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Posts posted by Tiger

  1. I have read advice re: going and sitting on bikes, but after visiting my local Honda dealer I was told that I would need two years experience on a full licence in order to book a test ride out on any bike.

    Is this true regardless of dealiership/ is this a common situation for someone in my position?


    Hi - I was in a similar position to you about 3 years ago. It was tough trying to get a test ride, and my local dealer required 1 year's experience with a full licence. It depends on the insurance that the dealer has. I did manage to get a test ride, the weekend after passing my test, by paying for personal insurance. I think it was about £25. I ended up with a Tiger 800 (which I've since sold and got something bigger).

    Regarding the bikes, you really are best off trying them out for size, even if you can't get a test ride. Seat height, weight of the bike, and ergonomics are going to be important. Any "big" bike is probably going to feel a bit intimidating to a new rider. The MT07 is a great bike for the price. Which Kwak 650 were you looking at? Depending on what you want it for, the Kwak Versys 650 is another worth looking at.

  2. The device states it can only handle a 32 gig card, not certain the exact issue.

    Could be processing power of the unit. I believe the issue is processing power and probably the FAT32 formatting thing?


    SDHC is FAT32, and FAT32 is limited to 32Gb. SDXC is exFAT and can be formatted to 64Gb and beyond. The device probably only understands FAT32, hence the limitation to SDHC. I think if you tried to format a 64Gb card as FAT32 it would throw an error. For the sake of a few quid, I'd just get a 32Gb card.

  3. I bought one of these Forcefield back protectors a couple of months ago for £94 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/FORCEFIELD-BODY-ARMOUR-PRO-L2K-EVO-BACK-PROTECTOR-MOTOR-CYCLE-BIKE-RACE-TRACKDAY-/361289193179?var=630629465864&hash=item541e8396db:m:mV8NvGJTPK09dHnPRwE5oFQ Level 2 approved and surprisingly comfortable and lightweight. Hardly even aware of it, but feel naked without it on my bike now.


  4. I'm not surprised to see Labradors up there toward the top of the list - considering its the most "popular" dog in the UK. The figures are meaningless unless related to numbers owned. And, when they say "labrador" do the mean labrador/spaniel cross, labrador/staffie cross etc.

  5. I had something similar on my car tyre, while it was parked in our driveway. We were baffled at the time. A few days later, in the middle of the night, it sounded like we were in the middle of an earthquake and the house was about to fall down. We herded the kids outside, and then saw smoke coming out the bottom of our car. Turned out there was an underground fire outside our property, where the mains cables were shorting. The car was parked on a manhole cover which had got so hot from the fire that it was melting the tyre. Next thing we knew, fire brigade were on the scene and our front garden was being dug up.

  6. I can't vouch for the other helmets, but very pleased with the HJC IS-17 I purchased just over a year ago. 5* SHARP rated and cost £149.99. Comfortable, vented, pinlock included, and integral sun visor. Excellent for the price, in my opinion. Your best bet is to go to a good dealer and try a few on, though. What's comfortable for one head shape, won't be for another.

  7. I'm currently training for the test. Membership was £149 for the first year, which covers IAM and the regional motorbike group fee, but also the cost of the actual test. Most of the first year's fee goes toward the police qualified examiner for your test, and is a one off charge (assuming you pass the test in a maximum of two years, i think). After the first year, it's only around £60 a year if I remember correctly.

    Prospective members can attend one of the monthly meets free of charge, where they will be assigned an observer and go out for a ride for, say, a couple of hours or so. At the end, you will be given a friendly assessment of your riding. After that you will probably have a good idea as to whether it's for you.

    I reckon it's excellent value. The observers are volunteers, and highly trained. I've learned stacks in the 3 months I've been a member. As well as regular observed runs, where you get a full report on your progress after each one, there's excellent social rides and other events. They also run additional courses, some free, others for a modest charge, such as riding with a pillion, advanced braking, look lean and roll etc. There's also organized trips to Wales, France etc. which you can sign up for.

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