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Paul-Kent last won the day on June 6 2021

Paul-Kent had the most liked content!

About Paul-Kent

  • Birthday 30/05/1971

Personal Information

  • Bike(s)
    TDM 900
  • Location
    Clacton on Sea

Additional info

  • Interests
    Anything mechanical, Drinking Tea, vintage bicycle fanatic

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  1. Paul-Kent

    See ya

    After much battling with my mental health and trying to a happy place I’ve decided that motorbikes aren’t included anymore. I hoped getting out there again would help but it hasn’t, therefore I’ve sold the bike and decided that my biking days are done. just wanna thank Stu and all you gang for my time here. keep it shiny side up all of ya seeya on the other side
  2. Apologies, first year of not using a laptop. I’ll make sure I enter details next time I’m out
  3. I always have used them, just wondered what else was available
  4. Anyone got a link to anything similar that they use?
  5. Completed all petrol stations today
  6. Dry roast or salted
  7. Can’t be precise but a good 3/4 to 7/8 up the gauge
  8. Paul-Kent


    While bumbling through Cambridge yesterday I noticed the temp gauge was nearly at the top but the fan cut in to prevent it. Once I was moving again it dropped down to half way. I've never had a bike get so hot, coolant is present in rad but I do wonder if it’s circulating properly. Any ideas or should I not be too concerned?
  9. Disastrous start today as my new top box decided it didn’t want to come with me but still managed to bag a few clocked just under 240 miles today sadly my trusty notepad and name tag got a bit wet from my drink bottle exploding when top box went flying
  10. Anyone in Essex or Suffolk got a large givi or equivalent top box please. The one that came with my bike is past it’s best
  11. Got a little more done this afternoon. Re positioned the usb socket into faring and de stickered the front
  12. Finally arrived yesterday afternoon !!
  13. Well, now the bike is here, I fitted new horns and an led panel in place of the 501 marker light planned to do a bit more today but feeling a bit
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