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Posts posted by Srilibian

  1. Hi,

    I'm having a starting range VIPER helmet and good earplugs. But regardless of those I'm having a ringing ears after an hour of ride due to wind noise. It has been mentioned in a post that

    "A lot of people buy a helmet and think nothing more of their head. After a week of riding I purchased ear plugs (No helmet stops all wind noise and wind noise will affect your hearing with prolonged exposure), a balaclava for winter (and later one for summer), and eventually I started using a pinlock on the inside of my visor after erm…. well… a minor mistake while fitting…. Read the instructions!!"

    So if I go for a high range helmets will the wind noise be reduced? Or is there any other way to reduce the wind noise?

    I'm everyday rider for commuting and on the way to get my full license .I'm concerned to continue the riding as it is getting bit uncomfortable.

  2. Hi,

    I'm a new rider and riding only for commuting to work at the moment. Thinking about what is rideout and how will it be a fun? What will generally happen on a ride out day? What's the pleasure in that? Please redirect me to the link if it has already been discussed.

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