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Everything posted by Snoopy

  1. Just a thought, and I'm not entirely sure this is the right place to mention it, but I had mentioned to Vicki about a possible "themotorbikeforum" meet down in Matlock Bath, I know there's a lot of you Northeners, and would be nice if ya fancied heading down to Derbys one Sunday for a forum meet with us Midlanders? What ya reckon, maybe combine the 2 with Borile's trip up this neck of the woods? as I say, just a thought
  2. route as planned coutesy of google maps.... A1M - A661 - A59 - A65 google maps route Unless of course, any locals fancy showing us a better route?
  3. Yep, mcn rideout is meeting at Squires at 11am, hoping to be at DB by 1pm PM me if you want my moby number to meet up anywhere
  4. hmmm, might be joining ya then, possibly, all hinges on working it around mrs snoopy working and my having the kids (and now a tiny little kitten too) to look after. The sunday would be better than a saturday for me, but keep us posted when you're thinking of coming up and I'll see how it's looking. PS, can you bring some nice weather up with you, I'm sick of going out in the wet! PPS, don't ever get Notts / Derbys mixed up when talking to people from Notts / Derbys Just talk to us normal Junction 25 "on-the-fence" types that have to put up with bickering from both sides of the M1
  5. whereabouts in Nottingham are you thinking of heading? Don't forget your bullet proof vest tho, is not the best of places When you thinking of coming up? Is it just a day release, or staying over, or for something specific?
  6. just for fun, here's a link to the MCN thread about the DB meet.... mcn link
  7. so, just to recap... from here, there's going to be Chicane, Stealth, Nickki, Nigelf, Ninja Bear, anyone else? Am going to be there with a group from mcn if anyone wants to say hi at Devils Bridge. Stealth has my moby number, so gis a ring or text when you're there, and er... save us some spaces, lol
  8. Techno.... not Leeds exactly, but a group of us are meeting at Squires Cafe at Sherburn-in-Elmet around 11:00 ish and setting off from there. Just a thought, although I know it'd mean kind of doubling back on yourself Anyway, the offers there
  9. got it.... look out for all car drivers OR keep speeds legal... hmmm, actually, BOTh of them sound about the best advice So, who off themotorbikeforum is going then? just so's I know who to look out for Stealth has my moby number, so will try and meet up with him on the day (about time eh stealth? spoke lots but never met 8) )
  10. Mandy, the hardest part is getting the time to head out to these places
  11. Am planning a run up to DEVILS BRIDGE on Sunday 3rd June if anyone else is going and fancies meeting up? 8) Any ideas where the usual police hotspots are round that neck of the woods, or are they just everywhere?
  12. Snoopy

    Bike or Sex

    ummm hang on.... bikes are fun too, so that cancels that arguement! ok, let me rethink this one
  13. Snoopy

    Bike or Sex

    ok I finally decided which I'm voting for.... I would give up ...... bikes Coz sex is just too much fun (sometimes)
  14. Snoopy

    Bike or Sex

    as opposed to just some monster wiping you out if you're drunk enough
  15. Snoopy

    cbr600 help

    That's the spirit my friend, now go grab a beer, and all will be well with the world once more
  16. Snoopy

    cbr600 help

    Wrexx The easiest way is to just accept that these things are designed to never go back together the same as they were before. It's just one of lifes unwritten laws I'm afraid.
  17. Snoopy

    new tyres

    ok, ok, you drive a hard bargin..... £2.00, final offer
  18. Tuesday Evenings, The Wild Ox, Six Hills, Leicester. http://www.first4gear.com/bikemeets/wildox.html and http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=six+hills&sll=52.800271,-1.047134&sspn=0.195947,0.466919&ie=UTF8&ll=52.801516,-1.067047&spn=0.195942,0.466919&z=11&om=1 I think never been, so not sure exactly where it is, and seems to be a difficult place to track down for some reason but I might be trying a run out to here at some point over the next few weeks.
  19. Snoopy


    is coz i'd like to go by bike, and maybe a quik run before i get there, or else bike wouldn't even get warm
  20. Snoopy


    oh yeah, forgot about this, hmmm, wonder if i can find someone to look after the kids for the day
  21. Hmm same place as the money sugar Paypal me across £2.50 using donation button and I will sort it. fair point, well put, let me sort something out about that then eh
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