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Posts posted by Rymez2K

  1. Hi mate,

    At least you could find hourly lessons, all the places near me would only do a days lesson, which is impossible to fit around work.

    I therefor chose to do mod1 and 2, on my own.

    Mod1 is easy enough to practice for, you can google the measurements and buy some cheap cones, and practice.

    The actual mod 1 test layout is huge.

    In all I have been on the bike for about a month and done about a 1000 miles.

    Mod 2 is basically just listening to the examiner and driving sensibly, lane position, obs etc.

    In that time, I have read up loads and watched heaps of videos online to help.

    I would recommend the road craft its a bit slow in places but gets you thinking.

    I will now be using the money I saved to in this to do, bike safe, enhanced rider scheme, iam/rospa etc etc.

    Hope that helps



  2. Over the moon, passed mod 2 this morning. :cheers:

    Was super nervous, and then made some small mistakes, by the time I got back I thought I had failed.

    Especially when I got back and the examiner didn't ask me the pillion questions.

    Then spent 5 minutes waiting for the other chap to finish in the room.

    So we go in and then he asks me the pillion questions and I am like what.

    And he said guess I should tell you you've passed.

    Wooooooo! He said I rode really well, apart from doing an extra couple of rear obs at roundabouts.

    Right think it's time to start looking for something a little bit bigger.

    Also looking forward to doing a bikesafe soon.



  3. Woop woop! :cheers:

    Passed module 1 this morning.

    Felt a lot more confident this morning knowing what to expect and knowing where the place was. :)

    Also felt a lot smoother on the low speed stuff, and way more confident on the bike as a whole.

    Got 1 minor for a sloppy obvs on my U-turn.

    Right now to book module 2!


  4. Aaargh! What a mission.

    Left the house about an hour and a half early this morning.

    Then spent 45 minutes trying to find the place. Being directed all over the place by Tomtom and locals.

    Arrive at the test centre only be told the test centre for bikes has moved!

    After asking more locals they direct me in sort of correct direction.

    Decide to pullover and check on phone, tomtom goes skittering along the road. But is alive.

    DSA website doesn't work eventually get hold of them and find the right place with about 15 minutes to spare.

    Was super nervous, and all the slow bits where 100%, obs etc.

    Then on the emergency stop for some reason I panic and lock up the back.

    Doh! Fail!

    Nevermind it was good to see how massive the place is and even on the cbr the slow stuff is really easy.

    All booked for next thursday, time to nail it.

    The examiner was a pleasant chap and explained everything well.

    The end..


  5. Exciting stuff, booked my mod 1 test for Friday morning.

    Going to do it on my own bike and try and save some cash. Been out with some cones trying to get my confidence up!

    Quick question, the DVLA still have not sent my V5, anyone know if their will be an issue if I just take the small green bit?



  6. So I am trying to book mod 1 and is it just me or did anyone struggle with the DSA site?

    Firstly I have tried about 5 test centres and even choosing no preference not a single booking comes up.

    Secondly you have to enter a stupid captcha thing every single time you search for a booking.

    The theory booking worked fine, why on earth is it so hard to book the practical.

    Am I expecting to much from a gvt website?

    Rant over.


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