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Everything posted by YamahaWolf

  1. I might be up for this, If you can pm me with details I will try and raise the funds.
  2. That was quick, good luck mate.
  3. Well done mate. The great feeling never leaves you.
  4. Well done Alex, Now then you just need to get that test done and BMW here you come.
  5. It took mine about 2 weeks to arrive.
  6. Where is that lol
  7. People could not make it in the end .
  8. Brilliant pictures yet again Ace. How many people went to the wrong bike?
  9. I like the video, I might buy a camerea just to do this sort of thing, would be nice to have videos of rides out.
  10. Good luck Josh, 6th time lucky.
  11. That is good then . Good luck Alex.
  12. Brilliant , I will look into into getting one when my restricted licence ends. I would not want a restricted Bandit
  13. Lol yes you were, I must say Neil I love the look and sound of your bike, I am tempted to maybe get one of those in the future. What are they like money wise and would it be a pain to insure?
  14. Oh dear, you should have follwed us
  15. Amazing pictures mate. I ould love to go to scotland.
  16. I am trying to see if I can withdraw some money from the Bank Of Dad. Not looking good so far.
  17. Looks like I can't make it either, work have not paid me
  18. Is everyone who confirmed still available to go?
  19. I certainly will I had a great time, with great people.
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