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Everything posted by Welshtoffi

  1. And the arrival....at the Ponderosa today 12.00noon http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs235.snc1/8229_128003054606_672709606_2604376_6263655_n.jpg
  2. 10.30am today at the Ponderosa cameras poised! http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs235.snc1/8229_128003044606_672709606_2604374_7116078_n.jpg
  3. Not sure it counts but my ex and I were on our way to Cornwall and were in the middle lane of M5 and it was quiet nothing on the outside lane, overtaking a van on the inside lane...driver took offence Why? No idea, and we ended up near enough on the central barrier as the van crossed lanes and drove alongside us pinning us in scariest moment ever!
  4. And from a mere newbie....I have combi trousers....leather and textile mix.....
  5. LOL Yep I have the car revs theory in my head, too many revs on a bike sounds harsh to me ....Hey Dana how many miles do you think we clocked up doing our CBT
  6. Good luck on the next stage , sadly I have to take mine on 125cc due to the fact the training centre only have jap bikes where engines are mounted high and I have a back problem and being 5'2" I cannot take them off side stand without injuring my back even with a lowered seat ...now if they stocked Bonnies I would take it So mine is the 125cc and then a restricter on a Bonnie SE, or without a restricter on an Enfield Bullet 500cc (plus classes on how to keep them running )
  7. Congratulations Dana, I am really pleased for you, well done! I got mine on Saturday too.....so My theory is on Wed.... And ditto, had a wail of a time on the road yesterday from 10:30am to 5:00pm with a couple of breaks in between. Loved every minute. Today I celebrated by cadging a ride with a mate on his Honda Fireblade and next weekend with the Training Centre with a ride out to Wales, I may still be pillion but I am noticing so much more now LOL..
  8. Well I got the CBT ....Had a wail of a time getting it too....OK, I need to improve on the clutch control - a bit snatchy but hey that comes with experience. Thanks for all the good wishes and advice....next is the theory on Wed, although not too worried, I am still swotting. Kemp, thanks for your message, glad you were OK,. I am happy I took my time, I am now more confident and with a little more experience, and have managed yesterday to get myself out of sticky situations, not of my making, without a problem. Good luck with your next stage So whooo hoooo to me and now to find my little 125 to get more experience DANA - Hope you got your theory
  9. Dana You are describing exactly to a T the same problems I have had too.... One thing my trainer realised was that when I got frustrated it was time for a breather, a drink, pit stop whatever then got back on and gave me something else/new to focus on and the previous problem I was getting hung up on, sorted itself out. I managed to do a bit of off roading onto a grass verge (no curb) in a car park, by two feet...long story....but the instructor was very impressed because in wet conditions I kept the bike upright, got it off the grass and just continued on my merry way. (albeit I was inwardly shaking like mad LOL) The way I look at it - I want to get it right and feel right so if it takes longer fine, but once its there, I will always have it... I see the 8th is your next date, snap, so good luck and enjoy it
  10. Thanks Urmmm Like Dana I am taking it over a few days LOL...so although I thought the 1 Aug was the day I could go out and buy my L's, they told me that the 8th will be my day..... Had a wail of time in the pouring rain on Sat by getting a couple of emergency stops under my belt, and when the rain stopped zooming about avoiding wasps that seemed to be attracted to the high viz jacket! From a distance when we stopped to chat about things, it looked like that my instructor was battering me across the back and head with his gloves when really he was swotting the blasted stingers. Anyway, x fingers for the 8th, good weather, no wasps and L plates at the end of it
  11. Can I join the club? As you can see I am not disappointed, I know next time I will get it, its just that confidence thing. As it was the very first time I have ever been on a bike as a rider rather than pillion, I did OK .....My OH got his and I really pleased for him, he is shocked that he got it. To all those that failed....remember we can do it, but at our own pace One thing I have realised today, car drivers need to ride a bike for a day, damned dangerous they are!!!!! LOL (and I am a car driver too)
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