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Everything posted by Decor58

  1. What a brilliant day! It was fantastic, I hope to see you all and more there next year.
  2. It looks cold out there...one peice leathers or textiles n jeans??? Im thinking the latter will be warmer!!
  3. I hope it stops raining...think I'll be bringing my waterproofs along for the ride!
  4. I have a slope up to the garage so it's easier to ride it in and back it out. It's just a matter of is the ground going to the garage uphill or downhill? As you are going to have to turn it around at some point anyway. Just weather it's as you put it in or take it out.
  5. That sucks! Everyone seems to be having maintenance problems getting ready for this ride! My new tyre will be here tomorrow =] hopefully I can get it fitted friday =]
  6. ive always loved motorbikes, more than half my fam havehad one n i had one from the age of 7, i just love them, the fact that they are cheaper than cars is just a bonus for me, i love my bike¡¡¡!!!
  7. That is exactly what I wanted
  8. Yeah I know about the types of tires, the only things I'm not sure about is having ones at different points of wear and the effect of different pattens on the actual ride, but I'm going to get into playing with that yet! I know I'm only interested in H speed rating as well. Looking like either £146 for a pair of Avon AM26 RoadRider or £156 for a pair of Bridgestone Bt45 tyres.
  9. Would it effect the bike badly if I only replaced the rear tyre? The front one doesn't really need changing.
  10. I love that lid, considered buying it at BMF but the budget didn't allow and it didn't really match lol
  11. Just found a similar tyre on ebay here but its 70 profile rather than 80 but only costs £85 Edit: That was my though stu but just woundered if I'm being ripped off or if there are other brands/models just as good
  12. I currently have Bridgestone Battlax BT45 tyres, they're duel compound and I've done about 3000miles on the since I got the bike (no idea how many was on them before I got them). I've looked on the Internet and im looking at paying about £112 for a rear tyre and £80 for the front but I don't really have that much money (I will be completely skint if I buy these). I like the duel compound as I do a lot of commuting so needs to be hard wearing but I do like to lean the bike over as well so soft sides is nice to have. Soooooo does anyone have a recommendation of what tires I should go for or should I just revert to being a typical student with no money for petrol?
  13. My lids, depends if im wearing leathers or textiles as to which I wear.
  14. Some bikes there is a lable under the seat with that sort of info on it so check there
  15. I will be going saturday sorry mate, leaving mine about 9ish so get there about 10 hoppefully
  16. oo could this go on the 'Site News' bit at the top to repleace the beetle drive and olympics?
  17. A list of those going? Akey & Willow Korben Horness curz Sheep_onna_Bandit Decor58
  18. Will definately be there, will be back at uni and only an hour away from the start.
  19. Thanks for a great weekend everyone!!! Was fantastic!!! Can't wait to do it all again, assuming you'll have me =P
  20. The weather forecast for this weekend Sat - Sunny Intervals Sun - grey cloud From BBC Weather so we have a small chance of staying dry this weekend but I doubt it some how lol
  21. If we do have a mass ride from the beatle drive I'll definately be there!
  22. The worst I've had is cagers overtaking me in 30 or 40mph zones as I do stick to the limits in towns etc. I just take them back in the next 60 zone with a friendly pip pip wouldn't say its erratic, just jealousy
  23. Sept 4th Willow Akeface Vicki + 3 small-ish people Tenko philgale - prob late on unless im off work Dan & TheWife mojobanana Grumpy Old Git Son of Grumpy Old Git Sept 5th Willow Akeface Vicki + 3 small-ish people Tenko TC philgale Dan & TheWife mojobanana Grumpy Old Git Son of Grumpy Old Git NMan1 Decor58
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