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Everything posted by Toby_Smith

  1. Funny you should reply...I was considering PMing you instead of starting a new thread heh. A fuse did cross my mind, I will have a look tonight. Any idea what this fuse will look like? I'm guessing nothing like the ones from cars which I'm familiar with?
  2. Even a fully charged battery won't even switch the ignition on. I have a fully charged battery in it. I turn the key and don't get any electrics at all. Once I bump start it I do, but then if/when I stop the bike and the engine is off I won't get any electrics at all. Is there any chance it could be the ignition switch? The ignition needs changing anyway so I will be doing that, but it'd be handy to know if there is anything else I should check first. So to clarify, it isn't a case of the starter not working, none of the electrics work without the engine running. No lights, starter, horn etc etc Toby
  3. Hi there I posted this thread a bit ago: http://www.themotorbikeforum.com/viewto ... =5&t=28627 Since this I have charged the battery (which shows up as been fine on the optimate) and tried two other batteries but still have no power unless the bike is bump started. I have cleaned up any earth connections I can find and also given the battery terminal connections a good clean. Still no joy. Any ideas? Absolutely clueless here! Cheers! Toby
  4. Alright then guys n gals. Which one of you wants to give me some advice on how to remove a rounded nut? It looks like the previous owner of my bike has had an ill fittin spanner on the nut which connects my exhaust bracket to the frame and rounded the f**ker right off. Is it worth me getting a bit of WD40 on it and having a go with a set of mole grips? Cheers
  5. you shouldn't need to grease the gasket, as it will burn off, but DO grease the nuts/studs/mounting bolts with Copper grease (resistant to heat) Thanks mate, Very much appreciated!
  6. Hi there, I am changing the exhaust on my Yamaha SR125 today. One quick question. I am also changing the exhaust gasket but have been given conflicting information on whether I should apply grease to it first or not. One person has told me top grease each edge of the gasket before it goes in, another has told me not the grease it at all. Any guidance on this matter? Thanks, Toby
  7. Thanks mate. I always ride with my lights on so that makes sense. Cheers for your help mate. Toby
  8. Don't know if this adds anything to the diagnosis, but when the engine is running all the electrics (lights, indicators etc) work fine
  9. Hi guys, I have a Yamaha SR125 (T Reg). The bike is electric start. Last week the battery ran flat (my stupid own fault, left the ignition on for about 3 days!). Was completely dead, didnt even try to turn over or show me any lights on the dials. Took the bike out on Saturday, managed to bump start it no problem. I then went out for around 2 hours. My assumption being that a decent length ride without having to start the bike mid-journey would get enough charge into the battery for it to start by itself next time. When I got back. I parked the bike up. Ten mins later I want to move the bike (car park logistics!) and there was nothing. Flat as a pancake. Not even a neutral light. Had to bump it again! I bought the bike late (mid november I think) last year and straight away replaced the battery and not had any problems with it. I took the battery out, checked nothing was loose, cleaned up the terminals etc, put the battery back in but still nothing. I have an optimate so can charge the battery, but if it is not recharging it's only going to end up letting me down! I just find it a bit wierd though, the battery has obviously been charging fine for the last couple of months, the bike gets a decent amount of use, then as soon as the battery runs flat it appears as if it isn't charging. Any ideas anyone? Thanks in advance!
  10. I don't suppose any of you kind folks who have recently passed your theory have the current hazard perception training/practice CD or DVD I could borrow for a few weeks do you? I have my theory at the end of march. I have the questions CD-ROM but not the hazard perception bit. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Toby
  11. Does anyone on here have any experiences with West Pennine Motorcycling Training near Blackburn? Just looking at round for where I can do my direct access and they seem to be around £200 than most places. Just wondering if anyone had anything positive or negative to say regarding them. Thanks
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