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Everything posted by Roadrunner

  1. ok mate i get the message, il give you a buz in the morning.
  2. what time u thinking of leaving if its not to early and its dry ile be up for it.
  3. Anyone fancy a ride to hunstanton sunday leaving from hertford marina around 10.30 . weather permiting.
  4. hi guys hope your ride to ashby folville went ok , not much of a turn out at marina although it was a nice sunny evening hope we can all catch up on a ride out soon.
  5. ok niel tex me about 5.45 to give me a weather update not to bad at mo.
  6. gonna miss this one out, bit to far for me that time of evening. gonna settle for a pint at the marina instead.
  7. sorry guys have to pull out of this one double booked meself.
  8. lets hope the weather changes and get these annoying showers out the way. let me know a time and ile c u there.
  9. hi guys would it be ok to all meet at marina first then go to papworth as ile have to follow u lot as i still dont know the way. think niel said he was comming as well.
  10. sounds good guys if someone can meet me at marina then go to services as ime not sure of the way . let me know the time and ile be there.
  11. hi guys me be up for a blast c u at marina 11.00 sat . any change niel just tex me.
  12. wont be going this week its p****** down over here may be next week.
  13. Anyone up for joining Me and Neil this Sunday for a ride out? No idea where we are going, any suggestions welcome! Meet at Hertford Marina at 10.30 All welcome
  14. sorry my mistake , never mind arron we all make mistakes . by the way the other thing was a neck tube not a leg warmer. only joking, see you soon mate. never mind gubba may be next time.
  15. Another good ride out guys apart the prats on the roundabouts really enjoyed it , dont think maty on his 125 liked me whipping his butt on way home but hey its all good fun, have to sort the coast run out soon .
  16. If anyone is not sure how to get to Neils, I am happy to meet at the Marina at say half ten, then go on to Neils from there.
  17. me be up for that ile meet you at yours niel if thats ok, tex me time on sat ile be there.
  18. hi guys ime up for a change if we could meet at marina then go streight to papworth that would be good , give time and ile be there.
  19. good ride out guys nice to see a few new faces , dont leave it to long till the next one.
  20. hi malc thats fine mate ile be there about 1.45.
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