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Everything posted by Snoopy

  1. good turnout despite the FREEZING temperatures Sheep-onna-Hog (I think he lives there) Stuart and daughter Lindsey Spire Bexi Trouble and Rog and big sorry to QB, was gettin too cold an dark, we had to do a runner, next time though!!
  2. ooooh, are ya offering to clean it for me? Hmm, there's an idea, £2 per bike to clean it..... you'd make a mint! LOL
  3. not from chesterfield, sorry, but have a butchers at the map..... This is where you're headed for: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=53.003640,+-1.311920&ie=UTF8&ll=53.010032,-1.311836&spn=0.094402,0.233459&z=12&iwloc=addr&om=1 which direction you heading from? I will PM you my mobile number, then you can ring when you get there Do you know where Ikea is?
  4. Bexi..... BP Garage on A610 out of Nottingham. Mind the Speed Scam-eras tho on the A610. And the ring road, thinking about it. Good in Nottingham, eh? Just over the Cinderhill Island, up the dual carriage way towards motorway. One set of traffic lights, and the garage is on the left. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&geocode=&q=52.987070,+-1.208060&ie=UTF8&ll=52.987743,-1.207316&spn=0.005903,0.014591&t=h&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1
  5. Mandy........? tee-totalling..........? on your BIRTHDAY.................? hahahahahahahahaha, yeh, ok, I believe you, thousands wouldn't!
  6. Plan? Plan? Why ya asking me? I'm a bloke, I haven't got the fainest idea! ok, the plan.... get there, park up, and walk round till we bump into each other. or... I have numbers for Spire, Stuart, Bexi and Sheep-onna-hog so can easy find you guys. If you are definately going, drop me a PM, exchange moby numbers and then we can put in calls when we get there. I'm gonna park up on at the car park round the back, on the Il'son side. Stuart, you wanna meet up at the Plank again? prolly best to aim for about 7.00 (well, you get there for 7, I'll be about 5 minutes late, as always ) There, hows that for a plan eh?
  7. Andy 'N' Nikki Keep your eyes peeled for a black/grey and yellow CBR600F. One not too dissimilar to the one in my avatar
  8. excellant! What does she ride? Bet she'll be faster than me too
  9. I am sure Sheepy will correct me if I get this wrong, but.... on the Il'son side, not the eastwood/guiltbrook side i think
  10. Queenie Queenie Queenie.... CANCEL IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Map for those that don't know... Middle of F**king Nowhere M.F.N. 8)
  12. Right, I want AS MANY PEEPS AS POSSIBLE for this one.... Wednesday 22nd August 2007 - MFN Nottingham*, just off J26 M1, just up from Ikea. This means all those living nearest are on compulsory attendance.... Stuart Queen Bodecia Spire Speep-onna-hog Bexi Trouble Andy & Nikki Mandy / Allan Daz + 1 (if it's dry!) Chris SB6 Eskimo Nell Akey Hot Stu Rich 748 Dave H Eyedrivermad OK, thats all the locals I can think of, now, anyone else wanna add their name to the list? Come on guys an gurls, it's just one evening, lets try and make it a good turn out! Post below to confirm you'll be there or PM me for more info Cheers, Snoopy (*weather permitting)
  13. ahh, Daz! see, I not that stoopid after all 8)
  14. It's a good ride from the right side of town, but from your neck of the woods, it's mostly Nottm Ring Road, A610, over J26, then more A610 However, Allan, (See, I gone done an remembered that time! ) will be happy enough to come an meet yet more strange folks hey, you could bring ZX6R peeps along to - sorry, I forgot his name now too
  15. Aye, defo impressed Biggest bike night I remember being at.... er, well, for MANY years Will definately go again and with the weather looking nice today, I rather fancy a run to the Vic too, but I think Mrs Snoopy might have something to say about that
  16. Mandy.... have a look on their website for car / bike nights http://www.mfn-club.co.uk/home.html
  17. Thinking about a pootle up to MFN this coming Wednesday evening if anyone fancies meeting up. For those that don't know, MFN is just up from Ikea, off Junction 26, M1 Will PM a few locals and see if they fancy it, failing that, post below: Cheers All, Snoops 8)
  18. umm, yeh, maybe, should be ok, can I confirm nearer the time? 8)
  19. Snoopy


    wow, thats a pretty overwhelming result then eh? Think most bikers nod tbh, unless their either concentrating on riding, or traffic conditions, oh, or you're riding a moped! Cue opening big can of worms 8)
  20. pffttttt, not many Kwakerists then eh? go on, get yourself a HONDA
  21. yeh, but we got estate agents coming on Monday now, just decided we're moving
  22. yeh, would love to......... but think it's a rapid weekend of finishing off those crappy little decorating jobs for me, you know them ones that never seem to get finished off Ahh well, another time maybe? 8)
  23. yeh, Ambergate route was brill Stuart, good on ya and cheers Mandy, am gonna write it down so I don't forget it
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