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Everything posted by fredsaprilia

  1. bike has been fixed! problem was... clutch plates in wrong order, clutch lever was missing bushes and clutch cable mecanism inside the casing was knacked and ball bearings were jammed,also threads were torn £180 down and it is suposable running incredible smooth so im happy, hope the weekends nice an sunny doutb it though. thank everyone for help. p.s im writing this on psp so hope it works
  2. Seen youre bike b4 very nice but garaging it today in a bit and the first pic is a pic of underneath the lutch cover with the clutch itself off
  3. Im afraid its too late, its off to the garage tomorrow, i changed the cogs clutch cable, gasket of course and tryed to adjust evrything thouroughy (sp?) and myself and my brother have had enough so im just gonnna have to shell out on a garage to fix it. Its just soooo frustrating ive only rid it twice and its really wet my apetite for the speed and handleing caperbillities of this bike cant wait for it to be fixed but can deffinetly wiat for the large bill coming my way. i am totally skint at the moment, well £20 down actually lol. Thanks for all the help though much apretiated.
  4. Basket looks pretty clean, i think it may be the mechanism that the clutch cable to attached to at the clutch end... Because it seems very worn and may not be getting good contact with the clutch at all, so a blob of weld may work wonders. Ill double check the cluch backet tomorrow, the plates are fine, flat as a pancake. cheers
  5. Got 'em replaced now wid shiny new ones, there very tough for plastic even the mashed up one was strong. anyway put the new ones in took the old ones out including broken bits lodged in places they shoudnt, but the bike still wants to go forard when trying to start in gear with clutch in, i hope its the clutch cable. Just waiting for gasket paper and clutch cable now and we will see.
  6. After taking the gearbox/clutch apart after having a clutch problem (waiting for parts) this is what the counter balance gears looked like, i.e. shredded.... Hope this is an ok size. but yh mashed. What could have caused this, just use over time? And there was piece of plastic like this wedged behind the clutch and al over the place luckily not damaging anthing other than the two counter balance cogs.
  7. Gotcha cheers, and just to double check, when refitting counter balance gears the wieght needs to be down verticaly, and the piston needs to be top dead centre right? Does it have to be absoulutly presice? Thanks
  8. What purpose do they serve? thanks.
  9. i have my clutch in bits as of needing to replace balance gears. but should i replace my clutch plates. when do i no when they are getting worn
  10. Im afraid i have been enlightened on what/how to double clutch and it doesnt really work or is good for my bike. o well today i shall be mainly, tinkering with a new clutch cable should do the trick i think. ill keep every posted.
  11. haha yh thats how im feeling at the moment cant wait for the weather to get a little better, and days to get lighter for longer, Thanks very much for all the help i shall not worry about it for now.
  12. WooW well what a revelation, this does take a load of my mind, and i did think it was wierd that it worked fine when its being running for a mile or two. Although i would like to hear another person agree with this theory before getting to excited at the prospect of saving money and effort, but i probly should still adjust the clutches biting point so i have some free play, possible will get down at the weekend, Its a great bike btw anyone who is interested, if you can afford to treat as it deserves you will have alot of fun. promise.
  13. is it not bad for the bike to throttle to aid changeing by slipping the clutch on purpose? because my mate had my problem on a rs 50 and he ignored it (wise?) and he had no other problems with it?
  14. ok ill try again and also i just read this 'The RS125's high first gear means slipping the clutch is a necessity up to 15 -20 mph' what does that mean? is it related to my problem?
  15. yep dune that and there is no free play at all it is all tension and i cant make any play at the lever end of the cable.
  16. resistance when pluuing the clutch in?
  17. This is the thing i cant adjust the cluch cable anymore as the biting point of the cable is practically all the way out, as in lever almost fully extended, Ill will try the oil change though thanks. Also while im here how easy is it to work on the clutch with an older brother machanically minded?
  18. Hello everyone.. I have just purchased a lovely rs 125 yesterday and rode it today, as fun as it was (which it was) it has a clutch problem but im afraid i just cant figure it out. Symptoms: I Can start the bike in neutral fine, however i then change into 1st using the clutch and before i have even let go of the clutch the bike lurches forward and stalls, why is the clutch biting when the clutch lever is fully engaged? Now heres the Odd part if i rev it maybe 5000 revs and change gear with the clutch in it will change into first with no hassle(plates slipping?) and if i keep the cluch pulled after revs have calmed there is no bite at all (hasnt any pull anyway, possibley harder to push than expected though), whats with that? all though my brother says that with the clutch pulled in, in gear you can feel that pushing the bike is harder than is should be. Any ideas much obliged. thanks.
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