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Scaredylady update

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After last week's fiasco I am more determined than ever to get my CBT. I don't think the training centre wants me back, they were very noncommittal when I asked for another date, but they do only have one scooter, which is now in hospital. I have a couple of pretty splendid bruises of my own, and I had a stiff neck next day, but all that will heal up without a mechanic.

Anyway, I called in at another place not far from where I work. The main reason I hadn't gone there in the past was that it's not that close to where I live, and I thought they work the same hours as I do - it turns out they do do Saturdays.

It's a much bigger setup, with more spare bikes, and a practice car park area thing the size of two football pitches. They also say on their website that the U-turn seems to be the most problematic thing for most people, so they've laid it out to give you the best chance of mastering it properly. I had a chat with the instructor and to start with, he suggested just going along for an hour - at no cost to myself and I'd be back at work for lunchtime - during the week, so that we could work out what I need. Like me, he thinks if you're going to ride a geared bike you might as well learn on one.

The other place turned down my suggestion that I should have a couple of lessons (this was before I started breaking their bikes) and said that I should just keep repeating the CBT till I pass - well, look where that has got me, it's been over two months now and what with postponements and stuff there has been no continuity, which hasn't helped. It does seem illogical to me that people can get on a bike, with no experience, in the morning, and be allowed to drive around unsupervised by the late afternoon. You can't do that in a car, can you?

To cut this rather long story short, I decided I might as well take the whole afternoon off in case the hour overran a bit. The instructor said in that case, I might as well go along after lunch and spend the whole afternoon with him. So it sounds like he reckons he can sort me out. And I can always go back to the idea of actual lessons, which have been kind of forgotten somewhere along the way.

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That's a positive start then scaredylady it sounds like the new school has a lot more interest in you already, we have a riding school near where I live and all they seem to be interested in is money :evil: they told me I would be looking at around 6 months to get my licence :(

I went to a new riding school only 15 miles away and passed everything within 2 weeks :D , you go to your new school with a positive frame of mind and a clean slate, forget everything that has happened in the past and just go with what your instructor tells you.

I really do admire your determination to pass the CBT and can't wait to see you post on the forum that it's all done and dusted, god damn it I will even go to say that I will pop for a ride with you as well and I will get Deso to pop with me :D

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Well, back to basics today. I went along for my hour-or-so's assessment/lesson with the new school.

First the bad news: I am not a natural biker :shock:

Then the good news: I made some progress. B, the instructor, showed me exactly how to use the clutch lever and the penny finally dropped that I can make the bike stop and go without frightening myself with the throttle or upending myself with the front brake. All he got me to do today was get the bike going with my feet off the ground, slowly, more or less in a straight line; get it to go a wee bit faster (and I really am talking about walking pace) using the throttle and a wee bit slower using the front brake. Nice and smoothly without snatching.

B's advice to me is to get on my pushbike, gain some confidence on that, and then go back to him for some lessons; an hour at a time. My big problem is balance - which I knew - I never developed those motor skills as a child because I was never allowed a bike. So now it's a case of an old dog learning new tricks - it can be done, but it takes longer.

I came home, got out my bicycle, and practiced a bit of going as slowly as I could. That's hard work round here because there are very few level roads, it's all hills.

So, Forum Friends, you will not be hearing from me for a week or two because I am going to master the balancing act before I get back on a motorbike. It really is Catch 22: I can't practice seriously till I've got my CBT, and I can't get my CBT without practice. But I'm determined to succeed.

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Sounds like 'B' is a lot better than your old instructor and well done for persevering :cheers:

I think getting the cycle out is a good idea - most people starting out on a motorbike are lucky enough to take that skill for granted.

BTW - being able to ride a bike in a straight line at walking pace is a valuable skill :lol: - you'd be surprised how many people find that really hard

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Good work! Sounds like you have found am instructor who want people to ride well and not just get through a test.

Enjoy it, that's what we ride for :)

(Also, I dropped the bike on my cbt, the instructor wondered off in the phnom left me to it and He passed me. I never went back to him and I muted 15 miles via bus just to go to a better riding school, and I am so glad I did)

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So I've booked an actual LESSON for one day next week. I don't think B thinks I can do it. I'll have to prove him wrong. To be fair, he is trying to make me as relaxed as possible and says I should have fun.

I sneaked in hoping nobody I knew would see me - the door is right next to the main door or the local leisure centre - and to my horror, ran right into, not only somebody I know, but the biggest gossip I know! I hope they didn't realise why I was going into the bike school door, I had decided to say, truthfully, that I had to give somebody a message. Luckily this person is not working anywhere near me at the moment. I don't want to say anything till I pass, and then I can just sashay into work one day casually carrying my helmet.............

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Exactly so, MissBex (re your other reply - I'll stick to this thread now!) - it's a fresh start.

I have a fantasy of passing my CBT eventually and then telling the original school, because they will of course think that I've just given up, and I don't want them top think that. And then a bit of me thinks that's a bit petty.

Still, first things first. My current fantasy is passing it at all!

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