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Everything posted by tazzer1993

  1. Oh fantastic. I think many hours of head scratching and talking to myself are heading my way. Oh well. I do hope it's an easy fix because other than the running issue, she is sweet as a nut.
  2. Sounds like a plan to me! this is going to be a fun weekend. Time to do ALL of the maintenance!
  3. Fair enough. Anything I should be particularly careful about when cleaning the carbs?
  4. Ok. Hopefully shouldn't be too much of a pain. Had enough issues trying to put on the new push throttle cable! Stupid placwe to put it haha. Right behind the frame and coils.
  5. Hello everyone. Have bike and brain malfunction today. It's hard to pinpoint exactly what is going on so I thought I would have an ask on here. Starts up fine when cold. Bit of a pain to work the choke out to stop it revving the nuts off itself or die. Once warm, no problems running for about ten mins, then will randomly die for no explainable reason. Will struggle to start again unless left to cool for a while. Now, it gets even more confusing. While riding, it feels sluggish at anything less than 8k revs. Real bad flat spot at 5-6k. Anything beyond 8k is fantastic though. plenty of power, no throttle delay. Also, at constant speeds of about 20-40, it will splutter constantly until the throttle is opened up. I am utterly bewildered as to what to do with the carbs to fix this issue. Would a simple clean out do the trick? Or perhaps balancing and re-jetting? Thanks. Shiny side up
  6. Fair enough. Will have to check that out. Hopefully, this will all go rather well and she will look pretty again as well as being rapid
  7. Cheaper, but, not cheap enough. I think the DIY option seems to be a good plan now that I have thought about it. Plus even if I do muff it up, there is always the option of buying new if I have to. However, I shan't be buying from China unless it's DIRT cheap
  8. Now, THAT is a plan! Relatively easy to do as well
  9. I'm half tempted to go full gloss black on it with an iridium double bubble. Good look or not? Failing that, I recon dark orange could look rather fetching. That's a point, What can I do about the wheels? Or do I have no choice but to take them to be powder coated?
  10. I suppose I could give it a go. Nothing structural and it can hardly look any worse than it already is haha
  11. Screw that! Just phoned Dream Machine. I'm not going to pay £1200 to get it sorted.
  12. It was a heap when I got it. Sorted out all the mechanical issues by myself. The only thing I can't do is body work. I neither have the means nor knowledge to do it.
  13. Simple really. Be gentle with the clutch (if you're doing it on a geared bike) Smooth use of the controls makes a big difference when riding a bike. Also, before anything major (changing lanes/turning/moving off etc) always do a lifesaver over the appropriate shoulder. E.G. right turn-right shoulder, moving off- both shoulders. Possibly most important of all...DON'T PANIC! Hope this helps
  14. Hello everyone. I'm currently trying to restore a VFR400. The issue I have is that all the fairing kits are apocalyptically expensive. Also getting a cheap one from abroad has a rather large import cost. Any info would be rather helpful.
  15. My baby She shall live soon enough (With any luck that is)
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