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Posts posted by Picollus

  1. Well, it took some time to come to terms with what happened. Won't bore you but lots more was found and I've just finished my final post operative chemotherapy.

    It caused a massive flare of osteo-arthritis which I didn't even know I had and that I said making even a little walking around quite difficult. But it'll pass and I do have solid painkillers if I need them. Thought I'd drop in and update you all, given it's been a good six months, I could have goosed six by now and the ban would be over...!

  2. Sorry to hear this! They seem to be on the ball so there's a good chance they'll get it all!

    Just out of interest, if you don't mind, how did they test/diagnose that?

    I've been several times to various Docs/specialists for my knees, it's never even been mentioned! :?

    The very best of luck to you


    Pretty significant visual anomaly on the scan which was confirmed with a blood test and 'scraping' (I thought it was called a biopsy but what do I know?).

  3. Hah, just a bit more complicated than I thought - I've got primary bloody bone cancer in my knee.

    Brilliant. Entire knee replacement and hope/pray that it doesn't spread. Ugh.

    Right, I'm off out to get thoroughly twatted.

  4. I really like Bristol, and will be visiting my brother there at the weekend. But I think it's now the most expensive place to live in the UK outside London - property prices are ridiculous.

    I find myself in Birmingham a few times a month, and surprise myself by quite liking the city centre. There's a lot going on, and lots of companies relevant to my line of work (town planning), so would probably be my choice. No idea what you do or how well it would suit though!


    Bristol has less interesting roles for me (law) but I already own property there so I could kick tenants out and move in no problem.

    London has tons of jobs for me, obviously, again I own property there so living there no issue.

    Birmingham, lived there before and loved it but I have no property so I'd need to rent. Surprisingly quite a lot of jobs there.

    I suppose I could just live in Birmingham and commute to London, best of both worlds maybe....

    I'm not sure :(. Going to head out to London in next few days to talk things over with a few contacts.

  5. Ok so, update. It's a bit more complicated than normal and no, I won't be up and about anytime within about three months after the op which hopefully should be within two weeks.

    But, as many of you may remember, I've been kinda hating my role for a while now and though it's been fun living in the middle of nowhere, the emotional healing has been done so I feel ready to get back into the real world. This is a pretty big op, damage done in a similar manner to rennie that probably should have been looked at years ago. Silver linings then, with change comes opportunity. So, resigned today. Three months garden leave as I recently finished that horrible transaction anyway so didn't have a vast amount on and I explained the situation. Six months notice, compromised down to three months at home on full pay, not too shabby.

    Have spoken to a few old contacts in cities and now need to decide where I'm going to move to. Birmingham, Bristol or London. Bristol I have a couple of places but I think is too small. London I have a couple of places but, meh, London. Not sure I want that again. Birmingham, I have no easy property to move into so would need to rent but might be the perfect compromise. Also, awesome cycling and biking country nearby.

    Views? Where should I concentrate my job searches?!

  6. Finally over, it's for the best but still bloody hurts! Still gonna be a few more weeks before I can ride my bike so feeling very lost. Cheer me up?


    It always hurts, but remember it's grief for a relationship potential, not grief over the loss of the actual person.

    Took me yonks to work that one out.

    Anyway, onwards and upwards old bean, make a list of some cool places to visit, plan some routes, look up some nice tea and coffee (and cake!) stops along the way and give yourself something to look forward to.

    Have fun! :thumb: :thumb:

  7. I don't want to come across as a jerk but I want you to consider getting a free consultation, at least in the first instance, with an accountant that deals with IHT and tax planning. You've got some of the basics right, but there are lots of nuances to this and it's worth getting proper advice.

    Remember also, you need to ensure that the gift is classified exactly as a gift not anything else. You will then be able to start using the IHT allowance first and the taper relief will begin to kick in at the various thresholds of time, with the stopwatch kicking off soon as the first bank transfer takes place. It's not too complicated and shouldn't take too much time to get a bit of advice and ensure that a will is in place for any other assets to the estate. Will save you a lot of bother in the long run and hey, if someone with professional indemnity insurance gives you the wrong advice you can always sue their practice further down the line.

    Tax is a touchy subject for me given my job, once had a client who hadn't bothered to realise we weren't giving him any tax advice (clearly marked in our terms of engagement) and so he potentially could have ended up paying NI on a capital gain of several million. Heh, oops. Managed to get it fixed but it's the little things that us non tax botherers don't know about which always catch people. Best of luck!

  8. Hmm, maybe I misunderstood what he meant... when he said six months I thought that was time before it was fully usable but I spoke with a doc friend who has dealt with a lot of serious knee and limb patients and she suggested six months might be including all the rehab and physio and whatnot.

    So hopefully all is not lost. Thanks for the encouraging stories folks.

  9. Not sure TBH, got to talk to the surgeon about what the operation is going to look like and presumably some kind of cast will be needed. I'm in bits actually. The one good thing is that my work comes with a proper gold plated medical cover so I'll be able to get it done privately and therefore hopefully won't need to wait too long to find out about everything. Small comfort though.

  10. So, got no where else to vent this but argh! Ive had pain in my right knee for a while but was putting off doing anything about it. Had a scan recently and just spoke to the doctor with the results. Long story short, it's buggered and I need some kind of cartilidge operation. Likely to be laid up for about six months.

    Crap. :crybaby:

    I might even have to move because there's no way I can ride after the operation (no reliable public transport down here) and the damage is sufficiently bad that I can't put the operation off. Anything else that can go wrong? Sigh.

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