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Posts posted by the_wacka

  1. @sparkeh9: You're absolutely right. Sit on the bike, push the bike gently forwards and gently pull the brake lever (obviously not so hard you lose balance!).

    In actual fact, the brake light test is another question in itself...but you won't be asked to do these two tests together because they are both 'show me' tests! :D

    @bumble: Apart from tension, ensure that the chain is lubricated, there are no stuck links and that the chain is in alignment with the wheel.

  2. Hey everyone,

    I passed my Mod 2 (retest) earlier this week, with five minors (positioning at junctions, getting too close to parked cars and hesitation at junctions). I took the advice of treating the examiner like a sat nav and just got on with my business!

    Just wanted to thank everyone on here immensely for sharing their experiences. They're most appreciated! :D

    I am now spoilt for choice as to what bike to get for this summer! I shall be bike shopping in the next couple of weeks! :roll:


  3. Absolutely gutted that I failed today's Mod 2 test. :crybaby:

    Despite having three minors, I had a serious fault (where I got two of the minors from) during my ride, which I didn't even know until the examiner told me.

    I have actually attached a satellite image of the roundabout in question (I know, geek!) and showed on it what I did, and what the other car did.

    [see image]

    The examiner did say 'go straight on', but I thought nothing of it and looked at the physical layout of the roundabout instead. Obviously, the hint 'straight on' meant I should have been on the left lane! Plus the road sign did point the exit at 12 o'clock so I should have known better (despite in reality the exit is located at 2 o'clock!).

    He said that by indicating right and entering the right lane BUT took the road straight ahead, I could have mislead other drivers. Apparently I did mislead the car driver. Hence the serious fault...


    On a positive note, I only had one minor if I had not made this silly mistake! I even had to stop for a fire truck in the middle of a crossroad!

    There's always next time. Sometimes it takes two to get it right!



  4. Hi Kirsty,

    I did my Mod 1 back in November last year. I had to take the test twice because the first time I put my foot down during the U-turn...so I'm with you there, I find them quite difficult!!

    However, what made my experience top-notch was the fact that my training school booked a couple of hours at the test centre, so we were able to try everything out on the actual test track before the real thing!

    It might be worth asking your training school to see if that may be possible...?

    Hope that helps.

    Ken :-)

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