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Posts posted by TomGrainger

  1. I'm actually currently at odds with my clutch. I've been having trouble clicking up into neutral from first when at a standstill. I have looked at the clutch cable and there is no room to adjust from that end, so I'm going to take the sprocket cover off and investigate at the weekend. Could this be part of the issue? My tires have recently been inflated, so it's not that. Chain is adjusted and lubed and has no tight spots. I'm pretty sure my back brake isn't dragging (I keep my foot away unless braking), so really not too sure. Perhaps a service is needed, but beyond that I don't know.

    In terms of riding, I use it mostly for commuting and cruise at 4k revs, changing up around 5k (I don't have to go above third on my commute). I'm pretty steady with the bike tbh.

  2. I'm wondering if perhaps I should service the bike. The seller claimed January (I bought it in March) but had no receipts for parts. The exhaust is stock and I haven't changed the air filter. Maybe it's time for a full service and a bit of redex in the tank. Sound sensible?

  3. Ok so I fueled up today having done 111 miles when the solid fuel light came on and I put 13.86L in. That works out at 36MPG which sounds absolutely shit to me. I don't know what size the chain and sprockets are but I believe they are standard size.

  4. Fortunately not a lemon haha, but thanks for the suggestion. I'll take a look at the fuel sensor idea and report back. The fuel light was at the blinking stage when I got to work today so I'll be able to test it. I'll leave it till the light's permanently on then I'll fill up and do some maths.

  5. For some reason, my fuel light starts blinking at just under 100 miles on my SV650, but most people are telling me they get more like 130-140. I really don't understand why this could be. I usually cruise at 4k rpm and change at about 5k. I mostly use the bike during my commute, which has a lot of waiting at red lights. Could this be the cause?

  6. So is it possible there's too much play in the clutch cable and it's not fully disengaging the clutch so I'm not able to click into neutral? Should I start by adjusting the cable and seeing how things go from there?

  7. For some odd reason my bike doesn't like shifting upwards from first when at a standstill. If I want neutral, I have to flick up into it before coming to a complete stop. If I try to half-click to neutral from a standstill then the gear change lever won't have any of it. It literally locks and won't budge until I pull away. I have tried letting the clutch out and pulling it back in, but this has had no effect.

    Any ideas what's going on guys? Praying the clutch and gearbox aren't fooked.

  8. Yeah don't bother trying to derestrict it. You are limited down to 15BHP, otherwise you could easily get one of the crazy 2-smokers that do 90ish. Plus even if you don't derestrict one, your insurance will be through the roof. If you're only on it for a year, don't get an R125, just get a YBR, DT or CBF depending on your preference.

    Once you hit 19 though, the fun begins. That's when you will want to actually think your choice through and buy something with pzazz. For now though, keep it simple.

  9. I've been commuting for 18 months now wearing a full suit underneath my textiles. Stick the jacket in a backpack (it will most likely poke out the bottom of your textile jacket otherwise) and put your shoes in a bag, but just make sure you are properly protected. Nobody looks cool wearing less than full protective gear on a bike and you'll have a lot more pressing issues thatn appearence when you come off wearing just a suit. As far as the creased trousers, never been an issue for me. I always turn up to work with my clothes still looking as they were before I left.

  10. I must say it's tempting. My only annoyance is I've been off the road for 6 weeks (before getting the bike I had issues with it's predecessor) and if I take it out of the garage I'm then going to have to wait for parts delivery and find the time/skill to fit them. Oh well, can't have it all I guess.

  11. Actually they're not getting new fairings, they're repairing the current ones. That's why I'm a bit concerned over the price. the restrictor kit is the main thing that makes me think they're taking the piss. But yeah it's a major sting in the tail. Unfortunately it wasn't dropped on the left side, that end already had damaged fairings, though I guess if the gear selector got broken we wouldn't have even got it to the mechanic without breakdown recovery

  12. So I didn't really wanna make this common knowledge because it was really embarassing but the day I got my SV650 I didn't even make it home before it got binned. The guy delivering my bike (a family friend) managed to slip the clutch and pull the ultimate wheelie. Bike went down on the right hand side and did all manner of damage.

    Upper fairing cracked and scratched, lower fairing scratched, rear brake lever snapped off, front right indicator destroyed, front brake lever damaged.

    This was just over two weeks ago and the garage still haven't fixed it. They've just phoned and told me that the repairs are gonna come to an unbelievable £700 and another £250 for fitting the restrictor. This is the most ridiculous thing I've heard for a long time. The highest quote I'd heard for a restrictor to this point was £170 which, whilst still insane, is not £250. Add to that I know I could replace both fairings for £400 and the other damage doesn't amount to £300 when I look online. Am I going mad or am I being had on here?

  13. Guy who wouldn't let me filter past him today on the way to work. Discovered the red line on my DT is actually a bit higher than I thought when I decided that committing to overtake the car in front of him was the safer option. Thankfully I made the right call and got out of it intact.

  14. Thanks for the advice guys. My only concern was that I'm not much of a deft hand when it comes to things like this and the guys at the bike shop I use suggested I avoid trying to fit a seat cover myself as they're fiddly and a pain to do. Is it simply a case of stretching the material over the seat and stapling it around the edges, making sure you've got the material properly stretched? If so, that doesn't sound impossible if I have a second pair of hands.

    I really appreciate the offer Littlecat, but I think a trip up to Notts might be a little out of my range at the moment. If all else fails, I'll definitely get in touch.

    I've still gotta actually get the seat cover. The post office apparently has it , but I received no failed delivery notification in my post box so it's gonna be a right royal pain to get back hold of it.

  15. So the seat cover on my DT has gone all brittle and ripped itself to shreds as a result of all-weather riding. I've got a lovely new seat cover on the way and I'd rather not try to fit it myself and make a right hash of things. I found one guy who'd do it for me but he's quite a ways away and I'd have to leave the bike with him for a couple of days which I'd rather avoid. Anybody know who I might wanna speak to? I'm in South East Essex and I've tried a couple of upholsterers without any luck.

    Thanks in advance.

  16. Finally got this all sorted. It took about a dozen drill bits to get through the pain in the arse bolt and it took a while to get the silencer on but I'm finally back on the road. All I need now is to fit my new seat cover and the bike is gonna be ready for sale.

  17. So I've just passed my Mod1 for my A2 licence. Awesomesauce. After a horrendous morning during which the stress really got to me and I kicked the cone down the road whilst practising the swerve and also slipped on gravel, downed the bike for the first time in 18 months of riding and snapped the brake lever, I somehow managed to get in the zone and pull off a clean sheet when crunch time came around. Just goes to show that it's never worth giving up, even when you have a really shitty morning. With my exhaust finally replaced and a new seat cover on the way, the ol' gal is looking pretty nice and ready for a new owner so roll on Mod 2.

  18. Still having problems with this. My dad managed to cut the old silencer off and has kind of managed to remove the bolts holding the old one in (there's an unholy amount of rust on the bracket) but now the new silencer won't fit. It doesn't line up with the mounting bracket properly. The front bracket is about an inch away from the mounting piece on the bike and I can't get it to fit. Surely it should fit properly seeing as it is built for this bike? Any ideas?

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