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Posts posted by Medic

  1. Dunno if anyone from Leeds, Bradford, West Yorkshire Our surrounding areas fancies it, but I'm having a wide or somewhere tomorrow. Nowhere particular in mind just wanna make the most of the (half decent) weather.

    I'm gonna be aiming to set off around 10.30 - 11.00am ish from around the Ikea area of Leeds and then see where I end up.

    I need to be back for around 4pm.

    Anyone interested should pm me or reply to this post and I'll check back later this eve/first thing tomorrow

  2. Dunno if anyone from Leeds, Bradford, West Yorkshire Our surrounding areas fancies it, but I'm having a wide or somewhere tomorrow. Nowhere particular in mind just wanna make the most of the (half decent) weather.

    I'm gonna be aiming to set off around 10.30 - 11.00am ish from around the Ikea area of Leeds and then see where I end up.

    I need to be back for around 4pm.

    Anyone interested should pm me or reply to this post and I'll check back later this eve/first thing tomorrow

  3. I know I did a fair few last year including one which was a more or less all-dayer run to Scarborough:

    I started from my house but could easily be tailored to accommodate anyone who wanted to join from any point etc.

    The route I took was from Leeds North to Harrogate, Ripon, Leyburn, East then to Thirsk (Stopped for a wee and quick rehydration in Thirsk Market square), then further east to Kirkby Moorside, Pickering and carried on to Scarborough.

    Fish n chips on the front.

    Back in the saddle and South then down the coast to Bridlington, West to Driffield, through the outskirts of York and on to Tadcaster before venturing on to Squires at Sherburn-in-Elmet for a brew. From there you can make your way home 8-)

    Total distance - approx 200 miles

    Total time - roughly 5 hours excluding stops

    Well worth a sniff and some stunning scenery to take in, especially around North Yorks.

  4. I think big rides can be a logistical nightmare.....and I think the police are shying away from providing escorts for such things these days. Not being negative, just observations from a few rides I've been along to in the past..... :) Prostate Cancer charity support is something very dear to my heart.....so depending on the logistics, I would certainly be tempted...... :)

    So if you get any more info on venue, dates, etc post it up and we'll take a serious look at it..... 8-)

    Tbh, I actually agree but from the perspective of raising money it's the best way sort of getting a big input from a local company or similar.

    Will def keep everyone posted

  5. One of the Paramedics I work with is doing 2 Marathons this year for Prostate Cancer - the post to this is HERE

    It sparked off an idea to maybe look at organising some kind of charity ride in the summer. Just a few ideas I came up with so far prior to looking at dates etc;

    Maybe amalgamate with other bike forums we might be members of and really make an impact?

    Look at getting someone like MAG (Motorcycle Action Group) in on it as well as they are pretty good at organising stuff like marshalling etc?

    I have a few contacts in the police who might be able to offer some advice on best ways to safely pull this off - or are some of you a bit twitchy about riding around police? They're usually pretty cool with stuff they might normally pull you for when doing big event rides like this - loud exhausts and dark visors etc.

    Also if you could link Julie's JustGiving page to any posts you might want to post on other forums or sites or even at work, that would be fantastic.

    Your views and opinions greatly appreciated.

  6. Just scoping for a bit of interest to see if any members from Yorkshire areas fancy a ride out sometime?

    I'm from the Leeds/Bradford area, not too far from Jordan Bikes off J27 M62.

    I get a fair bit of time off during weekday days as I work shifts and have been riding years so experienced and sensible and don't ride like I'm on the TT. Usually like to clock up 100+ miles on a run, take in scenery and down a few teas.

    Am gonna be looking at doing plenty of on-board video this year as well for distribution on YouTube.

    Drop me a PM if interested.

  7. Never done a track day and not sure I fancy it if I'm honest. Part of me thinks "hell why not" but another part is thinking I'd be putting myself under pressure to ride out of my comfort zone and I'd only wanna get my knee down, something I've never done on a bike after a slow speed low side years ago.

    Saying that, a guy down my street does one every year after the winter break to get him back into the swing of riding.

    Good idea really. Might have to rethink it.

    Does anyone know if you can hire bikes for track days as I'm sure insurance doesn't cover you to use your bike on track/race days.

  8. My dad won a trophy for the longest distance travelled on a small bike back in the early 90s when he rode my old Yamaha TZR125 from Leeds down to Wales. That distance is not as much as it seems tbh for a 125 - it's only cuz your doing it all in one stint. Just make sure it has its fluid levels topped up, the chain is the right tension and plenty of air in your tires and beyond that you'll hopefully only be stopping for fuel - or maybe not if you take it easy.

  9. So. You've seen my gloves have you ? And you were there when I did the repair was you ? Helped me choose the type of thread and select the leather patch did you ? Help me apply the contact adhesive? If I remember correctly you never even helped me do the triple stitching. No. I am fairly sure I'd remember if you did.

    So it raises a question. What the fcuk do you know about it and whether it'll be a weak point. ? seeing how a part of the glove which is not designed for impact now has triple stitching and an extra layer of leather bonded within it I am Bloody sure it'll be the stronger of the two gloves. :roll:

    To be fair, my dad was a one time tailor who also did leather work. From what you've just described as to how you repaired these, I'd argue the opposite that this part is probably the toughest past if the gloves now.

    I have a pair of Astar GP plus gloves and swear by them. They are summer gives and even though I got mine half price cuz I did some work for Hein Gericke when I worked in design, it'd seriously pay full price for a new pair. I've no doubt that the rest of their gloves are just as good

  10. I don't think most newer bikes have a center stand do they?

    Paddock stands all the way for me.

    As for a fuel gauge, that's a bit pants. Still, no better gauge than opening the tank flap and looking before any ride.

  11. same problem different user name ? viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46537

    Identical post from the same user I would say. Maybe he just forgot his login info and created a new user. Either way sounds like he hadn't resolved the issue.

  12. Did it look like this?


    This spends most of its life sat in a garage where I work covered in dust. Nothing wrong with it, just the guy who owns it has little time to ride it.

    I'm waiting till he's in need of cash then I'll pounce :lol: :lol:

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