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Posts posted by ozzuk

  1. Do you know if trackers and alarm can still work off the battery even if the main loom is cut. Providing they are connected to the battery side?


    In theory they should work, however There will be No guarantee

    Have a look here https://www.rewiresecurity.co.uk/gps-tracker-car-tracking-devices

    I have the 303.its very small ...a little bigger than a Tick-Tack box and houses battery backup, costs me £5 a month with a GiffGaff Sim card


    How easy are these to fit for a non-bike person? Perhaps I should get dealer to fit when I pick bike up. (to clarify, I'm new to bikes!)

  2. At best you are deterring casual theft when parking outside and you do not have space to carry a robust chain.

    For a small visible lock;


    You should also consider the visual deterrent of datatag on the bike. A more "professional" thief will realise the bike will be harder to sell on, as a whole or as parts if the bike is security tagged.


    More expensive is this;


    which is a disc lock that is permanently fitted to the bike and all you carry is pin to lock it.


    Have you (or anyone) actually used the above locks? As per my other thread, my tracer was stolen from work, they cut through the oxford boss D lock in seconds. I've ordered a Mt-09, but obviously I'm looking to ramp up the security. The datatool and roadlok look really good. The dealer has also thrown in a oxford boss D lock (£80) with 100db alarm, so I'm thinking the 3 of those should do the trick?

  3. I started my bike journey in September, still not there yet! mod 1 failed first time. Rebooked for 10 days later. Day before, cancelled due to moss on the surface! they closed for a week, massive backlog, took 4 weeks for retest.

    Ready then for mod2...cancelled a few days before because they were going on strike! Earliest new date...29th December. Going to be a cold one. Made even worse because I've paid a deposit on a tracer 700 with heated grips and seats - I'm tempted to ask if I can use it for mod 2.

  4. They won't let you on the road (or at least they shouldn't) until you are ready. I've done CBT twice, you get several hours practising before going out on road.

    I thought of another important tip, well two actually - first is relax! Keep an eye on how tense you are (you'll know because your hands will start aching) and tell yourself to relax. I kept messing up figure of eights until the instructor shouted relax - I then realised how tense I was and made myself relax. As soon as I did, and starting moving with the bike it fell into place - and figure of 8s became a flowing pleasure and dead easy. Second tip - linked to the first - enjoy it! When I was about to go out on the road I was dreading it, then I thought, hold on - this is a fun thing, this is something I want to do, I should be enjoying it. That also helped me relax. After all, if you don't enjoy it then there is no point doing it.

  5. Mod one 1st attempt in October, failed as gust of wind caught me on slalom, clipped a cone, instant fail. Aced the rest.

    Resit booked early November, called the night before, test centre closed for a week as moss found on the tarmac! Worst still, had mod 2 all booked. Next available test, 28th November, nearly 4 weeks!

    Work too crazy/weather too bad so no chance to practice. Managed to get 30 mins bike time before test (thanks JT's!), kept messing up u-turn, then down to test centre.

    Manual handling, no issue.

    Slalom...really nervous as this was my failure point last time...no issue - flowed easily, and he only made me go through fig 8 once (which was odd).

    Slow crawl, no issue.

    U-turn, well within the line, too much so, foot down! Asked if it was instant failure, he said he couldn't tell me.

    Carried on but pretty gutted now.

    High speed stop...got lost on cones (not listening) but stopped perfectly.

    E brake, piece of cake.

    Swerve..piece of cake.

    Park up, get off bike, pretty gutted. Examiner says, "well a few issues, but pleased to say you have passed!". I was rather surprised, my instructor was sure I'd failed. It was a different instructor from the first time, its almost like they went easy because I aced it all the first time except for clipping a cone. Or perhaps because I was just straightening up on the bike, who knows.

    MOD 2 booked for early December! So chuffed as I've already paid deposit on Tracer 700.

    Huge sigh of relief.

  6. Failed!!! Right at the start :( Gust of wind caught me off guard (horrible weather) at the start of the slalom and I clipped a cone. didn't know it over, just wobbled it. Instant fail. Did the rest of the stuff no issue.

    Booked in again, and on a lighter note I was offered a deal on a bike I was eyeing up and have paid a deposit on a Mt07 tracer! Just a small matter of passing now...

  7. Just an update...spent a few hours on my bike yesterday, drove around Swansea, then up towards Brecon...and loved it! Felt like it was coming together. I'd discovered 'counter steering' videos on line and that made corners feel much more natural. I knew where things were on the bike (indicators) so it meant I didn't need to look and less concentration required - more time for checks etc.

    So much more positive today, and its clicked, I got why biking is so much fun. I even had just over 60mph out of my 125, not bad as I'm 17.5 stone. Was a long downhill!

    Starting my mod 1 training in two hours...

  8. thanks again, really good to hear. I'm already wishing the 125 was faster so that is a good sign!

    My CBT was a baptism of fire, not bad weather all day, and as I actually did a CBT years ago (but never followed up riding) they mostly left me alone to practice and concentrated on the 16 yr old that was with us. No issues all day, really happy then time for the ride out. We'd been delayed as the young guy wasn't doing great so by the time he was ready we were a few hours over and into rush hour in Swansea!

    We head out and after 10-15mins the skies opened. Torrential rain, bouncing off the roads. The young guy actually did great once on the road. I was also doing well til I got to a junction that immediately turned up a steep hill with a zebra crossing. I stalled. The first instructor and the kid were already on their way and didn't stop. The back up instructor stayed with me. I didn't panic, but it took a lot of effort to get the bike going - there was a flood of water coming down the hill! Stalled another few times, lots of cars backing up, but eventually got it going. We'd lost the main instructor by then but I followed my guy around Swansea (he had no mic), we took a different route back down one of the busiest roads, loads of traffic lights and I had no issues.

    Finally got back to the dealer, on the main road coming in a water main had burst, in a dip, all the road and pavements were flooded. My instructor took his bike through, I did the same - it was well up over my feet but made it through.

    Got back and despite all that, I loved it, was buzzing. The instructor said he didn't know if he'd make it through the water but there wasn't time to stop. They also said it was some of the worst rain they'd rode in and if it had started before our ride out we'd have cancelled as it was dangerous. We were all like drowned rats.

    So an experience, amazing instructors who made the day enjoyable. Could explain why I'm nervous about hill starts though!

  9. Passed my CBT and theory, have my Mod 1 on Monday. I bought a lexmoto125 just to practice on for a few weeks, only been out a few times so far, practicing figure of 8s, driving along country roads, bypass etc. I'm fine on the road, riding along, gears changes not too bad but my ride out last night got me a bit jumpy. I'm really struggling with hill starts, usually forget to release back brake. I had one crisis of confidence when doing 50-60 along a country road (two lane, easy road), just a brief thought that what if I couldn't stop for some reason. Soon passed, told myself I should be enjoying this and rode home fine, after messing up another two hillstarts.

    I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing wrong, I'm overthinking it. I bought the bike to work today (first time!), only 3 miles, easy run, few roundabouts, traffics lights, really enjoyed the run in so its not all bad.

    So I guess just looking for general advice, tips, shared experience. I'm assuming the more I practice the more relaxed I'll get, I'm trying to think and do too much. I'm going to try and get out as much as possible this weekend before my mod 1.

    The bike doesn't help, overall its fine, cheap, goes well given my size - but the throttle is playing up, sometimes when I twist it it clicks then engine dies, does that a few times then the throttle seems to 'fix itself', ie, doesn't click and all good. Though I notice if I release it, it goes back to starting point, however you can rotate it further back which can't be right.

    I'm dropping it off with the dealer on Monday as I'm doing my training with them, hopefully they'll sort it but obviously I'm thinking about that when I'm riding as well.

    Overall though, loving the idea of biking, mostly loving it when I'm out and certainly did this morning, looking forward to big bike and really liking the comradery from other 'bikers'.

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