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Posts posted by houdini

  1. Well, still got mine lol, apart from the fact it works out about £25 a week in tyres it does what I want to do for now, may change it for a r1 as a fairing would be nice lol.

    It's a bike to ride not to look at, if I wanted to look at a bike I'd buy a photo, it's cheaper

  2. I appreciate that NearOn, wasnt meant to sound flippant, I was prepared to go on finance and like I said Im very lucky I was helped out, still gonna cost me a grand in interest but its less than black horse aka robbing bar stewards.

    Ive not got kids, wife er even house lol, this is my only real asset and people do think Im crazy for buying it, I think I am but you only live once and i couldnt think of a better reason for busking.

    Im a member of the diavel forum, they did recently have a thread on what else is in your garage and the majority had porsches thought itd be funny to post up a pic of my clapped out builders van. It has been earmarked a rich mans toy which piddles me off, I didnt buy it as a fashion accessory I sure dont treat it like one, rain or shine itll be out.

  3. Cheers, the sound the stock can makes burbles and pops enough to be good without it making your ears bleed, personally the termis dont look as good as say the sportsbie termis and at £2500 no thanks, you can buy a side mount for the number plate to give you an unobstructed view of the tyre but again Im happy with the look stock.

    As for it being a bike for lotto winners no I have to disagree, purely because half the time Im skint I just planned to pay this off over three years and ok I am lucky family stepped in and loaned me a good chunk so its slightly less of a burden but I have to stress, if youve got a love of bikes and I mean Im taking this bike with me to the grave then price doesnt come into it. Every time I open the garage door I feel lucky, and that feelings priceless.

  4. What model was it?

    Ducati Diavel 1198cc based on the multistrada engine with 11 degree overlap, 162 bhp traction control and abs, carbon red version

    When did you buy it and how much did it cost?

    Bought new Aug 2011 for approx £16,025 (gulp)

    Good points?

    Ok where do I start.... Always wanted a duc (and no it isnt because my bestie got one), sublime handling as the 1098 is the clutch and lack of 2 up ability said no, I wasnt even in the market for a bike I just thought it'd be fun to test ride it. It's the only time ever Ive taken a bike out and couldnt stop giggling, the acceleration was mindblowing christ its bonkers; the handling may not be razor sharp but Im fast because I have more faith in grip levels, a lot of that is down to the tyres and the rest is on the technology working away (can see why they say you couldnt ride the bmw sr1000 without it now). At 207 kilos for the carbon version its light on its toes but unlike a sportsbike per say its not front biased, more 50/50 so you dont feel like your hanging over the front into a bend. Unfazed by a pillion both in handling and power was a massive plus. A great point for me was the light (wet) clutch it used, looking around yes the 696 think the 796 has lighter clutches but I wanted big bike torque and a screaming 600cc was no good for me.

    It is a marmite big granted, I love it you gotta choose which way you go on the looks but it really is a bike you MUST ride once, you cant just look at a jpeg and decide, it is a fast, comfy, stylish (dependent on taste granted) biiiiiiiiiiiig crowd puller (not for the shy!) you can keep up and probably pass pretty much everything.

    Ive read all the reviews and yeah gets a bit bleedin the same all the wow never expected it to be this good blah blah, personally Im sceptical of reviews as its me thats gotta pay £16k, I didnt care, when you wake up in the middle of the night thinking I have to have it its like Im gollum and the diavel is my princess.

    Bad points?

    Eats tyres......... or is that my attempts to do a 2.6 sec 0-60 lol

    Initial cost... but really it isnt, I decided Id prefer to go hungry than be without it, thats not a bad point thats lurve :love:

    Would you get another?

    Let me pay this one off first lol, but yes I would, there is no other bike that does what I want it to so well (including my dream bike 1199)

    Any other comments?

    Youll have some members of the outlaws coming up to you saying I wanna fit that swingarm on my harley (dont do as I did and puff up yer chest and say I sincerely hope you dont mean mine!, before hiding)

    dogs bark as you pass

    babies cry

    youll appear in a lot of tourists photos




  5. The z750s was so good i traded it in for a r1 I think, lose track of which one replaced what, will try not to be so fickle now I too own a unreliable italian piece of crap ;)

  6. Agree with the above, lets not be too bleedin obvious in stereotyping manufacturers, Honda = boring Ducati = unreliable etc etc blah blah

    The 696 is a peach of a bike, Ive sat on one at our local showroom and thought this would be a great bike to ride, nice light (that slipper clutch is feather light :) ) controls, nice riding position thought oooo yes please if i had the cash that'd be my ideal second bike.

    You pays your money you takes your choice but since your asking Id go for (these days) relaible exotica

  7. Honda = boring?

    Oh not that one again, cmon bud they just get on with the job in hand, christ how can anyone say a blade is boring; but they do.

    Id go for the bird, the st's are if you like lol inherently bloody ugly bikes, unlike their lush sporty counterparts

    Lol Im his wingman, I sat on a lot of bikes going round saying well if it were me..... and yup, the blackbird does everythin you ask of it and more, the ideal sports tourer in my humble opinion :)

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