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Posts posted by Bryera

  1. So it's no really a big deal then cool 👍 I was looking at getting 2m riser anyone know of any decent ones I have been looking at the rox riser but they cost a lot am I best going with them just because the quality or there anything else out there ?

  2. Ok I have a lot of neck and shoulder pain after riding and have been tolled if my handel bars was higher and more my way it would help. Has any one used handlebar risers ?? Looks like I have plenty of cable if I was to fit them but the one that gos to the brake fluid I not to sure can you get longer brack fluid cable going from the Handel bars to where it gos to ?

  3. And can any recommend any ? Just ordered from euro car parts Osram (H7 Night Racer 110 Motorbike Bulb 12V 55W Single Pack any one recommend anything else before I buy tomorrow

  4. Ok may be simple to some but changing light bulbs I am new and changing mine on my Suzuki 650 and removed the old one and see it says it's a H7 12v 55v and I am going for the white light look and looking online there are bulds for h7 cars and h7 bikes dose it mater witch I get or would a car h7 not work ?

    And I don't know if this is standard but it has like a little black thing the bulb gos in to then my bike cable gos in to that how come that ?



  5. Have no idea if this is in the right place lol 8-) but I was doing some spray painting and I had some left so decided to lightly paint the engine on the bike and it looks ace but know it's not going to stay like that when it get hot. What will it do will it just fade again or will it make a mess it's only a halffords can :thumb: :thumb:

  6. Only reason getting it is a car on the motorway when I was in the 3ed Lane over toke me and was a foot away from hitting me it's the only time I have had a close call with a car and then he got angry after Neely hiring me and wanted me to pull over but there was two of us and one of him something did not seem right lol

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