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Everything posted by alber697

  1. I dont know why da f you guys talking not knowing a thing just asumimg... I habe to take my cbt to go for the das after. I have been riding bikes since i was 14,i am 27 now... And no i dont want a colourful suite..
  2. ok, so i think i will buy a green ninja and a red suite... Muppets for me are people who criticise how other people look... And people with black bikes and black suites are power rangers and muppets right? maybe 70% of all motorcycle riders haha
  3. So guys will i be able to do my cbt with them shoes or not? Still confused lol
  4. I know i need boots, i just wanna buy them when I know what bike i will get, as i want to buy a leather suit so colours and everything should match...dont want to buy some just for the test. Thats why i want to know if there would be any problem if i took those.
  5. Hey guys, doing my cbt on tuesday, i have no motorcycle boots, so would some shoes like these do? http://i00.i.aliimg.com/photo/v0/60128426798_5/slip_resistant_shoes_for_restaurant_McDonald_s.jpg or will they just fail me and make me go another day? Thanks!!
  6. so, ended up getting a provisional licence lol... one question that now arises is why does it say in the back of the licence that i have AM,A and B licences till 2058?
  7. Well i have just applied for a provisional licence::::: Your DVLA Application Acciones [email protected] ([email protected]) Agregar a contactos 12:22 Conservar este mensaje en la parte superior de la bandeja de entrada Para: [email protected] [email protected] Dear Mr Freire Thank you for submitting your driving licence application online. Your payment has been accepted but in order for DVLA to complete your application, it requires you to do one more thing. You must send some information to DVLA. You will receive an application completion form in the post - please allow 1 week for delivery. Please complete this form and return it to DVLA so that your driving licence application can be submitted for validation checks. Your driving licence is an official document and all applications are subject to DVLA's identity checking system. Once DVLA has received your form it will be able to carry out the necessary checks and deal with your application as soon as possible. Please print this page, and/or make a note of the application reference number and Government Gateway User ID listed below, in case you have a query. You can use your User ID and password to log on and check the progress of your application. _________________________________ and in the process they ask me if i am disqualified in uk or any other EU country, and i say yes, Spain... So not doing anything illegal, i have answered everything correctly. and they have charged me the 34 pounds...
  8. I know i cant exchange it because i dont have it until june, but i mean having a provisionl for a simple cbt which a 16 yr old kid can do
  9. Man they could say yes or no and thats it lol, After asking in so many places and finally DVLA i still dont know if i can take my cbt and theory test, just that hhaha
  10. DVLA have sent me an email: An applicant who is disqualified in Spain cannot obtain a full licence in exchange since a disqualification imposed in this country can be taken into account. Section 88(1B) of The Road Traffic Act 1988 as amended. If a Certificate/Letter of Entitlement is produced and this confirms that the licence is currently disqualified/revoked, it will not be accepted. An application for a Provisional licence from a driver who has been disqualified in Spain should also be rejected unless the applicant was disqualified until a further test had been passed. In these limited circumstances a Provisional driving licence may be granted. ____ Dont fully understand the second part, until a further test had been passed?
  11. A year ago my car driving licence was suspended in spain because of driving my car a bit drunk (not proud of it, hated my self for a few months). I got suspended for 2 years, so next june i am getting my licence back. The question is, now that i live and work in London can I apply for a provisional driving licence and do the theory test and cbt? even if i cant drive till june when i get my licence back. Just to go doing things quicker so in summer i can do the D.A.S. Thank you very much for your help
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