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Everything posted by Invisible_Man

  1. Hi, common sense should always prevail. After years of experience (in snapping bolts lol) you get to know how tight is too tight just by feel:-) Even when tightening fixings with a torque wrench you'll feel when your about to strip/snap a thread even if the torque wrench hasn't broken off yet. As for torquing copper slipped fixings I have never had a problem. However I realise where your coming from ie hydraulic effect. In this case I wouldn't use a torque wrench anyway. Just wind the bolts in by hand until you feel pressure. Then even tighten the bolts in a diagonal fashion. Stops the cover warping and potentially leaking or cracking. IM
  2. Use a drop of copper slip on the threads too Every bolt i take out of my bike goes back in with copper slip. That bolt will then never seize again (Hopefully) Cheers, IM.
  3. Hi, There's supposed to be some free play in your throttle so adjusting the idle using the stop is not a good idea. On the side of your carb will be a small idle adjustment screw. Turn it in and out until you get the required idle speed. Easy please. IM
  4. Hey, 20, 000 almost at the end if it life?!?! You've got to be kidding. We had a 125 that did 46000 and it was still going strong when we sold it! IM
  5. Hey, For years I was adamant I would never get a car so only put the effort into getting my licence when I was 21. How ignorant was I to think I'd never need a car! I actually wondered how I managed without! Especially the backseat.... There's also something very nice about arriving at work in the middle of winter been too warm! I still enjoy having a bike (used to be bikes gerrrr) but I can live without one.... I can't live without a car especially now I have kids. IM
  6. Hi, Tell me about it! Problem is I need to run it now and at least recover something from the piece of crap. 6 months and the fuel saving (over the car) will pay for the bike.... If it lasts that long. I've adjusted the clutch and it is Unadjustable. It's either engaged or disengaged there is no in between. If you apply the smallest and I mean smallest amount of pressure to the lever it slips. Although I came across as incompetent with the EFI stuff I'm quite competent with other mechanics Sometimes I just need someone with some experience to shine some light on the problem. Cheers, IM
  7. Hey, Well the other problems are fixed. It starts and runs fine but now I have a new problem. When first started the bike sounds smooth enough, bit of valve noise and cam chain whir but nothing else. However after a few minutes riding and when changing down gears the bike makes a grinding noise. If you slip the clutch a bit when changing down the bike makes a clack, clack clack noise until you pull the clutch in. When stopped and the clutch pulled in the noise goes but there is still a scraping noise. When I bought the bike I thought it was just the chain and sprockets..... The chain was almost hanging off! But even now tensioned and greased it still happens. Oil has just been changed (no metal in it) and there was plenty in when I bought it. Cam chain tensioner has been inspected and reset. Gears changed smoothly. To be honest I can live with it and shall do until it dies but would rather fix it. I'm hoping it's the clutch bearing but I'm no convinced. Any ideas? IM
  8. Hi, Yep i know I suppose my ineptitude with this new fangled EFI stuff is shining through lol Give me non EFI any day of the week! They have a little bit of metal in the middle of the bolt so a normal torx bit wont fit. Cheers, IM
  9. Thanks Don't mean to be a whiney B*tch lol Just a bit dismayed as i bought the bike to run me to work and save me money on petrol. Spending more on repairs now lol Have heard of faults on these bikes being caused by dodgey batteries but alas it wasn't that. TPS is secured by them security star shaped bolts (Dont know the name). Thanks again, IM
  10. Hi, Thanks for the help. Not changed the TPS yet as i have run out of money Bills and food are a priority This will be changed after xmas when i have more time and patience Its been running for 10 minutes. Switched it off and it fired up first time. Hope it keeps firing up!! It was turning over, and failing to start, prior to the bump start until the battery died after too many tries! Cheers, IM.
  11. Hi, Its running after a bump start. ECU light now shows the TPS fault again too. This it had before and was running ok, albeit a bit lumpy on tickover. Other good thing is that its charging at 13.5v at 7RPM. Sounds good i think? Why did the bump start make it run? I'm gonna make a big assumption that the ECU reset itself after the battery was disconnected and needed the bike to be running to aquire its settings again....Big assumption. Cheers, IM
  12. Yep acid in and charged. Tried another good battery and same problem. Just not my year Im
  13. Hi, Another new problem. Fitted a new battery as the old battery was past its best. The bike now refuses to start. Goes through its checks and light goes out......No fault code for the TPS anymore. Can hear the fuel pump prime. Try to start bike on electric start nothing. There is a spark. Stop cranking it over and the fuel pump runs again....Should it do that? Took the injector out. First Crank it spits fuel out. Next crank nothing. Sick to death now and ive only had the bike 2 days!! Cheers, IM
  14. Hi, No loss of power. Just a lumpy idle and very very slight hesitation when reving from idle. Fuel consumption still seems good at around 100mpg. Second hand TPS look to be 20 quid on eBay. If my lad ever gets a bike and let's it get in such a state of disrepair I'll kick his ar*e. There's wear and tear then there's general laziness. Thankfully I did get 100 quid off but I'll be spending that on bits! I IM
  15. Hi, Bought a tatty YBR 125 2006 yesterday. Rode it the 60 miles home and all seemed ok barring the chain which looked like it may fall off at any moment. Whilst sorting the chain i had a bad feeling about the EFI (Call it intuition lol). On checking i found the bulb removed which instantly had alarm bells ringing. Once i had replaced the bulb i got an error code 16 which is for the TPS. I bought this bike to get me through the winter and save my CB500 from the inevitable slips. I don't want to spend a fortune on it all i would like to do is ride till spring then flog it. Is this sensor likely to see me stranded? Is it something that can be changed easily? Very slowly loosing my passion of bikes.......Almost came home and listed them all on eBay lol Cheers, IM.
  16. Hi, It does. Funnily enough i have had the occasional weird noise from the drum....like something popping. Tonight i stripped the clutch and rebuilt it using another CG engine i had. Seemed to cut the vibes in half....Psychological probably lol Tomorrow i'm going to strip the back end out and have a look at the bearings, cush drive etc. Thanks for the heads up on the drum. I shall be checking this also now. Cheers, IM
  17. Hi, Both my Kawasakis did it and so does my CB500. Pull the clutch in and the noise is gone. Never did/has caused a problem. Personally i wouldn't worry about it. Cheers, IM
  18. Hi Mark Sorry to hear that! Hope it clears up! Thankfully I haven't done quite that many miles on it so my numb feet usually feel better after a day or two rest! Still its bloody annoying having to sit on something that feels like it's vibrating like a sonic bath! It' been a problem since i towed my old man and his bike 15 miles home when it broke down. I'm thinking the strain has done some damage somewhere... It's just finding out where! Going to strip the back end off at the weekend and what I have the oil out have a look at the clutch and other easily accessible internals. If that doesn't fix it then it's time I flogged the bloody thing. Will let you know the outcome. IM
  19. Hi, Definitely all there. It used to run smooth as a sewing machine, even more so after I replaced the sprocket. It's not much work to strip the back end down and check everything. Cheers, IM
  20. Hey, Cheers. I'll order some new ones. There is quite a bit of the play! Rear wheel is solid so I'm assuming the bearings OK. Bikes never been the same since I took my old man pillion and then towed his bike home. I'm thinking the jolts knackered the cush bushes. Cheers, IM
  21. Hi, Still on a mission to track down the source of my foot numbing vibrations from the CG125. Looking at the rear sprocket today I noticed quite a lot of side to side movement when pushed and pulled. I realise that there should be some play but how much is too much? The cush driver rubbers where looking a bit eaten when I changed the sprocket earlier this year. Could this be the source of the damn things vibration? Thought I'd ask before buying parts unnecessarily. Cheers, IM
  22. Hey, I've had at least 3 bikes which I never fitted mirrors to. All passed the MOT without even a mention of mirrors. That includes my CB which I MOTd a few weeks ago. Cheers, IM
  23. Hi, That was the plan. Only problem is they my become a danger to other road users. Cheers, IM
  24. Hi Tango, Thanks for the replies No balancer shaft on the humble CG125 Gonna strip the clutch out and see if i can find ought wrong. Cheers, IM
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