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Posts posted by revs

  1. Was chatting to the guy from Samsung Honda at Knockhill yesterday and he explained the suspension and the rest of the changes from my bike to this one.

    Had the all black one there.

    Was very impressed, and this will definitely be purchased next year.

    And revs will have the lovely blade you (she) currently have (has) :angel12: :lol:

    And Fast Eddie will have the lovely 600 I currently have.


    You missed a bit!


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

  2. Was chatting to the guy from Samsung Honda at Knockhill yesterday and he explained the suspension and the rest of the changes from my bike to this one.

    Had the all black one there.

    Was very impressed, and this will definitely be purchased next year.

    And revs will have the lovely blade you (she) currently have (has) :angel12: :lol:

  3. That is just my reading of it though, and it would be worth you contacting DVLA to confirm this. You may need to contact them anyway as you may need to get a UK counterpart (the paper bit) of your licence.


    I also think you can only drive/ride on an EU licence for a year before you have to apply for a UK licence.


    spot on dave. :cheers:

  4. your nan has a blade??? lol good on her :P

    I wouldnt recommend a CBR as a first bike, maybe the F, best to go for would be yamaha fazer / honda hornet both restrict well and are forgiving :)

    she owns 2!

    thanks for the advice guys!

    ill check em all out

    Well im on like £5.10 an hour so budget is like up to 2-3k? even that would take me a fair few months to get together.. yah...


    god your nan is COOOOOOOOL :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:

  5. Cheers lads, and no my girlfriend hasn't the slightest clue about bikes, her dream vehicle is Ford KA T.T

    looks like im going for the 600, anyone want to recommend a specific model? i like the Honda CBR, (my nan rides a fireblade and its beautiful!)

    apparently my mum has a copy of the highway code, i know most of it though, not too sure how i will fare on the hazard perception part :P

    and btw ABR are sick m/

    your nan has a blade??? lol good on her :P

    I wouldnt recommend a CBR as a first bike, maybe the F, best to go for would be yamaha fazer / honda hornet both restrict well and are forgiving :)

  6. Was good to meet everyone plus the little bimble from Moffat to Moniaive. Sorry I couldn't go further with you, and hope the rest of the trip goes well :D


    Good to meet you again yesterday Nell.

    Along with Roy, and TC.

    And good to meet Techno and Silverspring for the first time too.

    Fantastic to meet the lovely Revs again too :wink: :love:

    hmmmmm, meet the lovely revs? we left from the same house lol ;p

  7. For any of you guys who have an AGV, sespecially a K4... a quick question.

    I bought a new on elast week, in medium, and i usually have small lids, felt fine nice and tight in the shop.

    Riding to work yesterday, and then home again, felt SO tight on my heaed, gave me a headache both times, and the cheek pads feel like, only very slightly, they are pushing my cheeks up like a hamster.

    Did you find your moulded quickly, or do i need a large?!

    I wore my new (s) AGV for the first time yesterday, excrutiating is the only way i can describe it! hope it loosens or it'll be on ebay! sorry I couldnt be much help, my shoei was tight when new but nothing like this :o

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