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Posts posted by Jonzilla71

  1. When I was on my 125cc with L plates I would never nod unless i got nodded too (which surprisingly was quite often). Now on my speed four I nod to every 'biker' NOT peds and i don't nod if they are being stupid, dangerous or have only got jeans and t-shirts on, but thats cos i am picky. As to hogs I usually salute to them lol.

  2. WHAT A DAY!!

    Ok first off we got all the boring stuff out the way, clothing, helmets, boots etc etc. Then we had a look at a bike so he could tell us where the throttle etc etc... Then me and this 52 year old had to cram ourselfs into a van with the bikes in and go to their practice site which was probably the worst part of the whole day tbh.

    Ok so the first time on the bike i was shitting myself, finding the biting point and all the slow manuevers (?) where harder than I thought, at first i started doubting whether I would be able to do it. But then we started going up gears and building alittle speed up. The rest was peasy once I got used to it.

    Then back to the Garage (crammed in the van again!) to get ready to go on the road. At this point I wasn't sure whether I was ready, but once we got out it just came to me and started to feel natural. I loved every bit of it and was slightly dissappointed when we had to finish.

    The old guy I was riding with had previous experience on a bike (you wouldn't have guessed) he stalled at traffic lights because he was in second :shock: and when he was infront on the 60mph road he only went 40. I just really wanted for the instructer to put me in front so I could gun it (well it was wet so 50 :lol: ) but he didn't. :crybaby:

    End of the day I hadn't dropped the bike, I was getting more and more confident in my riding and I only stalled once, on a slightly steep hill start I didn't let go of the brake but carried on putting more throttle on and releasing the clutch DUH! but lesson learnt huh.

    Boots were great, jacket was great and gloves were great. I don't know what else to say really except for that I loved it and can't wait to get a 125 and start practicing fot the big one!

    Theory next tues 8-)

    Oh yeah it was a honda cityfly, nice bike i thought

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