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Posts posted by colbat12

  1. Ive thought about this is the past and my conclusion was that the ideal setup woukd be a PMR radio wired to the bike with Bluetooth to the riders helmet. A PTT button on the handlebars.

    So all you need is a device that can connect to a PMR radio, plug in the mic and speaker port that pairs with a Bluetooth headset. Simples.

    Bluetooth range is pathetic. I don't actually think commercial motorbike intercoms use Bluetooth from bike to bike, I think they use a proprietary protocol because the Bluetooth specification isn't design to cover large distances.


    yeah so far I have seen that the Sena SR10 can connect bluetooth to radios, and also have a PTT button and the bluetooth can connect to another unit that goes to the rider, I think thats gonna be my best bet to be honest, now I'm just trying to get hold of the correct radio, and I need to locate one of those units, but first I need to check with sena what will and what wont work, I may have to sacrifice some fancy functions such as pause, skip songs etc....

  2. On a recent trip, with Sena 20S evo and a Sena 20S we got a very impressive range of well over half a mile and approaching three quarters of a mile.

    I could hear my mate even though I couldn't see him in my mirrors. I was very impressed with the range and sound quality.


    all well and good but what if you have like 5 mates in separate cars doing a convoy that are using two way radios set to a PMR frequency?

  3. Radio = TOTP (thing of the past, not top of the pops....) go with Bluetooth, for God's sake. ..... :shock:....And Autocom :shock: ? Which museum did you see that in, then?


    pmr distance vs bluetooth

    pmr wins especially if using between cars and bikes .

    plus you don't get random taxi and baby monitor broadcasts on bluetooth ...


    yeah this is why, like I said, convoys with cars, and those guys don't want to use bluetooth

  4. It should do if you have your pmr with Bluetooth


    just gone to check out the SR10, so it looks like it can be used with a normal 2 way radio, and has its own PTT button or i could add a more discrete one, but it seems like it can only be used with another bluetooth headset.

    So basically I'd need the SR10, and another sena bluetooth headset device, and then I can use my own mic and earphones. If my thinking is correct...

  5. Ok, so I have looked around and I'm still stuck when looking for systems for having a radio on a PPT system when riding with both cars and other bikes,


    am A: picky

    and B: very picky....

    and thus I want to use my own noise cancelling earphones.

    to add to the confusion, I want to also be able to listen to music/gps (comes from the same source) and have incoming radio transmissions cut the music and then go back to the music when the transmission is over.

    bluetooth doesn't do much for me, as the car people will just have cheap PMR radios.

    The extortionate price of the autocom system doesn't deter me, I just want to know what WILL DEFINITELY work before I spend upwards of £600

    TLDR: Need PMR PTT radio that I can listen to music on at the same time and use my own earphones on.

    any help with this one would be grand.

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