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Posts posted by Whitey1984

  1. :stupid: £10 plus vat for loose wheels so £12.50 a wheel. Or £30 a wheel if i just take the bike to them.

    First impression of the Metzlers are good however as the weather was rubbish at the weekend i have only covered about 10 miles so far :oops:

    Will put a tyre review up once ive had a decent ride out!

    How much VAT are you paying? :-)

    Also, why are you paying VAT...?


    Never really thought about it to be honest, i got a quote to supply and fit the tyres to loose wheels!

    This is taken from their website (i quoted 50p too much) http://www.bldgroup.co.uk/service-repai ... ike-tyres/

    I presume because they are a big company so will be VAT registered!

  2. :stupid: £10 plus vat for loose wheels so £12.50 a wheel. Or £30 a wheel if i just take the bike to them.

    First impression of the Metzlers are good however as the weather was rubbish at the weekend i have only covered about 10 miles so far :oops:

    Will put a tyre review up once ive had a decent ride out!

  3. Yeah i hate tonsilitis, get it at least once every two years, knocks me completely out for a week then im golden.

    Usually have the hot and cold sweats and generally sleep a lot. You'll be alright in a few days :thumb:

  4. What year is the cbr? my '99 had a 180/55/17 as standard.

    Only experience of Maxxis were on my mates bike and i didnt like them, just didnt feel stable going round bends at half decent speeds.

    This was about 5 years ago though so they might have improved by now!!

  5. I'm in Bournemouth, and i know where Compton Abbas airfield is now (Google maps) i used to live in Shaftesbury, there are indeed decent roads out that way.

    Getting my tyres fitted at BLD over by the airport, they are fitting them to loose wheels so i gotta get home and fit the wheels back in. Shouldn't take too long but rain looks like its gonna hit right at the time ill be abut finished.

    If you pm me your mobile number ill give you a text when im done and we can organise from there.


  6. Hello mate, i might be free, depends on how long it takes to get my wheels back on the bike and ill be looking to scrub in some new tyres, is compton abbas airfield the one out near shaftesbury??

    Getting my tyres fitted at 1pm, so reckon ill be back on the road by 2.30/3 at the latest.

    Send me a pm on here would be good for a meet up. :thumb:

  7. Is what i do is buy chicken in bulk, then i cook up a load at a time like at the weekend i cooked 12, 6 with madras seasoning and 6 with Jamaican jerk, i then freeze them.

    On a weekly basis i normally get some peppers,red chili, baby sweetcorn, mange tout etc and cut it all up and stir fry it then seperate it out into 5 containers and along with a chicken breast i take it to work, if i cant get to a microwave i can eat it cold. You can add pasta/rice if you want more.

    Then if i have any leftovers from dinners like spag bol, curry then i box that up and take it in aswell.

    I hate buying sandwiches and crisps as you normally spend at least £4 or £5.

    Preparation is the key!!

  8. It's not difficult to take the rear wheel off, the manual gives a very straight forward step by step process, just take your time and note down what order to put stuff back together in.

    I say this as i took both my wheels off at the weekend ready for a tyre change, first time I've taken the wheels off the Gixxer since i got it. Just make sure you have the right size socket for the rear wheel nut and if you haven't got one already a torque wrench for when you put it back in.



    Ok cool, I'll give it a go then.

    Yeah I got a nice shiny tool kit with everything I need in it and a torque wrench.


    If you have a nice shiny tool set then you should be fine but just make sure your sockets are big enough as the rear wheel is 36mm, The toolkit which I've had for years only went up to 20 i think. Halfrauds do decent sockets for £5 - £10 depending on size.

  9. Are you getting up to said speed and holding at that speed while changing up? Or are you accelerating then into 2nd and carrying on accelerating? If your pulling hard up to 40 then holding the speed and changing to 2nd then this is your prob. 1st to 2nd is far smoother while accelerating so short shifting 1st and pulling the reat of the way in second will make it smoother. Also bare in mind because first to second is two movements it needs to be a very fluid movement, its a lot less forgiving than all other gear changes, your clutch disengagement and engage needs to be seemless.

    How are your cush drives? You say chain, oil ect is all good but worn cush drives will cause a lot of feedback


    Yeah I'm thinking it's just down to me not being fluid.

    Hmmmm checking the cush drives means taking off the back wheel etc? Not sure I'm comfortable doing that yet but I'll pull out the manuals and maybe give it a go at the weekend.


    It's not difficult to take the rear wheel off, the manual gives a very straight forward step by step process, just take your time and note down what order to put stuff back together in.

    I say this as i took both my wheels off at the weekend ready for a tyre change, first time I've taken the wheels off the Gixxer since i got it. Just make sure you have the right size socket for the rear wheel nut and if you haven't got one already a torque wrench for when you put it back in.


  10. :stupid:

    Okay i did mine before all this mod one, mod two business. I was 21 when i did my CBT, rode a 125 for 6 months, Then did a weekend DAS course Saturday and Sunday all day then test Monday morning.

    Passed my test with 2 minors :D Jumped straight to a CBR600F and never looked back, the bigger bike was actually much better for me and i felt very comfortable, steadily rode around while gainaing confidence.

    I will never be an amazing knee down god, but I'm safe and i enjoy it :thumb:

  11. I agree in the most part lots of friendly cagers out there at the moment moving over etc.

    However i do have to comment about the guy in the silver audi who obviously didnt like the fact i cut out half an hour of traffic by filtering, when i pulled away at the lights he did his best to sit as close as he could and he even beeped at me at the next set of lights i left enough room so he could pull along side and calmly asked if he was okay?

    I wont post what he said as it wasnt very nice, i just calmly accepyed it said ok, then fecked off into the distance. (although karma got me later with a puncture) :x

  12. I put my bike on a paddock stand and put a bit of cardboard behind it so i dont get shit all over the wheel/swingarm, then spray on wd40 work in with toothbrush wipe of excess crap with a rag, then move onto the next section.

    I then lube it but as you have a scottoiler you wont need to worry about that.

    It says in my bike handbook to use paraffin to clean the chain, i just never got round to nipping to b&q to get any.

  13. You told me this morning you are selling the Kymco today, use the dosh to help towards a second hand CBF125/more reliable Jap bike and save some dosh 8-)


    yeah, i wasnt originally intending to sell the kymco, but after a long, hard think, i decided it was time to, concidering its 15 years old..

    and Soll... yeah im currently with Noddle.. But noddle doesnt tell you an actual number for your credit score. just a scale of 1-5..

    and id like to be able to see an actual score number, so i can see if its increasing etc..

    my credit record now shows no late payments, no failures, no debts etc.. as its all been cleared and off my record now..

    ive just got things on there like my credit card etc, which is always payed back, and at a higher payment than the monthly minimum..

    So if there is no longer anything on my record showing bad payments etc, i dont know why my credit score is still bad..



    I'm with noddle also through Aqua (credit builder card) as i was a silly boy when i was younger i had to take an IVA which is all sorted and closed off now, If your credit builder card is with Aqua you get a free account with Noddle which does give you a number just below the scale from 1-5, there should be a number there and a scale to show any improvements. :)

  14. Yeah mate, its decent, im from Bournemouth so only about a 20 minute ride to get there for me, but wouldnt mind meeting up with a few people a bit further out and riding in as a group.

    Its a quid per person and plenty of places for a drink and something to eat. :cheers:

  15. I think theres a happy medium, local store i sometimes use, greet you on the way in with a nice "alright mate, after anything specific or just come for a butchers" if i ask for something specific they point out where it is, if i just say im looking they leave me alone to look, if i want any help then i ask and they help.

    I would say they remember me but this happened on my first ever time in there and nearly every time since.

    When a bolt fell out my exhaust and left it dangling on the way into work, i bought a bolt from them to sort it and they lent me the tools to put it back myself "otherwise we'd have to charge you an hours labour" ( said in jest)

    I love friendly bike shops.

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