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Posts posted by Joebaxi

  1. Buy some guages and do it yourself, you can bung in a choke cable while the tank is off. I can't remember whether your bike has shims or tappets but there's not a lot of point in balancing the carbs without first checking the valve clearances . If you want a garage to do both jobs then I think roughly £200 - £300 should cover it but get multiple quotes. If its been stood out in this weather then you might just have damp around the plug caps and leads . You could also try setting the petrol tap to prime position until it starts . Good luck.

    Thanks fastbob

    I’m an absolute total noob, which is prime position. I only know of 3....off,reserve and on. From that question I’m guessing you’ll know I’m not gonna start stripping the bike but I’ll take your advice and get multiple quotes.

    Thanks mate

  2. Hi all

    Does anyone have any idea how much it will cost to have my carbs synchronised and maybe new choke cable as I don’t think the choke is holding its position when I try to reduce it after a cold start. It seems to have only 2 positions either fully on or fully off.

    Also the bike has been stood unused for about 3 weeks. It’s kept outside but covered on my mums drive and due to other commitments I’ve been unable to get over there to start it up and it’s suffered the recent cold weather we’ve had. I got over there this morning and it’s refusing to start. Battery sounds healthy and I got a couple of chugs but it won’t fire. I can’t bump start it as I have an arm injury and I’m a bit scared if truth be told lol.

    It’s an 02 bandit 600 naked by the way. Any advice would be greatly appreciated



  3. Only gone n bloody passed mod 2 on first attempt this morning lol.

    Came down with flu yesterday,so took myself to bed about 7 and hoped and prayed the extra rest might help but woke up feeling even worse.

    Dragged myself to training school at 8 this morning after calling at the shop for some meds. Threw 5 ibruprofen down my throat. My instructor said I looked like death and should cancel. But when she said I’d be liable for tuition fees as well as test fee which was £160 in total I said no way.

    So off we head to the test centre in Wakefield which in reality is a 40 minute ride but she takes us all over the gaff to get there to get some extra riding in. Thankfully there was a stop to fuel the bikes. I had to go sit on the wall while she did that, I didn’t even have the energy to stand. On top of the aching from the flu my fingers felt like they were about to drop off and I could hardly feel my legs.

    We arrived at the test centre about 10 and she went through the show me tell me stuff. By this point I’d lost all interest and couldn’t concentrate. She was asking me stuff and I was just looking at her in a daze while the other lad who was with us answered everything.

    Then it was into the nice warm test centre where I slumped into the chair near the radiator. The other lad was up first so I had a half hour wait. As soon as he set off my instructor said right cmon we’ll go hit a few local roads. I nearly told her to f*** off. I just wanted to sit in that chair forever. But off we went. I can’t remember much about the ride to the test centre because we were following her but in this short 20 minute ride while she was behind me she was having to tell me to cancel indicator on every turn and to stop trailing the rear brake. I’d lost all hope at this point.

    So back at test centre I got another 5 minutes in the warm chair and then the examiner comes out. The same guy I’d had for all 3 of my mod 1s. Had a right kerfuffle switching the radio gear over to his. He had to tell me there was no rush, he could see how frustrated I was getting. Then onto the show me tell me where he had to subtly remind me to add that the bike had to be upright when checking the brake fluid level. Can’t think of an instance where anyone would be checking it when the bike wasn’t upright but hey ho.

    Then onto the test ride. I’d given up hope on passing so the nerves were non existent. His instructions were Chrystal clear but I was a bit disconcerted when every time we had to pull up at a junction to turn left or right he would pull up right on my shoulder. I got it into my head that I was riding so poorly that he was concerned for my safety and was protecting me from other traffic.

    Then after a few pullovers and setting off it was the independent ride. This was easier than I thought because he would say follow the signs for Dewsbury which was left at the next roundabout, then he’d say now pickup the signs for Wakefield centre which was left at next lights. So it was much the same as rest of the test except instead of him saying left or right I just had to glance at the signs. I had a couple of moments, one where I drifted close to the centre line on a sweeping left hander and one on a duel carriageway which was a 40 and I got behind a lorry doing 34 but I knew there were some lights coming up and didn’t want to go for the pass in case it mucked up his route or anything. Then when I saw the test centre looming I knew I only had one more roundabout to negotiate and lo and behold I somehow knocked the bike into neutral instead of second and the bike started to die while I was mustering up the little concentration I had left to get it back into second. I’d totally forgotten where the clutch was and whether to kick the shifter up or down but I’d vertually come to a stop before I finally found second then the bike nearly stalled when I set off again because of the low revs.

    So back into the test centre and the eternity of waiting for him to fill out his form before delivering his verdict.

    Then he looked up and asked me how I thought the test had gone. At that point I sort of knew I’d passed because he did that exact same thing on my third mod 1 when I’d passed that. He just told me straight that I’d failed on the previous attempts. Anyway I forced myself not to take that for granted and told him everywhere that I thought I’d mucked up then he gave me the good news. At that point all my flew symptoms magically disappeared.

    I got 4 minors, drifting towards the centre line on that left hand bend, missed a shoulder check when pulling out of a junction, road positioning at a junction and that last roundabout with the gear catastrophe which he added would have been a major had there been any other traffic.

    I’m back in bed now because the rush of adrenaline has worn off lol.

  4. Hi all.

    Finally passed my mod1 after the third attempt and in the process of booking mod2. Not sure whether to leave it till after winter and lessen the chances of the test being cancelled and losing my tuition fees. Having said that I don’t want to leave it too long and lose the experience I’m gaining. Catch 22. Timing was never my strong point.

    Anyways I have a question. Having been a driver, car and hgv for 30+ years (never ridden a bike in my life,hence the 2 mod1 fails) whilst on the lessons and rides to and from the test centre I’ve noticed I’m going up through the gears fairly quickly from a standing start regardless of the speed limit for that road. I can be up to 5th in a 30 zone well before reaching 30. It’s just something I’ve had engrained into me through various training courses for my job to save fuel and such and it’s obviously passed over to my car driving as well. Should this be something I should be concerned with on my actual test? IE would this gain me any brownie points or would the examiner even notice? The reason I ask is because I find myself traveling short distances from a standing start only to approach a stop and having to drop 3 or 4 gears which just adds more problems that I could do without when under test conditions. I know it probably sounds silly and sorry for the long explanation but I need all the help I can get.

    Thank you.

  5. My issue with cones was and still is that they're just not realistic enough for me. Before I went out with my IAM advanced observer for the first time we spoke on the phone and I said slow riding was something I wanted to continue to work on.

    After our first ride he fed back that he was amazed I thought that as my slow riding + clutch control around junctions, in traffic and whilst filtering was very good. But as I said to him, that's real life and when there's a manoeuvre like that my brain will quite happy work it all out. Doing a figure of 8 around cones is an important test of skill (which does genuinely equate to the real world) but I think my brain needs two Smart cars or something to go around to make it easier for me :lol:

    Plus if I'm filtering and I dab a foot for a bit of confidence the world doesn't explode and I'm told I'm a massive joke of a failure :wink:


    Absolutely bang on. I think a dab of the foot for balance purposes should b acceptable. As long as you don’t end up in a heap. After all if you do a u turn in real life you’re not gonna be thinking I better not put my foot down here. The purpose should b to get the bike turned round in as safe a way as possible.

  6. well done @Tomspark93 and @Joebaxi!

    Would deffo prefer to repeat MOD 2 over and over than do MOD 1 again, in fact id probably rather have dental work without anaesthetic! it feels weird to be in a confined space on a motorbike and having to dodge cones. Plus the rules on a minor/fail/pass are much more black and white so you know when you've flunked it!


    Thanks Elizabeth. Lol I actually told my workmates I was going to the dentist because my plan is not to tell anybody I’m doing my test, it takes the pressure off but yea the dentist is a walk in the park compared to mod1. I think there should b at least a cushion where you are aloud maybe one foot down or clip one cone during the test. That way you could at least start off confidently instead of knowing that you have to nail every exercise. Having said that I’m not ignoring the importance of the exercises.

  7. Well done @Joebaxi, you're right that a pass is a pass (not sure if you've seen how I scraped a pass). Never look at a cone again but aim to keep those slow manoeuvring skills sharp :thumb:


    Thanks buddy. Have just read your mod1 experience. Loved how you said let’s get the hell outta here before someday says owt 😂. I do understand the importance of the slow stuff but at least I can now practice that stuff at my own leisure, it’s a huge pressure off the shoulders.

  8. Hi all

    Third mod1 attempt today and success at long last.

    It’s been 6 week since my last attempt so I was really ropey on the ride to the test centre and had told myself that this was the last try and if I failed again I’d be buying a 125.

    Anyway on my first 2 attempts I didn’t pick up a single minor but failed both times on the swerve exercise through lack of speed. Today was a different matter though. I was stalling the bike and forgetting shoulder checks picking up 4 minors, one of them on the swerve because I only managed 48kph through the speed trap, so I only just scraped through, but a pass is a pass as they say.

    I never wanna see another cone for as long as I live lol.

  9. 2. Perfect speeds for slow speed stuff might vary slightly depending on what you are riding/you as a person, but I found sticking to these (when I wasnt having wobblers during practice and instead just slowing down and thinking about it!) helped hugely (i did these speeds both on an SV and a Gladius)! Slalom - 5-6mph, figure of 8 about 7mph, slow ride and u turn 4mph. For the faster stuff I stayed in second, and went through the bend at 15-20mph (when I did a quick glance I was at 18 on my test) so it wasnt quite as much of a hammering on the throttle to hit the 32mph speeds right. :thumb:


    This might help you @Joebaxi ?


    Thanks Elizabeth

    To be fair I’m not doing too bad on the slow stuff touch wood. I’m learning on the Gladius as well and have been told to stay in second and get the revs to 5000 for the e stop and swerve. Yes I think your bang on when you say carry the speed around the curve which I know I’m not because a quick glance at the speedo on my last attempt had me at 12mph which meant fully opening the throttle on the approach causing me to lose my bottle, in fact I’m pretty sure the front wheel left the tarmac which didn’t help my nerves lol. Anyway onwards and upwards,keep up the good fight etc etc

    Once again thank you 😊

  10. Hi all

    Failed my mod 1 for the second time last week, frustrated isn’t the word.

    Both times I’ve failed on the hazard avoidance, the LAST exercise aaaaaargh.


    Hey Joe, sorry to hear this. It sounds like everything else is in place so you'll get there.

    Third might do it. The main reason for plumping for 2nd is you're sure to get it up to the 50km/h. But I've heard that if yes the noise etc is unnerving then 3rd will give you that extra reassurance and the bike should accelerate well enough if you're not going to slow around the curve.

    Have you seen this vid by Roadcraft Nottingham? He advises one of his pupils to do just that


    For the rest of it, don't overthink it.

    The examiner is looking for a deviation out and through the cones, then a second clear direction change to get back on your original line.

    So it's a HARD push one way whilst looking at the further blue cone, then a HARD push to get back on line, then focus on your braking to a stop.

    Trust me, anything else is overcomplicating it and I don't think will help you.

    Know that at that speed the bike isn't going to lose traction on the test pad surface. @mikestrivens advice is spot on. Practice so you know it instinctively (especially as it might save your life one day anyway)



    Yea I watched that vid, that’s where I got the idea of using third gear.

    The most frustrating thing is I know I can do it. I breeze through the rest of the test.

    As for practice my instructor doesn’t have any speed measuring device.

    Oh well ‘third times a charm’ as they say 🤞

    Once again thanks.

  11. Hi all

    Failed my mod 1 for the second time last week, frustrated isn’t the word.

    Both times I’ve failed on the hazard avoidance, the LAST exercise aaaaaargh.

    First time I couldn’t find the speed even though he let me have another crack.

    Second time I was too slow again 47km on the first go so on my second attempt I was concentrating too hard on my speed that I sent the blue cone to the other side of the test pad with my foot. The thing is though I’m sure I hit it when I was swerving back in to the upright position if that makes sense.

    On my next go I’m gonna attempt it in third gear because I’ve been trained to do it in second but psychologically I think I’m going flat out and I’m losing my bottle and shutting off the throttle before I reach the speed trap.

    One question I do have though is are the examiners looking at the angle you approach the final 2 cones where you eventually stop the bike at the end of the exercise? ie if you swerve out too far are you expected to bring the bike back into a position where you approach the final stop facing dead forward and perpendicular to the stop cones.

    Sorry for the long winded post but any advice on making this easier on my third go would be gratefully appreciated.

    Thanks in advance

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