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Posts posted by mhomami

  1. Re-chroming looks like the eventual remedy (cheers for the link bob) but will attempt to smooth it out with a wire brush for the time being (thanks Colin). Cleaned the chain last week and noticed red splodges all over it. That needs to be changed and probably rear shocks too as they feel spongy. Either that or my fat arse is much heavier than the skinny thing that was riding it before me and it just needs adjusting. Money money money.

    On the plus side I got myself a Loobman :D Very clever contraption which I will fit once I get a new chain sorted out.

  2. Afternoon peeps.

    I have a slight problem with the forks on my VFR. She went in for a service a few days ago and the mechanic told me the forks were pitted and were rubbing/tearing the seals. He put super glue on it and sanded it down to smooth the surface but clearly that didn't work. Does anyone have any ideas short of binning the forks and getting new ones?

  3. sounds like your pulling your clutch in too early aswell



    So thats why I lock up my rear at least twice a week!

    Thank you :)

    Used to scare the hell out of me but now I just think "oh there it goes again"

    Mine seems to lock up at really slow speeds with only 20% rear being used but the clutch at that point is fully in.


    I hope your taking the piss otherwise that's just bloody dangerous...at least it would be for me :lol: I've only locked my wheel up 3 times in emergency braking situations. What's funny is that every time I hit the rear brakes, gently squeezed the front, and pulled the clutch in to prevent the engine stall! It made sense to me at the time but having said that, no one taught me otherwise. Now I know better :D

  4. It's also possible that they provide evidence of personal indemnity, and thus won't need an insurance policy for the car


    The mod self insure. Wonder what total worth you need to get out of paying insurance.


    Relatively little. Our insurance doesn't cover us for an awful lot of money and even if the cover was unlimited, the payouts will be minimal unless there is a massive pileup. Even then there's more than one insurance policy in play. I think our premiums can probably be explained by greed. The insurance companies are making massive profits off us first time drivers.

  5. Hi guys. I've had this happen to me two or three times and luckily the bike corrected itself.

    I was told not to use my rear brake so much and in all honesty I am terrified of touching it at all now. I think I use about 90% front and 10% rear brakes and haven't had any issues with this combination yet. Problem is that now I have a dual-brake system on my bike and I don't dare touch the rear at all.

    Can anyone advise on preventing a wheel lock and recovering from a wheel lock?

  6. Well thats me out of the game again for another few years. Sold the bike last week and decided to stick to the train for the commute in and out of London. Shame.

    On the plus side my new place has a garage and i'm looking to start a bike project. I'm thinking of doing a "from the ground up" job.

    Apologies guys. Maybe I'll get to meet everyone in a few years on my new hand built dream machine :)

  7. Cheers Neil. Will definitely be in touch. The guy I was going to swap the bike with has pulled out bc he did a hpi check on the bike and found the clocks been tampered with. This bikes turning into a bloody nightmare. Will likely be off the road till I can do a px for a descent bike off showroom. Looking at gfx650f x8 going for 4k but still early days. Need to be patient else will just lose more cash.

    Will be in touch once things are sorted.

    Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

  8. Hello folks.

    Sorry for the late reply roadrunner. Having a hectic week and its not over yet.

    Would be great to join up with you and head over to a Tuesday meet. Let me get my bike swapped first though. Darned thing terrifies me. Can't even change lanes without feeling a wobble going over the separator studs. I think my height is upsetting the center of gravity on the bloody thing. God I miss my zx7

    Sent from my HTC Desire using Tapatalk

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