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Everything posted by londonboards

  1. Got all the little bits back from plating today. Now to start the carb rebuild: See: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/carburetto.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-hMvEW8RjRvw/UaDkJ8XmT3I/AAAAAAAADnw/QsrS0NPTh4A/s1600/P1070323.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-G1lfYudThtY/UaDkJ2SFmtI/AAAAAAAADno/bcp4VweF1bw/s1600/P1070330-001.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-8hxiPj4g6RE/UaDkK0PPisI/AAAAAAAADn4/owg2fwq9G-0/s1600/P1070339-001.jpg Greetings
  2. I finally got my air shocks back from the refurb guy. It took nearly 5 months but I was in no hurry. See my resto blog: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/05/rear-shocks-refurbishment.html there are more pics and stuff there. This is what they look like now: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-y-KVih4t9AE/UYtzTEBjbUI/AAAAAAAADco/agpDFi9G45I/s1600/P1070181-001.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-MSN8sI8yJEU/UYtzc3Ap_QI/AAAAAAAADdQ/DsgvEtSLYs8/s1600/P1070187-001.jpg Greetings
  3. Top T Race Removal See: My http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/top-t-race-removal.html Had quite a bit of fun trying to get this off. Resorted to the old Dremel and brute force method: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-5lnH-9bWoNU/UWbfQr6--hI/AAAAAAAADXA/I4dLRqi97xg/s1600/P1060814.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-UsKS-y8FgQE/UWbfQs8WiMI/AAAAAAAADXE/0Twp8C0_y34/s1600/P1060816.jpg Then give it a good whack: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Zm-P-wq6VPs/UWbfRKVkIiI/AAAAAAAADXQ/RZ841AcPz3c/s1600/P1060822.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-W4gDqT_pEck/UWbfRmCL6CI/AAAAAAAADXU/7v4EKFH2pHM/s1600/P1060825.jpg Greetings
  4. Some Butterfly Capers Here's some info on how I got the butterflies out. I am glad I did as I found a seal missing from one of the throttle rods: See: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/some-butterfly-capers.html I blocked the valve with a piece of wood: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-az0wiZyFhVk/UR_nLx_6uTI/AAAAAAAAC7o/btRKFx_TJmY/s1600/P1050735.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-cFNZMp-y4B0/UR_o-pcBO_I/AAAAAAAAC8A/bvI-T06eIZg/s1600/P1050732.jpg Don't worry too much about these screws not turning or being burred over - best to use a JIS screwdriver for a perfect fit then give them some welly as you lean on the piece of wood. You do not want to strip these! http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-4VckbSYXXdg/UR_q_Daqb6I/AAAAAAAAC8Y/xFF-rOyRHP4/s1600/P1050742.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vAizw8rftnc/URqrP6NAAmI/AAAAAAAACvs/yug_bWMueh8/s1600/P1050701.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ESILx3tOnI/URqrQsBfBLI/AAAAAAAACv4/cKxfrJpTiU0/s1600/P1050703.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-X_zjfmltfcI/URqrRwgxCBI/AAAAAAAACwM/hlgJ1YoEgzA/s1600/P1050710.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-sY6rMgKPR9k/UR_vSCxofYI/AAAAAAAAC8s/e_TjYUYbqTc/s1600/P1050773.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-Q75w0tnIbRY/UR_vSEsmpMI/AAAAAAAAC8w/X48AWzwf_Aw/s1600/P1050771.jpg Greetings
  5. Making good progress at the moment. Got the carbs back from the vapour blasting guys. So here's a real before and after treat: See: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/03/cleaned-carburetors-day-214.html tons of other posts and big pictures. Click these photos to enlarge: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-d_5Kma3ExVg/UUodHAxgPOI/AAAAAAAADMM/ssSrQcp4P6A/s1600/P1040287.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TPXB0JIpUIw/UUodH5ag-PI/AAAAAAAADMc/ASdtfmrsbTk/s1600/P1040313.jpg And the after: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-VY7m8js8VvU/UUod2bh5NCI/AAAAAAAADMs/aKPT1b97V08/s1600/P1060421-001a.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-yRFebIYnTXc/UUod2ScgKeI/AAAAAAAADMw/EhWB_rcIjpo/s1600/P1060367-001a.jpg Greetings
  6. Thanks for that. I do have a little blow lamp that I bought when I thought I would need it to get the exhaust bolts out. But it was never needed in the end. The wax thing sounds really good. I will give it a try. Greetings
  7. Thanks for that. I will use some of my concoction of 50% thinners and 50% brake fluid that was so successful in getting the exhaust bolts out: See http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/exhaust-bolts-out-day-55.html Here are the pesky beasts: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tqwKg1ggGl0/UHhL1YjHc_I/AAAAAAAABUM/zr476TqGMOY/s1600/P1040472.jpg Greetings
  8. Day 179 Carburetor Break Down Part 4 Getting down to the nitty gritty now. Taking out butterfly valves. Some people suggest not doing this: See: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/02/carburetor-break-down-part-4-day-179.html http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-06s4mnCxFuc/URqrRvUyCAI/AAAAAAAACwQ/ZMN1pzr2F3s/s1600/P1050700.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-vAizw8rftnc/URqrP6NAAmI/AAAAAAAACvs/yug_bWMueh8/s1600/P1050701.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-6ESILx3tOnI/URqrQsBfBLI/AAAAAAAACv4/cKxfrJpTiU0/s1600/P1050703.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-X_zjfmltfcI/URqrRwgxCBI/AAAAAAAACwM/hlgJ1YoEgzA/s1600/P1050710.jpg Now I have to get this one off: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-xKTgxkeJM_U/URvOGWu2dxI/AAAAAAAACyY/pumqwGdccOA/s1600/P1050724.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qxeROjFArNQ/URvTZotLSdI/AAAAAAAACzI/Iaw5xmrJ3dg/s1600/P1050726b.jpg Greetings
  9. Day 167 Carburetor Strip (part 3) I have been moving on with this rebuild folks. For the latest, have a look at http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/ I am on the carb strip at the moment. Here is the workbench (click images to enlarge): http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-r7vNcJDVtLI/UQ7b9uhekjI/AAAAAAAACm8/EkQbA9Fh-HE/s1600/P1050543.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-H1O5UZoSoUQ/UQ7b9R9L6MI/AAAAAAAACm4/IHKnuv2MMYE/s1600/P1050540.jpg and some close up work: http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-DtbWcSOXREo/URaOAG0mxaI/AAAAAAAACrw/AAtIh8amZJ4/s1600/P1050615.jpg Greetings
  10. It may be winter outside (Barry White) but I am still on the job sourcing spare parts. Check my latest blog entry: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/more-new-parts-day-204.html http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-NC_m4_SW0A0/UQQ_ghoW1II/AAAAAAAACh8/qLr1fbFaIyE/s1600/P1050461a.jpg
  11. Day 105 Engine Washing You may read on other threads . . ."and I washed the engine". Just like that. This is another one of those seemingly simple jobs that takes me a whole day. First I have to work out a place to do it in the garden. This alone required moving a ton of stuff. Then I had to work out an idea to get the engine off the ground and be able to reach the bottom. Then the actuall cleaning took a good long time and hey it's only 3 degrees C here (37F) with a windchill as well. I've now got back ache! See my blog posting here: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/12/engine-wash-105.html I made up a stand using grandad's old car ramps: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-WBYerALLyKg/ULpyMvQLBNI/AAAAAAAACPk/CjxgGZIGbU0/s1600/P1050163.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-WtbaYA51l04/ULpxzVhOQRI/AAAAAAAACPE/UKHHSzyc9XU/s1600/P1050158.jpg Now we are safely tucked up in the garage where I can do some work over the winter: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-6HfK3tw8KNU/ULp31IG966I/AAAAAAAACRA/nuyKxUzQ5dk/s1600/P1050169-001.jpg Greetings
  12. Day 91 Engine Washing Preparation Got the big job out the way (getting the engine out of the frame) now I have to prepare it to be washed, degreased, possibly paint stripped and sand blasted (or soda blasted). Full story here: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/engine-clean-preparation-day-91.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-o-0nAdnzNgY/UKebBbsT5bI/AAAAAAAACAE/_ocyzWtQjg0/s1600/P1050091.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-244RxgubVTs/UKebHYS3qwI/AAAAAAAACAM/vPey7nAykcg/s1600/P1050092.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-q0kaj4CZKu0/UKebptqpgCI/AAAAAAAACAU/zIa63ebnTcc/s1600/P1050096.jpg Greetings
  13. Got the big job out the way (getting the engine out of the frame) now I have to prepare it to be washed, degreased, possibly paint stripped and sand blasted (or soda blasted). Full story here: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/engine-clean-preparation-day-91.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-o-0nAdnzNgY/UKebBbsT5bI/AAAAAAAACAE/_ocyzWtQjg0/s1600/P1050091.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-244RxgubVTs/UKebHYS3qwI/AAAAAAAACAM/vPey7nAykcg/s1600/P1050092.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-q0kaj4CZKu0/UKebptqpgCI/AAAAAAAACAU/zIa63ebnTcc/s1600/P1050096.jpg Greetings
  14. Day 85 Engine Removal This is how NOT to get a Suzuki GS1100G engine out: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/11/engine-removal-day-85.html Greetings
  15. Day 77 Front Brake Piston Removal I was having a problem getting the seized brake piston out of my front brake caliper. I took some advice and she came out: Just can't believe those guys on the http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum/index.php. I was able, with their advice to remove this pesky piston: To get the pistons out hook up an airline to the hole where the banjo fits. Make it a push fit using a plastic round piece that you get in the kit for pumping up an airbed etc. Place a thick rag quadrupled over on top of the piston - it'll fly off (and keep fingers out of the way). If the pistons are marked on their sides - even slightly - throw them away. Replace using stainless steel ones and the job is done forever - I think Nick Chambers has them. This is exactly what I did. Have to say I was pretty pessimistic that it would work. But it popped out like a champagne cork. I would have flown off and caused some damage to me or something in the garage had I not covered it as suggested with a rag. What I did was to take a valve from an old bicycle inner tube. Cut it down and screw it into the hole where the banjo fits. Then I attached a foot pump and pumped away. It was necessary to hold the valve in very tightly and it took 2 of us to do. But there you are; done. Thanks Hampshire. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JC5LYp-cyD4/UJVjrDJVD_I/AAAAAAAABnY/nWeC7YjKkr8/s1600/P1040629.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/--Ps0P-LYK08/UJVjwtrNSQI/AAAAAAAABng/0LGIqQRos9Q/s1600/P1040919-001.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-1Zt6sjCX05A/UJVj4hsYzII/AAAAAAAABno/uAIw_xrlTdk/s1600/P1040908.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-L_M3O7-EcN8/UJVj_Ata8EI/AAAAAAAABnw/jxqyGhKoxB0/s1600/P1040911.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-gJdy6vM6NH8/UJVkF0cG0bI/AAAAAAAABn4/0kSnrepTZ7I/s1600/P1040912.jpg Now the thing is can I use this caliper and piston again if I clean them up? Greetings
  16. no thats not OEM connectors but they should just be pushed together and then tapped up.the original would be a square 3 pin block like the one next to it in the picture So I am thinking that maybe we had a new stator installed at some stage. They have been problematic I believe. Greetings
  17. Day 63 I am keeping up the momentum on this project - fear not. Today I continued to remove the headlamp shell, the handlebar switchgear, the instruments, wiring routing and other such stuff. Check out the blog here: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/ http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-_0Cp9coWm30/UIK4LKTiihI/AAAAAAAABgg/yc_JZ97YCVE/s1600/P1040534.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-f4dsakDtldo/UIK4bfQzb1I/AAAAAAAABg4/dVlbPEePWh0/s1600/P1040581-001.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-m6EZcnt5mck/UIKyrnvW3AI/AAAAAAAABe8/-lGTX1ngPhk/s1600/P1040571.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-8Vf5Jn-mPTI/UIK7yQsY2UI/AAAAAAAABiE/cIX8yDjMAys/s1600/P1040590.jpg This last pic looks like someone has really gone to town on the stator wire connections. Does this taping and soldering (I can't pull them apart - so I will have to snip them) look OEM? Greetings
  18. Day 57 Getting along nicely now. See the blog here: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/ http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-cU8aWRJ4vA4/UHyDc4iSgbI/AAAAAAAABXs/ubarIuA5NPg/s1600/P1040488.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-22CZVOfsp60/UHyDoZ1qaeI/AAAAAAAABYM/L8CbK7ag6e4/s1600/P1040493.jpg http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-SNWNazdN01k/UHv57sDphjI/AAAAAAAABV4/J54GmqDYmuQ/s1600/P1040497.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-TQV-FsAkERY/UHv5xPgV6uI/AAAAAAAABVQ/DZ_xQp9QOk8/s1600/P1040502.jpg
  19. 1. Trick - take your time. My bolts had been in for at least 25 years and it has taken me 2 weeks to get them out. Not 2 weeks of total work but a little bit every day. 2. I think the magic formula was a concoction of 50% brake fluid and 50% cellulose thinners. Brush this on twice a day. Mine came out after 3 days of this. 3. Don't be afraid to do some impact driving. I had hex bolts holding my exhaust in and it took me a while to find the right combination of driver bits and 3/8th inch and 1/2 inch converters. Give them a good whack. Do it a couple of times a day. Keep adding concoction. 4. Don't stick on the one bolt, try them all. I spent the first week on one bolt. Nothing moved. Then today I tried another bolt on the other side of the engine. It came out quite easily. So I did some of the others. The first bolt was the worst. See the photos and you understand why. I had spent all that time being put off because the first bolt I tried was the worst. 5. Take your time. Don't expect to do it in a day. 6. My next trick was going to be the blow torch (I ordered them from Ebay but they have'nt arrived yet) but in the end they weren't needed. 7. Trick - try tightening them as well as unscrewing them. My first discernable movement on the first bolt I got out was when I screwed it in. Even the smallest movement is good. Add more concoction and keeping screwing it up (until it's very tight) and then unscrewing it a little. For a time it seemed to me that it got tighter the more I unscrewed it. That was the sign to screw it back in and add some more concoction and wait a little. 8. From the photos you can see that the concoction penetrated the bolts by about 50% (see the darker part of the bolt) which is quite amazing. Click on photos to enlarge: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3VrrqGL-9yQ/UHhLLXMLSBI/AAAAAAAABTk/H1Tk3Yjpdao/s1600/P1040450.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FE0Jqecfp0g/UHhLZYc95AI/AAAAAAAABT0/DLaE8VBW5yo/s1600/P1040453.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tqwKg1ggGl0/UHhL1YjHc_I/AAAAAAAABUM/zr476TqGMOY/s1600/P1040472.jpg
  20. 1. Trick - take your time. My bolts had been in for at least 25 years and it has taken me 2 weeks to get them out. Not 2 weeks of total work but a little bit every day. 2. I think the magic formula was a concoction of 50% brake fluid and 50% cellulose thinners. Brush this on twice a day. Mine came out after 3 days of this. 3. Don't be afraid to do some impact driving. I had hex bolts holding my exhaust in and it took me a while to find the right combination of driver bits and 3/8th inch and 1/2 inch converters. Give them a good whack. Do it a couple of times a day. Keep adding concoction. 4. Don't stick on the one bolt, try them all. I spent the first week on one bolt. Nothing moved. Then today I tried another bolt on the other side of the engine. It came out quite easily. So I did some of the others. The first bolt was the worst. See the photos and you understand why. I had spent all that time being put off because the first bolt I tried was the worst. 5. Take your time. Don't expect to do it in a day. 6. My next trick was going to be the blow torch (I ordered them from Ebay but they have'nt arrived yet) but in the end they weren't needed. 7. Trick - try tightening them as well as unscrewing them. My first discernable movement on the first bolt I got out was when I screwed it in. Even the smallest movement is good. Add more concoction and keeping screwing it up (until it's very tight) and then unscrewing it a little. For a time it seemed to me that it got tighter the more I unscrewed it. That was the sign to screw it back in and add some more concoction and wait a little. 8. From the photos you can see that the concoction penetrated the bolts by about 50% (see the darker part of the bolt) which is quite amazing. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3VrrqGL-9yQ/UHhLLXMLSBI/AAAAAAAABTk/H1Tk3Yjpdao/s1600/P1040450.jpg http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-FE0Jqecfp0g/UHhLZYc95AI/AAAAAAAABT0/DLaE8VBW5yo/s1600/P1040453.jpg http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-tqwKg1ggGl0/UHhL1YjHc_I/AAAAAAAABUM/zr476TqGMOY/s1600/P1040472.jpg
  21. Thanks one and all. I have continued the bolts discussion on my viewtopic.php?f=87&t=46008 rebuild thread where I think I should have put it in the first place. Really difficult to know where to post specific problems so that good guys like you will be able to help me. If I post them on the rebuild thread and you are not following that thread ...... That's why I set this one up. Greetings
  22. Thanks for that. I have ordered the little cheapy blow torch and 4 cannisters of gas. In the meantime: Blog entry: http://suzukigs1100.blogspot.co.uk/2012/10/exhaust-bolts-part-2-day-54.html http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-VX7n3WZXM-U/UHbcHk6Yz3I/AAAAAAAABSw/0QUMXeGgnrI/s1600/P1040446.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-wU8ZQzngmq0/UHbcJ_HDdTI/AAAAAAAABS4/fgcZBjIDdYM/s1600/P1040449.jpg Blog entry describes the process used so far. But I am not going to be forcing them until I get the blow torch fired up. Thanks again. Greetings
  23. Thanks Captain. I've just been to Halfords and got some Brake Fluid and Cellulose Thinners which apparently if mixed 50/50 is very good. Also got a juicy can of WD-40 and I eyed up the blow torches. Bout £15 for the snout and £4 for the small bottle of gas. That will be my plan B (actually we are on plan D by now). Also got a nice 6mm hex bix that fits my socket set. Now if it would just stop raining and being cold and miserable, I would go out into my lean to and give it a go! Greetings
  24. Oh OK. Do you think a hair drier would be hot enough? I can at least try. Worst case scenario is that I strip a couple of heads off. Since I am doing a top end engine strip it shouldn't be too much trouble to then get them drilled out. Greetings
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