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Posts posted by splinter

  1. I have tried looking everywhere!! i have a cbr600f 96 and im looking for the document holder bag that came origanly with the bike and the side cover that hides it! it sits in a hole under the seat and there is a door-cover that protects it and they are missing, any help would be great

  2. I have a 96 cbr 600f and i carry pillions mainly my wife and child, what o would like to know is how to adjust the suspension when carrying, im a total noob and asked pepole but all i get is yeah u need to turn it two clicks? what i need is some one to explain it to me or a video that shows it being done. thanks guys for taking to read this

  3. Ok guys went to the local specialests and got the tyre plugged because it was center of tire and did not damage it in any other way it could be done, also my tyre is w rated. It's not illegal, however he did tell me that a bold tire will get u 6 points now not 3!! That shcocked me.

  4. How long does it take for the cbr 600f to warm up to temp, it just seems mine takes a age


    Leave running for 1 min (or until it revs pretty freeley) and just dont rag it for a couple of miles. No need to have uber long warm up times just wastes fuel!

    Thing is that 10 mins is including riding

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