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Like a coiled spring...


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Nothing wakes me up faster and makes me move more quickly than the sound of the poorly child asleep next to me preparing to be sick on my head. The fact that my wife is now in the bathroom washing her hair shows that unfortunately her reflexes aren't quite as sharp...


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haha nice one..

Fortunately my child has never thrown up on me in bed, but i do have the same reflex when my cat starts making puking noises... although i tend to throw him out the window! (onto flat roof)

Edited by Joeman
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you throw your car out onto the flat roof !!! :popcorn:


Yep. We don't have a cat flap so he uses the upstairs windows as his means of entry/exit and regularly sunbaths on the flat roof which is just under the upstairs bedroom and bathroom windows.

When I hear him making puking noises I simply accelerate the exit process. He's puked in mid flight before but he doesn't seem to mind.

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No kids for me but i have simular reflexes when my cat comes in at night and i wake to the distinctive sound of her talking with her mouthful of wildlife, and you have to be quick because mpre times than not they are un injured and birds are a pain to catch and mice and shrews are quick lil buggers

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We were at Silverstone last year motogp.

Weds night.

Just me n kids gone down. R lass giving it a miss.

So it's first night. Tent has 3 bedrooms. I'm in the middle one.

Hears some rustling in tent. Thinks sh@@ being burgled. Jumps up.

Next thing I hear is the sound of my 10yr old daughter vomiting....

Long story short.

5 nights of eventually all 3 of coming down with the nova virus. .. 2 trips to the on course medical centre and one very second hand tent...

To make it worse.. we infected our friends from Scotland in their motorhome.

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No kids for me but i have simular reflexes when my cat comes in at night and i wake to the distinctive sound of her talking with her mouthful of wildlife, and you have to be quick because mpre times than not they are un injured and birds are a pain to catch and mice and shrews are quick lil buggers

Now that brings back memories! I rented a farmhouse just outside Bury St Edmunds for years, and we used to get birds falling down the chimney on a regular basis - we even came back from shopping once to find a robin perched on the telly! Usually we'd just open all the windows and let them find their own way out, but we once had a jackdaw who seemed disinclined to leave. What a pain in the arse that was!

Then there was the stuff the cats brought in. On more than one occasion an unpleasant smell led us to the remains of a rodent gently decomposing in some obscure part of the house, and I came downstairs bleary-eyed one morning and stepped barefoot on an eviscerated mouse. Thank god they're now both too fat to fit through the cat flap...

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Ah yes. The ablutions of a small child ...

Our daughter is capable of ruining three or more outfits in a single nappy change ...

1. Remove nappy and clothes.

2. Clean nether regions.

3. Put new clothes on.

4. Start putting new nappy on.

5. Child pees/poos/vomits all over herself.

6. Return to step 1.

:bang: :bang: :bang:

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