hello to me, my trainer and the other testee when we arrived and we were early so rather then making us wait we took our tests early (I wasn't 100% prepared for that mentally but was fine).

    At the start we went in to the little room and he checked my paperwork as normal, here's what was different. He opens the gate I rode in he said "park up in the cones" and I did. He came over and gave me the instruction and then said "so Paul what do you do?". At first I didn't really register what he was saying as I was quite nervous and concentrating so he said it again. When I realised he was just chatting and being nice I answered and all the nerves sort of vanished almost instantly.

    Really made me wonder why some examiners are so stern and emotionless and if anything add to your nerves when it could be soo easy for them to reduce them.

    Anyway, got through all the test fine until the dreaded hazard avoidance (one of two things I failed first time and where I think I had been under trained). First attempt, came through at 43kmph but was a good swerve. He came over and said "you didn't quite make the speed there" I replied "how fast was I?" he said "it was more like how slow" and showed me. I turned the bike round and rode of laughing and thinking "i'll show that ****!" came through at 53kmph and passed with one fault for the slow first attempt.

    so my advice for anyone with nerves maybe try and humanise your examiner somehow, if they're not gonna talk to you maybe talk to them. ask them a non related question etc.

    hope I get the same guy for Mod 2....

  5. You're over thinking it a little.

    Just click when you see a hazard, click again when it develops. You get more than one or two clicks per video (I think from memory I did 6,7,8 on some) but don't go mad as that'll get a fail. I think on 2 videos I did too many clicks but still passed!

    If you haven't already just book it and go do it, even if you fail at least you know what to expect and hopefully what you did wrong and you can re take. I did this with my mod 1 I knew the nerves and everything in my first one would almost def mean I'd fail so I took the hit last week going back next week calm and knowing what to expect and going to work on the thing I failed on.

  6. will the examiner always try and take you on a national speed limit road on your mod 2 test?

    My riding is great at 20mph, 30mph and 40mph, but i have a real psychologically issue with getting to 55mph plus (especially when full of nerves). I know if i pass mod 2, in my own time I'll get there, but i worry how big a problem that will be on my test.

    I know the advise will be "stop being a pussy and enjoy" but just wondered if they always do and if they do and you don't hit 60mph is that a fail or if you hit 50mph could you pass if the rest of your ride has been good with few faults?

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