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Everything posted by MaidenPhoenix

  1. edited... that was a little harsh... you never even gave me a chance to redeem myself can't you make it smaller?!
  2. div!!!! that's a pants photo... you sure it's not someone else?!
  3. lol, theres none of me either ppf... looks like we successfully avoided the lense
  4. can i just check this is gonna be a family/kiddy type thing please?
  5. flaming cheek... this is actually what happened! ...although I think I have been very kind, you look quite handsome in my picture... as opposed to that unflattering scrawling you just posted!
  6. teeeeeny weeeeeny money spider.... ....this big * pansy
  7. lol, least you got better weather for it than on the weekend!
  8. lol... but he is a very big pansy who's scared of spiders "ooooooh, arrrrrrgh.... there's a spider eating your face.... ooooooooweeeee"
  9. Missed the stallion... saw the others... but i still didnt get it
  10. flaming amazing that... like my own private party... I want an ipod 8)
  11. I never really got that forgot to put my two penneths in here! cracking weekend... thank you for making a newbie feel so welcome, having only met a couple of you, i really did feel like I was walking into a group of mates I'd known for years. Grinned all weekend x Big thank you to Mick for being my surrogate pervy uncle.
  12. finally somewhere I recognise! ...wont be able to make it tho, I can't play on a school night
  13. Barbie, I will be meeting DutchMick at Dartford at 6pm friday, and then meeting Roy at kettering I believe. They'll be riding slow cos I'm in a car... although I'm suspicious that they will actually hang around for me! ...having said that, I will be transporting their toot
  14. *wiggles* ...excited! *hops from foot to foot* ....excited! *wiggles some more* ....are we nearly there yet? *wiggles* .....can we go now?
  15. Surley you will have met some people from this area and you can crash over?? I've found that to be a little more trouble than it's worth srad
  16. its a free weekend but a 4 hour drive wont be able to make that
  17. If you wanna let me know what time you'll be at the services I'll meet y'all there... but you're buying the curry! ...refuse to give me a lift then ditch your stuff on me... pfft you'll pay!
  18. If I get lost I'm blaming you... it must be your fault somehow
  19. Not me I'm not drinking, I am trying to sort myself out so not drinking (may have 1 or 2 but not getting hammered). me either... I will be poking all the ill looking people and eating their bacon butties
  20. hmmm... maybe I should bring meg to help me carry the tent and stuff!
  21. having never met you... it's highly likely that there will be more than one white camper van... I'll rock up next to the one that isnt you and quite happily make friends with some total randoms! can you park cars next to tents?
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