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Posts posted by Aaron

  1. do you mean a simple drop or a drop drop :lol: either way the answer is yes.

    got off my first bike to check something and parked facing down hill, bike just rolled off the side stand and bang.

    and more recently, well a year ago came a proper drop



    Was that the front letting go?

  2. I hope they race as normal & keep all the sympathies for the actual funeral.

    Given his character, would someone like Simoncelli want the race to be disrupted & the possible outcome swayed by mucking about with things like grid positions?

    I doubt it, I certainly wouldn't. This 'Princess Diana Syndrome' with all the over the top displays of public grief by people who are just out to let everyone know just how 'kind & caring' they are is getting to be a bit tiring. Yes, it was a sad day & a nasty way to go, but what the **** has it got to do with them, us (or me) really? :roll:


    Marco was one of the best bits about watching MotoGP. When I was looking for the race start time to see if i'd missed the start and needed to use iPlayer or not, and discovered that he'd died, my girlfriend burst into tears and I certainly struggled not to.

    So i think there's a difference between people sharing their grief together, and people offering token signs of respect.

    I hate the minute's silence at football matches for some earthquake, or whatever. Noone really cares; it's just a sign of respect that people feel duty bound to pay. On the otherhand I feel that all of the Simoncelli tributes honestly help people feel less sad about the whole thing.

    I reckon the race winner should take Simoncelli's bike bike on a victory lap with a monster wheelie down the finish straight !

  3. I assume Nman won't have internet until monday, but I think he got a pictire of us posing. No action phots.

    I don't know if we learnt much in only 1 session, other than what it's like and how much fun it is to ride your bike like it was built for without having to worry about tractors, or cowpats round the bend!

    I was a little nervous, and I think neil was quite nervous. But at the end both of us were well pleased so it was definitely worth while.

    Someone crashed and got the session red-flagged, but it was right at the end so we didn't really miss much :)

  4. It's not just personal risk if they rely on the National Health Service to patch them up


    Isn't it?.




    If someone has no alternative but to rely on the NHS to patch them up, because the state steals the fruits of their labour from them at gunpoint (albeit thinly veiled) which they could otherwise be free to spend on medical insurance of their own free choice, then cost implications to the NHS can hardly be of any legitimate concern to them.

    One surely can't use use violence, or the threat of violence, to force their preferences upon someone else against their will and then righteously complain when the consequences of using said violence incurs a cost :roll:

    Now thats not to say that I don't think there shouldn't be any rules for the road, although setting those rules is not the job of the state. But that's besides the point. The point is that institutions like the NHS are fundamentally immoral and as such any arguments based upon them should be, for anyone who wouldn't like to think of themselves as a bully, self contradicting.

  5. i am with boothy on this one!

    i am restricted and it doesnt bother me, i dont want a more powerful bike until i have more experience,

    i also think the same with car drivers, you get some 17 yearolds who pass there test and go and get a evo or simular and normaly crash it within weeks cause they cant handle the speed, but its there and to tempting not to use,

    same as the powerful bikes after a das,

    yes you have proven you can ride a bike thats 600cc and above, but you have not got the experience when things goes wrong cause you have given to much throttle,

    you clock up lots of pratice on a 125 but theres hardly any power, if you could put L plates on a 600cc it would be different,

    im not saying alot of restriction, but something like a 600cc not a 1100, maybe for the first year or so many miles,

    waiting for the comebacks now :lol:


    Many people would never dream of using violence, or the threat of violence, to coerce you into doing, or not doing, what they want. I suspect that all they would ask in return is that you extend them the same courtesy.

  6. I`m sure I`ll enjoy Phil, once I get over the initial nerves. As for race fairings, I doubt it mate. I`ll use this to gain some confidence and possible a starter for a longer session next spring/summer.


    I wouldn't be too nervous. I'd imagine it's the safest place to ride! Although being uninsured is a bit worrying :D

    I'm trying to calculate how i'm going to get there at the moment. It'd be nice to avoid the A14 to keep my new tyres round, but that makes it an earlyish start.

  7. :shock: :eek2: Aaron, you`re back on, you been away??????. or have you been saving (like me) to get the new tyres, :lol:

    Why not indeed come along, the more the merrier


    I just don't like you all ; )

    Missed a couple of rideouts due to tyres too though.

    Btw, it's probably a bit far for most of you, but Seastar superbikes near norwich do both wheels, ride in / ride out, for £40 which is much better than most.

    I'm getting a pair of Supercorsa BSBs for £194 which is reasonable too. The quote for a pair of BT016s was £270! which is about £70 more than i'd expect, but they are Pireli/Metzeler guys as far as I can tell.

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